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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: verdaeni on 2006 August 21, 23:53:02

Title: the right visitor controller hack
Post by: verdaeni on 2006 August 21, 23:53:02
im looking for two jeffs customer cntroller hack, not the visitor banner.   we talked about it, so i know its here, i even downloaded it once.   but i cant find it.   can someone help me out with a link?

Title: Re: the right visitor controller hack
Post by: Ness on 2006 August 22, 00:03:53
that's because it's Pescado's customer selector...,4568.0.html

Title: Re: the right visitor controller hack
Post by: verdaeni on 2006 August 22, 00:14:43
okay thats good, but does this one allow you to up the number of customers?   i had a hot teenage site before ofb, and now there is no one in there.  other non selected stores also have no visitors.   i was looking to rtfm on the right one,  am i barking up the wrong hack?

Title: Re: the right visitor controller hack
Post by: dizzy on 2006 August 22, 00:17:57

Title: Re: the right visitor controller hack
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 August 22, 07:17:33
The number of customers allowed on a lot by the Customer Selector presently obeys the Maxis ruleset. Options for increasing this limit as business rank increases to beyond Maxis levels will be taken under consideration. Not sure why your "teen hotspots" have died, other than that such a thing doesn't exist pre-OFB, as any random idiot will visit any community lot, regardless of how suitable it might be.

Title: Re: the right visitor controller hack
Post by: Avalikia on 2006 August 22, 19:15:32
They were probably using Two-Jeffs paintings before.

Title: Re: the right visitor controller hack
Post by: verdaeni on 2006 August 22, 20:48:15
yeah, the teen hotspot was with two jeffs red lady bannings.   i guess my hotspots are blue with cold forever now!  they were a great place to meet people, i just put the high advertisement draws in them and let people play while i took a game break.  well thanks for clearing that up.

Title: Re: the right visitor controller hack
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 August 22, 20:52:09
I think the reason your teen hotspots are dead is because the game previously imposed a draconian teen curfew that made it basically impossible for it to be an appropriate hour for them to appear. Something I had fixed that....

Ah, yes. Less Whiny included the fix for the bugged teen curfew hours. Apparently, in order for teens to be allowed to appear, the time had to be simultaneously less than a certain value, AND greater than another value that was bigger. This, of course, made it impossible.

Title: Re: the right visitor controller hack
Post by: verdaeni on 2006 August 22, 21:16:46
i have less whiny.  but i have problems with my hacks,  where they dont seem to be working all the time.  i know this is impossible.  nevertheless it appears to be so.   sometimes payatbox works,  some houses it doesnt.   and so forth.  but the heat of the teen spot came from having every high advertising appliance possible.  if you impose ofb rules over this, which explains another lots poor draw,  my hotspot just gave up the thermal ghost.   i have an adult hotspot with all the games and toys and tv/game systems and computer/game systems and no one goes in there either.  now i know why.  stupid game wants me to build a clientelle.   

Title: Re: the right visitor controller hack
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 August 22, 21:20:47
Pay at box is a discontinued product not listed as compatible with OFB or NL, which is why it doesn't work. The presently recommended solution is the Hacked Windkeeperian, available in another thread somewhere.

Title: Re: the right visitor controller hack
Post by: Sleepycat on 2006 August 22, 22:33:02
I set InSim to auto-pay-bills   ;D

InSims budget adjuster has a couple options for paying the bills  ;)

Title: Re: the right visitor controller hack
Post by: verdaeni on 2006 August 23, 13:39:13
smacks head with fist!  i thought i had gone through that list carefully.  okay no pay at box.   i'll keep my eye out for hacked windskeerarian  and what is InSim?  a hack or some of maxis variables?

Title: Re: the right visitor controller hack
Post by: Avalikia on 2006 August 23, 14:44:13
But InSim is the puppy killer!  Won't someone please think about the puppies?

Title: Re: the right visitor controller hack
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 August 23, 15:00:42
Verdaeni - Insimenator (

Hacked Windkeeperian (

Title: Re: the right visitor controller hack
Post by: verdaeni on 2006 August 23, 19:10:23
the puppies are all long dead on my machine, sorry!

thanks for the clarity bluesoup! good to see you here.