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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Gus Smedstad on 2006 August 21, 23:40:53

Title: Anyone have an OFB solution for Permanent Platinum?
Post by: Gus Smedstad on 2006 August 21, 23:40:53
I'm thinking about firing up the game again after a long absence, but I see that Hook's "semi-permanent platinum" hack isn't compatible with Open For Business.  That hack was one of the few that let me tolerate lifetime wants.  Using the Maxis rules, the permanent-platinum status turned my older Sims into a boring waste of space.

Has anyone addressed this again?  Even just turning off permanent platinum would be sufficient.

 - Gus

Title: Re: Anyone have an OFB solution for Permanent Platinum?
Post by: Ness on 2006 August 21, 23:47:51
so use the lot debugger to toggle the LTW bit - turns the permaplat off.

Title: Re: Anyone have an OFB solution for Permanent Platinum?
Post by: Gus Smedstad on 2006 August 22, 00:38:10
I've never actually used the lot debugger, so I wasn't aware that was a feature.

 - Gus

Title: Re: Anyone have an OFB solution for Permanent Platinum?
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 August 22, 02:21:38
I've never actually used the lot debugger, so I wasn't aware that was a feature.

Oh, the lot debugger is a must on every residential lot.  It fixes bunches of little niggling problems that crop up, completely under you control.  Once you have it, you'll wonder how you lived without it. :)

Title: Re: Anyone have an OFB solution for Permanent Platinum?
Post by: gali on 2006 August 22, 04:38:03
You can use the Merola's Multi-Painting - the aspiration is on it's left side with several options.