More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Orikes on 2006 August 21, 14:13:03

Title: Flooded Basements
Post by: Orikes on 2006 August 21, 14:13:03
I downloaded a bunch of the houses in the Awesome Contest and placed them all in the same area of my neighborhood. When I went into the lots to take a look at them and modify them (because I can never leave a lot 'as is'), I discovered that the basements were all flooded.

Now, I'm thinking this has to do with where in my neighborhood I put them. The neighborhood is the same terrain as the one that comes with OFB. Blue something. I wanted some oceanfront property and was tired of the Isla terrain. Unfortunately, I think that the area I placed all these houses is too low to have a basement.

Is that true with terrain on the ocean? and is there a way to fix it other than moving the houses to 'higher ground'?

P.S. Some of these houses are indeed awesome. Good job, folks.

Title: Re: Flooded Basements
Post by: Marvelleaux on 2006 August 21, 15:47:11
I had this happen with a house that I built whose occupant had "a little accident".  I didn't move the lot after his death.  When I moved a new sim into the house the basement was flooded.  I didn't nothing to try and fix it (I thought it was kinda cool) and after some game play the problem corrected itself. 

Title: Re: Flooded Basements
Post by: Theo on 2006 August 21, 15:56:02
I never seen that effect. Can you post pictures of the flooded basement?

Title: Re: Flooded Basements
Post by: Orikes on 2006 August 21, 15:57:56
Sure... but not until I get home from work tonight. :)

Title: Re: Flooded Basements
Post by: Elven Ranger on 2006 August 21, 19:19:55
Bluewater? If so its a bit of a bug in that N'Hood .... flooded basements :)
I kinda like it myself.

Title: Re: Flooded Basements
Post by: jrd on 2006 August 21, 20:33:02
The same problem occurs with Veronaville, and any other terrain with surface-level water.

Title: Re: Flooded Basements
Post by: Orikes on 2006 August 21, 20:39:24
I was thinking it might be the problem with the terrain. It is the Bluewater terrain, so there's some lower lying areas and some areas up on hills. The houses in the hills can have basements just fine.

Title: Re: Flooded Basements
Post by: simmiecal on 2006 August 22, 14:40:42
It happens when the terrain levels are too low. I had this problem with some of the neighborhoods I was making in SimCity. I was trying to get beach level land so I could have "ocean front" property. Every house I put in would have the underwater effect and sometimes flood the streets. Wouldn't be too bad for a "natural disaster" neighborhood.

Title: Re: Flooded Basements
Post by: Orikes on 2006 August 22, 16:44:08
Totally bizaare thing.

I moved a sim into one of the affected houses because I was curious. Lo and behold, the flooding is gone. I checked three of the houses that had been flooded and now none of them are showing flooding in the basements.


Title: Re: Flooded Basements
Post by: starrling on 2006 August 22, 23:34:18
This is why I create two basic types of custom terrains:  those that will properly handle basements and those that won't.  To handle a basement, I use the "up-terrain" button in SC4 several times so that it's high land.  Then you can dig all you want.  But sometimes, like Simmiecal said, you want a beach?  You'll have flooding.  But hey, it's rather realistic don'tcha think? 

Title: Re: Flooded Basements
Post by: Orikes on 2006 August 23, 14:42:47
Oh yeah, it definitely makes sense. :) I was just a little surprised by it at first.

Title: Re: Flooded Basements
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 August 24, 00:51:13
Hey, in real life, anyone who builds near an ocean is going to have to get used to the whole "being underwater" thing. Many people, of course, act all surprised when their stuff winds up underwater, even though they were dumb enough to build it near the ocean.

Title: Re: Flooded Basements
Post by: Marvelleaux on 2006 August 24, 00:54:40
I moved a sim into one of the affected houses because I was curious. Lo and behold, the flooding is gone. I checked three of the houses that had been flooded and now none of them are showing flooding in the basements.

So did you change anything about house before you moved them in??  I'm curious because I don't remember doing anything and the water just "went away".  Maybe I did change something and just don't remember doing it...  That would be freaky.

Title: Re: Flooded Basements
Post by: Orikes on 2006 August 24, 14:40:37
Nope, didn't do anything different to the house. On one day, I downloaded the house and put it into the neighborhood. Went in using the build mode to check it out and saw that the basement was flooded. The following day, I took a sim, put him on a cheap lot to give him some cash, then went into the more expensive lots from the contest. Moved him into a house and discovered there was no flooding in the basement. Checked three houses out by moving him around. No flooding.

Title: Re: Flooded Basements
Post by: MyPrecious on 2006 August 25, 00:41:04
Hey, in real life, anyone who builds near an ocean is going to have to get used to the whole "being underwater" thing. Many people, of course, act all surprised when their stuff winds up underwater, even though they were dumb enough to build it near the ocean.

Hummm yeah I did that…LOL and there was me thinking ah it's a game who gives a rats butt? But the neighbourhood did…

So I have to drain the flipping things cos I place my houses by the beach by painstaking choice (anal, I have to be able to have a sandy garden and see the water); so basements (not an English thing anyway, now cellars well that's something else)  have been all made one wall depth deep…drat… :-\

Title: Re: Flooded Basements
Post by: Ellatrue on 2006 August 25, 01:38:01
I actually like the flooding thing because it is more realistic... it allows me to have the houses up on stilts above the water...