More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: SaraMK on 2006 August 20, 11:40:33

Title: The thing that's wrong with scholarships.
Post by: SaraMK on 2006 August 20, 11:40:33
I've been thinking that the scholarships were not handled very well by Maxis.

Say you have a teen sim who has maxed out Cooking and Logic. She has a Want to get the Cooking scholarship. You call... and the game gives you both. I don't want both, I want just the one she will get points for! It would make so much more sense.

Couldn't they have stuck a "Don't accept right now" button on that dialog? Stupid Maxis, not thinking of something so obvious.  ::)

Title: Re: The thing that's wrong with scholarships.
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 August 20, 11:43:50
I've been thinking that the scholarships were not handled very well by Maxis.

Say you have a teen sim who has maxed out Cooking and Logic. She has a Want to get the Cooking scholarship. You call... and the game gives you both. I don't want both, I want just the one she will get points for! It would make so much more sense.
Maxis probably did not anticipate people being so awesome as to be able to qualify for more than one at a time.

Title: Re: The thing that's wrong with scholarships.
Post by: SaraMK on 2006 August 20, 11:46:23
True enough. :)

Title: Re: The thing that's wrong with scholarships.
Post by: Gwill on 2006 August 20, 14:03:19
I think students with undead parents should qualify for the orphaned sims scholarship.  It always annoys me that they don't, but that townie teens who never had any parents to start with do qualify.
The requirements only says "no living parents" not that they have to be dead.

Title: Re: The thing that's wrong with scholarships.
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 August 20, 14:15:45
Townie needs qualify because they have no living parents. In fact, they don't have any at all. Not that it matters, because they can't normally apply for a scholarship.

Title: Re: The thing that's wrong with scholarships.
Post by: Gwill on 2006 August 20, 14:19:40
I've only once sent a townie to college and that was only because she got eaten by the cowplant and I ressurected har as a Zombie.  I moved her to college to get her off my lot without stealing half my funds.

Title: Re: The thing that's wrong with scholarships.
Post by: rohina on 2006 August 20, 17:17:27
I think scholarships should be more competitive and variable. Why don't you get more money for a maxed skill than you do for only 8 points? Also, most actual scholarship funds aren't bottomless, so why does every single teen in the neighbourhood get the Tsang footwork award?

Title: Re: The thing that's wrong with scholarships.
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 August 20, 17:26:49
I think scholarships should be more competitive and variable. Why don't you get more money for a maxed skill than you do for only 8 points? Also, most actual scholarship funds aren't bottomless, so why does every single teen in the neighbourhood get the Tsang footwork award?
I'm sure the interest on the unspent funds stretched out over however many years covers the difference. I mean, how many teens do you REALLY have in the game, anyway? It can't be more than a half dozen or so a year winning that, and it's only what, $750? Let's figure 10 people win it a year, that's $7500. Let's figure 3% interest, which means about $250K. I'm pretty sure your sims aren't draining it dry faster than it would probably accumulate. I mean, you're the only people on campus who actually *HAVE* the scholarship.

Title: Re: The thing that's wrong with scholarships.
Post by: Ness on 2006 August 20, 21:02:01
The dance scholarship is §1000.

Title: Re: The thing that's wrong with scholarships.
Post by: SaraMK on 2006 August 20, 23:36:29
What also annoys me is that they didn't add even one single scholarship with OFB. Teen Business Tycoon? For the badges? Something? Even NL supported its vampires with the existing undead scholarship, but teens are considered unemployed if they take advantage of the options OFB gives them and do something like run a lemonade stand (granted, a completely worthless biz venture).

Title: Re: The thing that's wrong with scholarships.
Post by: rohina on 2006 August 21, 02:53:32
It is highly irritating. I think gold badges should get scholarships, too.
I had a teen who was employed by her older brother in his home business (she lived on another lot). She went to work for him every day and earned a gold sales badge, but was just "employee" according to the game, so she didn't yet the entrepreneur's award. So stupid, because her job was no different to a fake maxis job.

Title: Re: The thing that's wrong with scholarships.
Post by: Jelenedra on 2006 August 22, 16:03:19
Is it possible to create new scholarships? Or is it hard-coded?

Title: Re: The thing that's wrong with scholarships.
Post by: Ness on 2006 August 22, 21:01:33
I suspect that like the LTWs, turn ons, turn offs, the damn things are hard coded.

Title: Re: The thing that's wrong with scholarships.
Post by: Jelenedra on 2006 August 22, 21:22:36
Curses! Foul Maxis!

Title: Re: The thing that's wrong with scholarships.
Post by: jrd on 2006 August 23, 15:31:15
If the topic is scholarship annoyances, what about the undead scholarship grant?

I see no reason why my vampire teens should get a text tailored for zombies.
Likewise, a child of two vampires should be eligible for the orphan grant: both parents are, after all, deceased (undead is still dead).

Title: Re: The thing that's wrong with scholarships.
Post by: rohina on 2006 August 23, 17:12:13
The undead scholarship is a bogus trade-off. My zombie couldn't get his grades to go up, no matter how much homework he did. So he lost the 1,000 simoleon good grades grant and gained the 1,500 zombie grant. Not really worth it.

Title: Re: The thing that's wrong with scholarships.
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 August 23, 17:40:16
Zombies don't really have any particular malus towards increasing their grades, but many bugs can potentially inhibit grade-increasement, particularly when your butt is as hairy and ugly as yours is. And that sounds "worth it" to me. A net gain of +500 isn't a gain, even if that WAS the cause, as opposed to merely your hairy-butted stupidity and incompetence?

Title: Re: The thing that's wrong with scholarships.
Post by: rohina on 2006 August 24, 04:36:13
Well, I had him do his homework and go to school. What else can affect teenagers' grades?

It's summer. I cut my butt hair because I'm doing a lot of swimming.

Title: Re: The thing that's wrong with scholarships.
Post by: SaraMK on 2006 August 24, 04:36:38
Did you, by any chance, make the teen a zombie on the first day he turned into a teen? That is known for causing the grades to stick (you'll never be able to raise them). The solution is letting them age at least one day. For a zombie you'll need a hack to accomplish that. Vampires (also affected by glitch) can be temporarily cured.

Title: Re: The thing that's wrong with scholarships.
Post by: rohina on 2006 August 24, 17:17:05
I don't think so, but I might have. Stupid glitch.