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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: LynnMar on 2006 August 19, 00:00:22

Title: fussing outside locked mime doors
Post by: LynnMar on 2006 August 19, 00:00:22
do you have a hack that keeps the sims from fussing outside of a locked myne or mime door?   thanks   :)

Title: Re: fussing outside locked mime doors
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 August 19, 00:01:18
"No Route Fail"?

Title: Re: fussing outside locked mime doors
Post by: LynnMar on 2006 August 19, 00:08:52
I have one installed but I don't know if it is yours or Inges'  but it is not working.  So, I will download yours now and try it.   thanks  JM

I did have the wrong one, it said no route fail animation,  I think that was Inge old one.

 I got your updated one now.

Title: Re: fussing outside locked mime doors
Post by: SaraMK on 2006 August 19, 07:04:32
I think the problem with the Mine doors may be that the "don't see anything inside" thing gets unset. Inge Jones had a hack to fix that. You might want to check here: it's the NO UNSETTING ROUTBLOCK FLAGS.

Title: Re: fussing outside locked mime doors
Post by: Magicmoon on 2006 August 19, 11:45:42
I keep musical instruments behind locked doors because visitors will jump on them and stay all day and drive me nuts. I have both "no route fail" and Inge's patch, but often visitors will spend their day hanging around the locked door trying to figure out how to get in there anyway.

Title: Re: fussing outside locked mime doors
Post by: ChibyMethos on 2006 August 21, 14:23:22
I personally find the fussing the thing that makes the locked doors the most fun. Especially with the mascots and thoes damn cheerleaders.

Title: Re: fussing outside locked mime doors
Post by: Flamingo on 2006 August 21, 14:29:27
Yes, well, only if you have the nouniprotect mod installed. Then they'll probably obsess over them until they pee themselves and pass out in it, along with a few other gems that come from Sims' inept ability to take care of themselves.