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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: bluecatvon on 2006 August 18, 18:29:59

Title: I wanna know what this ghost is thinking bout
Post by: bluecatvon on 2006 August 18, 18:29:59
I killed Tucker using the cow plant, and after many nights he finally came out to haunt!

1st time i've ever seen a green ghost. He looks like The Grinch  :D

He's constantly, and actually only, complaining about a member in the family. She was a child and Tucker died before she was ever born. But it seems like he harbors some grudge towards her, which is strange. He has her face in his thought bubbles and a big red cross over her face. Then he thinks about this family aspiration icon, only it's in red.

Before his death he was the lover of the child's mother. Could this be it?

Just had to know  :D I've never seen a ghost holding a grudge

Title: Re: I wanna know what this ghost is thinking bout
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 August 18, 18:43:56
Ghosts apparently are programmed to be annoyed if a family other than their former family number moves there. If he wasn't a resident, his family stamp will be of some other family and he'll be automatically annoyed at the residents. Ghosts are weird like that.

Title: Re: I wanna know what this ghost is thinking bout
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2006 August 18, 19:55:50
Even the dormies do that in my game.  In particular, they tend to have it in for whichever dormie replaced them.  But I've also seen it with family members.  I remember in my first Pleasantview, when I deleted Cornelia's grave by mistake (before the days of urnstone protection) and had to copy her file over from Program files, she acted as if she was newly-dead and refused to accept Alexander's second son as part of the family because he wasn't born at the time I re-killed her (although to her he wasn't family anyway, as he was her great-grandson so therefore not family according to the game).  Also, the Oldies used to really have it in for Dustin until I married him to Angela, although they weren't very nice ghosts anyway - in fact, they were pretty nasty.  Angela & Dustin had moved into their house after they died, but presumably they were OK with Angela being there as she was family.

Title: Re: I wanna know what this ghost is thinking bout
Post by: bluecatvon on 2006 August 19, 08:26:11
haha, weird ghosts. Then the red family aspiration icon means the child wasn't a part of the family?

Title: Re: I wanna know what this ghost is thinking bout
Post by: seventhson on 2006 August 19, 10:49:51
haha, weird ghosts. Then the red family aspiration icon means the child wasn't a part of the family?

I'm pretty sure that just means your ghost was a Family Sim.

Title: Re: I wanna know what this ghost is thinking bout
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 August 19, 14:17:26
Yea, they get the red aspiration icons of whatever aspiration they had while they were alive.

Title: Re: I wanna know what this ghost is thinking bout
Post by: bluecatvon on 2006 August 19, 14:26:30
haha, that may just be the answer. I forgot what aspiration Tucker was. But case close! thanks very much! Now i can point and laugh at him :p