More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Elvie on 2006 August 16, 20:32:40

Title: TS1 - 'cause I can't be the *only* one...
Post by: Elvie on 2006 August 16, 20:32:40
Nobody beats MATY for the bestest TS2 info and mods.

Wouldn't it be swell to have a TS1 corner of the site for those of us who still play the original? 

Heck, it would even be awesome to have a TS1 FAQ for content and mods.

Title: Re: TS1 - 'cause I can't be the *only* one...
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 August 16, 21:01:04
We don't *HAVE* any TS1 content or mods, so that would be pointless.

However, you're welcome to pretend we do. I place you in charge of the imaginary TS1 section.

Title: Re: TS1 - 'cause I can't be the *only* one...
Post by: staroverthebay on 2006 August 16, 21:59:27
... actually, you CAN be the only one.

There Can BE Only One.

*argh... fucking Duncan MacLeod syndrome again!*

Title: Re: TS1 - 'cause I can't be the *only* one...
Post by: dizzy on 2006 August 17, 00:36:37
I still have TS1+LL here. I never play it because the sims move like tanks and stomp their feet every two seconds.

Title: Re: TS1 - 'cause I can't be the *only* one...
Post by: Mizz Rose Bud on 2006 August 18, 21:27:48
I´m not sure if I understand this correct ... sorry if that is a fact. *LOL*

My friend Junipur plays TS1, and she was concerned (sp?) about feeling alone, when TS2 came out ... you can find her in N99´s TS1 forum, and maybe lurk her over here .... then you are 2  :P


Title: Re: TS1 - 'cause I can't be the *only* one...
Post by: dizzy on 2006 August 18, 23:19:04
Heh.  :D

Sims 1 was great for the time but it was a nightmare to play. The sims would spaz about every little thing. Privacy was a huge deal in the bathroom, but that wouldn't stop sims from barging in, blocking the sim onto the toilet for about five hours, then throwing a tantrum because they can't get to the toilet (which they still sometimes do anyway). Heaven forbid you don't let them sleep till their energy meter fills all the way (another thing to throw a tantrum over).

As bad as the routing code *still* is I can't imagine how bad it must have been in those days.

If another sim blocked their path for even a moment, their routing routines would freak out and lock up solid. Here's a thought: go around blockages. Or how about not being so damned picky on collisions in the first place? Want to speed them up? You had to hover the cursor over them to do that. Have a burglar? No problem. Just have a sim standing near the front door. When the burglar even ever so slightly brushes up against another sim, he'll stand there looking confused for hours.

Title: Re: TS1 - 'cause I can't be the *only* one...
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 August 18, 23:35:33
Sims 1 was great for the time but it was a nightmare to play. The sims would spaz about every little thing. Privacy was a huge deal in the bathroom, but that wouldn't stop sims from barging in, blocking the sim onto the toilet for about five hours, then throwing a tantrum because they can't get to the toilet (which they still sometimes do anyway). Heaven forbid you don't let them sleep till their energy meter fills all the way (another thing to throw a tantrum over).
That's because it was a time of desolation, chaos, and uncertainty. A time before...More Awesome Than You. Can you imagine what would have been done about it if we had hacking tools and More Awesome Than You back then?

Title: Re: TS1 - 'cause I can't be the *only* one...
Post by: Paperbladder on 2006 August 19, 00:18:56
Expansions were executed better in TS1 than they were in TS2 though, the only buggy ones were Vacation and Superstar.  Hot Date's dating system was superior to Nightlife and didn't have exploits.  In addition, these expansions added skins, and objects which people whined and bitched on how they were designed.  I believe the later ones added less than the earlier ones, but it was loads better than the BS they give us with all of the TS2 eps.

Yeah, there were issues with privacy and routing.  However, it pales in comparison to the annoyances in TS2.  At least the stupid phonecalls in TS1 sometimes gave you money.  Of course, the majority of these annoyances are fixed by hacks.

Title: Re: TS1 - 'cause I can't be the *only* one...
Post by: LynnMar on 2006 August 19, 12:06:44
this reminds me that I was visiting my 7 year old granddaughter and she was playing sims1,  she had the lady dressed in those old ugly default pajamas, and the woman never had any green bars, she had three dogs and a dragon.    ::)

  I was trying to help her and get her some hacks,  or at least keep the woman from dying, but she said,  " I can do it myself grandma"      It was freakin me out, so I left the room.  lol

My daughter said that is the way she plays mom, she won't let me help her either.

Title: Re: TS1 - 'cause I can't be the *only* one...
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2006 August 19, 15:15:54
All my TS1 stuff is on a pc nobody uses anymore, I keep saying I am going to plug it in somewhere and copy the stuff to mine.  I have to admit that I really do miss Makin' Magic, I really loved that expansion and it's still my favourite, including all the TS2 ones. I liked the mini-adventures in it and I desperately miss the hole in the ground, not to mention Magic Town itself.  I liked Superstar too, even though I hated the thought of it when it came out.  Houseparty, however, was absolutely ghastly.

Title: Re: TS1 - 'cause I can't be the *only* one...
Post by: Nova on 2006 August 19, 17:42:43
I just loaded my Sims the other day and played with Bob and Betty.  Call me nutty, but I still love the game.  GreenSims forum has a section for Sims 1 and it is quite active.  Worth a look, in my opinion.

Title: Re: TS1 - 'cause I can't be the *only* one...
Post by: Orikes on 2006 August 19, 18:07:49
All I can really say about the difference between Sims1 and Sims2 is that the original game held my attention for maybe a month. Maybe two. I'd go back to it occasionally, but always get bored with the characters. I spent far more time building houses and even that got old quick. I've been playing Sims2 since April and my interest hasn't waned yet. I find it to be far more fun than the original.

Title: Re: TS1 - 'cause I can't be the *only* one...
Post by: croiduire on 2006 August 19, 19:28:56
I MISS Bunny Wuffles and Persimmon Grove. Their stuff was amazing. Yes, Sims 1 was sometimes more CAD program than game, but I loved it. Does anyone else fondly remember the Brunel Theme...or Koromo's Royal Pavilion? Or the pheasants?

Even the Maxis items. I was making an Irish pub the other day, and thought longingly of the three tile, wall-to-ceiling stone fireplace. It would have been perfect!

No, I can't go back...I've tried too. But I sure would love to recreate the stuff (or have someone else do it, since despite repeated effort, I can't seem to get the hang of modding *cries*).

Title: Re: TS1 - 'cause I can't be the *only* one...
Post by: Paperbladder on 2006 August 19, 20:20:19
The novelty of TS2 runs thin, you eventually realize that it's just TS1 with a new coat of paint.  Sure, there's aging and wants but they don't even seem to be actually connected to the game.  A family sim will get a "Get Caught Cheating" want even if they don't have any external relationships.

TS2 should have been much different, they should have never ditched the "Life Score" and weather.  The graphics of the first E3 demo were much better also, it included Nightlife's "View other lots" feature.  I blame EA for turning the game into a "shiny", mediocre TS1.

Title: Re: TS1 - 'cause I can't be the *only* one...
Post by: JadeEliott on 2006 August 19, 20:49:15
OMG,  :o did they actually use the word "swell"??

Wow, did she actually use the nonsense term OMG? If she did use that silly netspeak-neo lingo to express her disdain about someone using the a REAL term of description like "swell" that would be very un-swell of her/him/it.

Jade, who is feeling very defiantly swell and dandy today, thank you very much!

Title: Re: TS1 - 'cause I can't be the *only* one...
Post by: Kyna on 2006 August 20, 00:02:00
Faizah was playing her TS2 game this week and mentioned something about a loveseat.  Suddenly I remembered the love-swing from TS1.  I miss that object.  I also miss the kids playground, the one they climbed all over (which would be a good way to train body for kids).

The aging computer I had at the time could barely run TS1 once Unleashed came out, with all previous EPs installed.  When Vacation came out I had a choice - I could run with Unleashed added or with Vacation added.  So I never bothered to buy SS or MM, and never played them.

Last year Faizah bought the game with all EPs included in the package.  It was the first time I'd ever seen SS or MM.  I played it for a few weeks, but I became frustrated that some of the TS2 things I'm now used to weren't available.

After that brief foray back into the world of TS1 I downloaded some lots for TS2 that duplicated the TS1 houses.  I no longer have those as they weren't very functional in TS2 but I still have the floors, walls, etc in my game.

Title: Re: TS1 - 'cause I can't be the *only* one...
Post by: mistymage on 2006 August 20, 21:21:24
There are a ton of places that still have SIMS1 stuff.. maybe not as Awesome as MATY.. but they are out there.. including my latest effort.. Gnohmon's objects.. I'm waiting on about 90 more objects but there are a few up on this page:

Some of those were made after Living It Up closed and thus are being seen (and hopefully used) for the first time by others other than Gnohmon ;-)


Title: Re: TS1 - 'cause I can't be the *only* one...
Post by: Orikes on 2006 August 21, 14:46:53
The novelty of TS2 runs thin, you eventually realize that it's just TS1 with a new coat of paint. 

See, I disagree with that statement. If it was the same game, I honestly wouldn't still be playing it. With a game like Sims1 or Sims2, people play for different reasons. My reasons for playing the original game wore thin real quick. My sims were ultimately boring as hell. In Sims2, I'm utterly addicted to having my sims live out their lives and have their progeny carry on the line. It's a small change, I guess, but ultimately it's big enough to keep the game completely different for me.

Title: Re: TS1 - 'cause I can't be the *only* one...
Post by: Brynne on 2006 August 21, 14:56:20
Hell, yeah! TS2 is so much more than "TS1 with a new coat of paint". I've been playing THE SAME SIMS AND THE SAME HOOD for 2 years, now. Aging off. I write stories, make movies, create's all how you make it. TS1 got old and tired very quickly. Wooden, expressionless paperdolls. I just couldn't get into it like I do TS2.

Title: Re: TS1 - 'cause I can't be the *only* one...
Post by: Torkle on 2006 August 21, 22:34:46
If you're playing Sims 1 Making Magic, I've still got my fixes and hacks available here: (

Title: Re: TS1 - 'cause I can't be the *only* one...
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 August 22, 09:12:36
Why isn't there a TorklePE yet? Clearly, BlueSoup has failed us! You must not!

Title: Re: TS1 - 'cause I can't be the *only* one...
Post by: Mizz Rose Bud on 2006 August 22, 14:30:09
There can´t be that much difference between those 2 games since both The Sims 1 and 2 is about life and living.

Well, when you boil it down that´s how it is in RL too ... all around the world people is eating, sleeping, working, woohooing  :P


Title: Re: TS1 - 'cause I can't be the *only* one...
Post by: Jelenedra on 2006 August 22, 15:41:39
Brynne, I am dying for a zombie music video to Ramalama (ala So you think you can dance) that'd be AWESOME. =p

Title: Re: TS1 - 'cause I can't be the *only* one...
Post by: chrystalia on 2006 August 22, 17:12:55
I still play both Sims games. Theres a couple of neighborhoods in Sims 1 that I spent too long finding the right skins and objects to make everything look the way I wanted to just abandon it. I'll have to take a look at the links here! Now I just have to resist the urge to play obsessively.  ;)

We have some friends visting this weekend and my mother is coming for a long visit in a few weeks. *Sigh* Must go clean.

Title: Re: TS1 - 'cause I can't be the *only* one...
Post by: MyPrecious on 2006 August 25, 00:16:56
I miss stuff from TS1, I miss persimmon grove for sure, and other little things just blonde stuff I'm sure. But last night I was thinking about the differences and one thing that drove me crazy in TS1 was the kids never grew up. Ever…my poor parents had to put up with them as kids for an eternity, and yes I know MM made them "grow up" but the parents then had no clue they where family...urrkkkk!!! >:(

Not only that every day was work/school day…what a drag. I used to fill the bank-balance dump the job and loaf, but the kids were locked into school forever, unless you had "Vacation/Holiday" . But that spawned townies that really should have been locked up.

My Sims1 game was hacked to an inch of its programming, real (well close) hands, beds, coffee, etc etc…

Bloody hell maybe it's not so different after all? :-\

Title: Re: TS1 - 'cause I can't be the *only* one...
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 August 25, 03:15:20
Oh I couldn't stand playing Sims 1 again after getting used to Sims 2.  I missed all the awesome hacks, and like MyPrecious said, I hated that every single day was the same, no days off work, no weekends for kids, and I hated how babies arrived.  And babies were an absolute pain.  I was so scared that the social worker would come take it away, and it was more nerve-wracking than fun.  But I enjoy babies and toddlers in Sims 2.  It's so much more realistic.  And I love the fact that children can grow up and carry on the family line.  I have a hard time letting them die, but that is how life is, and it's fun seeing your sims leave a legacy even if you're not playing a challenge.  I've been playing TS2 since it first came out, and although I've gotten a little bored at times, I am still playing it almost every day.  I was obsessed with TS1 when I first got it, but I got bored with it rather quickly in comparison.

Title: Re: TS1 - 'cause I can't be the *only* one...
Post by: idtaminger on 2006 August 25, 05:09:20
The moment I got TS2, I just couldn't go back to TS1. But the first game did have its moments.

Heaven forbid you don't let them sleep till their energy meter fills all the way (another thing to throw a tantrum over).

Omg. I'd forgotten all about that. The bitching was the worst. You'd wake them up to try to get them to work on time, only to have the kvetching take up half an hour, just enough for the carpool to squeak by as your sim runs to the sidewalk. And that reaction! Gahh!

My Sims1 game was hacked to an inch of its programming, real (well close) hands, beds, coffee, etc etc…

Same here, although there really wasn't all that much to hack. Aside from the drive you crazy annoyances, gameplay just wasn't deep enough to really play around w/ different alterations.

I MISS Bunny Wuffles and Persimmon Grove. Their stuff was amazing. Yes, Sims 1 was sometimes more CAD program than game, but I loved it. Does anyone else fondly remember the Brunel Theme...or Koromo's Royal Pavilion? Or the pheasants?

I do remember Persimmon Grove. Loved their stuff. I had a lot of fun building gardens w/ their stuff. And the farm animals. Lol. They shat more than anything else, but they were still a lot of fun.

I also remember there was one time when Roman themed stuff was quite the rage. I d/ed a gorgeous villa and tons of fabulous greco-roman objects, and I even played a house in theme, w/ patricians and their slaves and everything. But there's not enough quality greco-roman furnishings for TS2, not to mention, it's a lot harder playing in theme in TS2, what w/ the constant walkbys and intrusions that remind you that it's the 21st century.

And the Maxis stuff too. I loved the bear rug. The champagne toast on the rug was just too cute. And as much as Vacation sucked, I really miss the snow. The bear rug just wouldn't have been as cozy w/out the warm fire inside and blankets of snow outside.

And that ghastly looking love bed. Lol. I had a lot of fun w/ that. Really went well w/ my Moulin Rouge-type brothel. Also very adaptable to a low-rent Vegas motel theme.

Is it just me, or were TS1 objects more imaginative on the whole? As nice as some of the TS2 stuff is, 90% of it is just different takes on major design styles. Where are the Persimmon Groves for the TS2 era?