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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: linolino on 2006 August 16, 18:57:49

Title: Homework in inventory & Macrostatics
Post by: linolino on 2006 August 16, 18:57:49
I was thinking that it would be interesting to create a mod that would make teens and kids to put their homework in their inventory as soon as they get off the bus, instead of going round the house just to drop it anywhere on the floor.

Then when clicking on a sim that has a homework in inventory, we could select from "Macro..." (macrostatics) the option to "do homework" or "ask help with homework". and they they would go to the nearest table or desk and do it!

Title: Re: Homework in inventory & Macrostatics
Post by: dizzy on 2006 August 16, 19:54:00
Good idea. Same for the stupid bills. Just stick it in the inventory and forget it.  ;)

Title: Re: Homework in inventory & Macrostatics
Post by: linolino on 2006 August 16, 21:22:13
yes! just like the love letters

Title: Re: Homework in inventory & Macrostatics
Post by: veilchen on 2006 August 16, 22:38:16
Macrotastics already has a 'do homework' function. It doesn't have a 'ask for homework help' function, but it's better than nothing :D.

Paladin has an automatic bill payer. It is an item that looks like an electronic desk calculator. You can turn it on and it automatically pays the bills as soon as they show up. Or, you can leave it off, and have a nice piece of decoration for your office.

Sorry, no link, and I don't feel like searching for it. But I'm pretty sure that SimsWardrobe and/or Paladin are pretty well known everywhere. There is even a link to the site floating around here. JadeElliot put it up for the data organizer from Paladin.

Title: Re: Homework in inventory & Macrostatics
Post by: linolino on 2006 August 17, 00:27:43
yes i know macrostatics has that option. maybe i did not explain it properly.
I want the homework to go straight to the kid's inventory AND that macrostatics would recognize the homework that is in the inventory

Title: Re: Homework in inventory & Macrostatics
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 August 17, 01:01:19
Macrotastics already has a 'do homework' function. It doesn't have a 'ask for homework help' function, but it's better than nothing :D.

Actually, it does -- the 'do homework' will automagically send the kid off to find an idling adult to help. If there are no idling adults around, the kid just plops down and does the homework.

Title: Re: Homework in inventory & Macrostatics
Post by: veilchen on 2006 August 17, 10:27:06
Yes Jsalemi, but not as a separate action. Once they have the memory of being helped, they can do it by themselves without wandering off to find idle adults. Which they will not find very often in any of my households, because once the adults are skilled out, they paint or write novels or whatever. Aside from that, I prefer their teenage siblings to help them (if they have any). Not for any particular reason, I just like it that way. :D

Linolino, I don't see much difference in the kid pulling it out of their inventory, and just clicking on 'do homework' and the kid goes straight to wherever it plunked the homework down to to it. But, to each her/his own.

Edited: cause it's early and I'm not quite awake yet. The teenagers help them skilling, not with homework. Anyway, they still need to do it themselves once they've been helped studying. That's something I have to look into. CAN the teenies even help their kid-sister/brother studying. I know I helped my younger siblings, but what does the sims have to do with real life anyways, right? For instance, in all my years I have yet to even know someone who managed to make their microwave burst into flames. I have seen some very silly people ruin theirs, but never have I seen the microwave catch on fire.

Title: Re: Homework in inventory & Macrostatics
Post by: Ness on 2006 August 17, 11:41:22
teens can teach younger siblings to study.

Title: Re: Homework in inventory & Macrostatics
Post by: linolino on 2006 August 17, 12:14:05
well, this is not a must-make mod. The rmain reason i posted this is that it would be time-saving for the students not to go round the house with the homework on hands, looking for a spot to drop it. And the same for getting the bills out of the mailbox

you see, after the game came up with the inventory, you can see that maxis used it to get the mail (love letters) so i was just wondering if it would be possible to do the same with the homeworks and the bills and still be able to click on macrostatics and choose do homework and click on the mailbox and pay the bills (with them IN the inventory of course).

Title: Re: Homework in inventory & Macrostatics
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 August 17, 12:57:15
well, this is not a must-make mod. The rmain reason i posted this is that it would be time-saving for the students not to go round the house with the homework on hands, looking for a spot to drop it. And the same for getting the bills out of the mailbox

The mailbox problem is solved with Windkeeper's (I think that's his/her name) mailbox shelf object over at MTS2.  And what I usually do about the homework (though yes, macrotastics will find it anywhere) is to just cancel out the 'at school' icon when the kid gets off the school bus.  If you do that, they just drop their homework where they happen to be standing at the time, rather than wandering about.

Title: Re: Homework in inventory & Macrostatics
Post by: linolino on 2006 August 17, 20:25:53
hum, i see. ok..!

Now something else:

What is that hack that will make the kids/teen move away from the bus door before looking at their grades, to prevent that other kids/teen get stucked into the bus?

Title: Re: Homework in inventory & Macrostatics
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2006 August 17, 22:39:08
I think it's one of TwoJeffs' mods, but I can't find it.  As for your idea, I like it.  I have the mod that has them put their homework in the bedroom, on a desk if there is one.  Trouble is, if the desk is downstairs, they will go all the way upstairs first, then come back down again, and that drives me crazy.  Putting it in their inventory sounds like a great idea to me, don't know why nobody's thought of it before.  Teens in particular take so long taking theirs upstairs they hardly have time to wee-wee before work, let alone have a shower.  Yes, it can be cancelled out, but then there's all the messing about picking it up and getting it onto the desk, which in large houses is a pain.