More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: ari_ on 2006 August 14, 18:36:35

Title: Mod request (if possible): Woohoo via computer
Post by: ari_ on 2006 August 14, 18:36:35
I've been thinking lately that some of my romance sims could *really* use this:

A computer that, in addition to a chat function (or maybe as a sub-function), also has the option to try and initiate cyber-woohoo with your chat partner. Maybe with somewhat lower relationship requirements (possible based on the casual woohoo ones).

I'd love to have some stay-at-home romance moms, or utter slacker romance sims, have a way to satisfy all their romance urges without having to constantly leave the house (and have the kids be left unattended). It would also be a good way for them to juggle lots of relationships without the jealousy problems that come with doing dates at community lots.

Any chance this is doable, and if so, any chance that someone would be interested in creating it?

Title: Re: Mod request (if possible): Woohoo via computer
Post by: Gwill on 2006 August 14, 20:12:28
The sexual modding community has exploded lately.  I'm sure someone would like to try.
Have you tried asking at sexysims?

Title: Re: Mod request (if possible): Woohoo via computer
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 August 15, 01:36:59
I dun really think "Cyber-woohoo" qualifies as real woohoo. Get a sex droid instead.

Title: Re: Mod request (if possible): Woohoo via computer
Post by: syberspunk on 2006 August 15, 04:17:45
There actually is a 'Watch Play-In' interaction with computers that was disabled. Well, I enabled it and added a pie menu option called 'Watch Porn' on computers. Lol. If you have the censor on, the sim looks like they are using the computer and there is a blur around their pelvis and it's supposed to increase fun. It's even supposed to charge you for the use. I toyed with it, but I'm not sure I got the charging thing to work. And the screen is blank.

I was hoping to figure out a way to actually put something on the computer screen, sort of like how you can watch animated files on your TV, and also add a censor on the screen and the sim itself. But it would require a lot more skill that I have, since the blur won't show up if you use a blur removal hack. And without the blur, it just looks like the sim is using the computer like normal, because there are no unique animations for it. Maybe someone more skilled in this area, like Hunter from MTS2/SexySims2 can do something with this. It would be neat to actually enable something to show up on the computer screen, and maybe use some of those adult animations that Hunter created for his special chair and mirror hacks.


Title: Re: Mod request (if possible): Woohoo via computer
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 August 15, 06:19:19
The Internet Is For Porn. :P

Title: Re: Mod request (if possible): Woohoo via computer
Post by: ari_ on 2006 August 15, 06:30:21
I was hoping to figure out a way to actually put something on the computer screen, sort of like how you can watch animated files on your TV, and also add a censor on the screen and the sim itself. But it would require a lot more skill that I have, since the blur won't show up if you use a blur removal hack. And without the blur, it just looks like the sim is using the computer like normal, because there are no unique animations for it.

how about making them undress before using this interaction (like there is a mod that makes the sims remove their clothes before they use the toilet)?

I dun really think "Cyber-woohoo" qualifies as real woohoo. Get a sex droid instead.

nonono, a Sex Droid would be obvious to the other family members.  *g*

Have you tried asking at sexysims?

Not yet - I asked here first, but I'll eventually go and ask at other sites, as well. (I just trust this community most when it comes to creating something that plays well with the other mods I have)

Title: Re: Mod request (if possible): Woohoo via computer
Post by: Avalikia on 2006 August 15, 08:00:36
Well the advantage of sexysims is that you're more likely to find someone who's actually interested in making the mod.  The modders here mostly make stuff that they come up with themselves, though there is the occasional exception.  And it's not like modders elsewhere are bad, they're just not Awesome.

Title: Re: Mod request (if possible): Woohoo via computer
Post by: siriusthinking on 2006 August 15, 19:30:55
The Internet Is For Porn. :P

Sorry Kate, I masturbate.  -shrug-

Title: Re: Mod request (if possible): Woohoo via computer
Post by: Liss on 2006 August 16, 01:32:26
I just want to add, this is a freaking brilliant idea.  Thanks for trying Ste :D

Title: Re: Mod request (if possible): Woohoo via computer
Post by: syberspunk on 2006 August 16, 04:15:03
Sure. What I might do is separate that portion (it's part of my own version of a hack to dis/enable computer autonomy) and post it over in the request section of Sexy Sims site as unfinished, and leave it up to a more capable modder to toy around with. Maybe someone who is more experienced can add custom anims to the sims and the computer so something actually shows up instead of the blank/black screen.


Title: Re: Mod request (if possible): Woohoo via computer
Post by: Brynne on 2006 August 17, 21:42:43
They have that *chair* ahem, over there, maybe the guy who did that can collaborate with you. Add those self-loving animations to the whole thing.



Sounds like a fun idea.

Title: Re: Mod request (if possible): Woohoo via computer
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 August 17, 22:33:27
Bad, bad Brynnie!!!

P.S.  I'm about to catch up with you.  ;)

Title: Re: Mod request (if possible): Woohoo via computer
Post by: syberspunk on 2006 August 18, 00:21:57
Heh. Yeah, I'm aware of the chair. ;) I've tried it, and it's a tad buggy. I reported the bugs, but the creator insists that they aren't of concern, at least to him. *shrugs*

When I get a chance, I'll post extract and post the unfinished interaction. And leave it open to anyone else more capable who might want to take it and run with it.
