More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Issy on 2006 August 13, 06:22:55

Title: Expensive Wall/Floors?
Post by: Issy on 2006 August 13, 06:22:55
Been on a downloading spree of walls/floors and can't seem to find anything that costs over $1 :(

Anyone know of any sites that have some nice wall/floors but are priced higher?

Thanks in advance!

Title: Re: Expensive Wall/Floors?
Post by: IgnorantBliss on 2006 August 13, 06:59:19
You can easily reprice the walls and floors with Homecrafter or Josh's WTF editor (

Title: Re: Expensive Wall/Floors?
Post by: neriana on 2006 August 13, 07:06:44
It drives me crazy that so many creators make walls and floors that cost $1. It just shows they never really PLAY the game, or at least that they cheat copiously when they do.

At, I believe all the walls and floors by Kate are priced correctly. Some of the other creators don't price them right. also has a ton of gorgeous expensive walls and floors, if it comes up again.

Title: Re: Expensive Wall/Floors?
Post by: MaximilianPS on 2006 August 13, 08:30:17
same as for the cars.. i've changed the price of all cars that i've downloaded, have you ever seen a Porsche Cayenne at 13.000$/€ ?
the turbo version 4.500cc should cost about 77.000€uros ::)

Title: Re: Expensive Wall/Floors?
Post by: gali on 2006 August 13, 08:31:46
Download the Sim2HomeCrafter from EA. It will be self-installed in your C:/My Documents/The Sims 2 folder.

Download all the walls/floors you want.

Click on "All programs", and go to Sims 2 folder.

Activate the Home crafter.

Find the 1$ wall/floor


click on the lower second button


highlight the 1$ price


Change the price to which you want


Ckick on the lower right button (Import to game).


That's all.

Title: Re: Expensive Wall/Floors?
Post by: IgnorantBliss on 2006 August 13, 08:34:23
same as for the cars.. i've changed the price of all cars that i've downloaded, have you ever seen a Porsche Cayenne at 13.000$/€ ?
the turbo version 4.500cc should cost about 77.000€uros ::)

I don't think the price in simoleans is necessarily supposed to be the equal to the price in US dollar or Euros.

Title: Re: Expensive Wall/Floors?
Post by: neriana on 2006 August 13, 08:34:47
That may be "all" in Homecrafter, but it's a pain in the ass. It's far easier to download walls and floors that are priced correctly in the first place -- and they're usually by better creators anyway.

Title: Re: Expensive Wall/Floors?
Post by: gali on 2006 August 13, 08:39:35
Neriana, in the Sims1 Home Crafter, you could import a file (wall/floor) as Gif or Jpeg, or Bitmap.
I always right-clicked on the wall/floor, and  saved it as picture, then activated the Home Crafter, changed the price, and imported it to the game.
The Sims 2 Home Crafter doesn't have this ability - pity.

Title: Re: Expensive Wall/Floors?
Post by: gjam on 2006 August 13, 14:50:44
Either I'm doing something stupid (quite possible) or HomeCrafter doesn't actually change the price, anyway.  All I can get it to do is create a duplicate copy of the wall or floor which has the updated price.  Talk about cluttering up my Downloads folder...

I'm going to check out the WTF Editor mentioned upthread.

Title: Re: Expensive Wall/Floors?
Post by: nectere on 2006 August 13, 15:15:49
you can also easily change it in SIMPE.

Title: Re: Expensive Wall/Floors?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 August 13, 15:16:42
same as for the cars.. i've changed the price of all cars that i've downloaded, have you ever seen a Porsche Cayenne at 13.000$/€ ?
the turbo version 4.500cc should cost about 77.000€uros ::)
Simoleons scale nonlinearly, so things that cost a LOT of money in real life cost less in Simoleons, whereas things that cost very little in real life cost slightly more.

Title: Re: Expensive Wall/Floors?
Post by: IgnorantBliss on 2006 August 13, 15:17:38
gjam, do you have the latest version of Homecrafter? It doesn't seem to create the duplicates anymore, at least not for me.

Title: Re: Expensive Wall/Floors?
Post by: gjam on 2006 August 13, 17:26:06
gjam, do you have the latest version of Homecrafter? It doesn't seem to create the duplicates anymore, at least not for me.

Duh!  [slaps head]  I had problems installing the new version, and meant to re-download it later and try again, but I forgot.  [clicks Thanks button several times]

Title: Re: Expensive Wall/Floors?
Post by: IgnorantBliss on 2006 August 13, 17:50:08
Out of curiosity, does clicking the thanks button actually do something, or is just a hoax?

Title: Re: Expensive Wall/Floors?
Post by: Venusy on 2006 August 13, 18:13:55
Out of curiosity, does clicking the thanks button actually do something, or is just a hoax?
It depends on your definition of "do something". If by "do something" you actually mean "do something useful", then no, it doesn't do anything like that. The button definitely does something though, but I don't want to spoil the surprise.

Title: Re: Expensive Wall/Floors?
Post by: starrling on 2006 August 13, 18:18:26
Regarding walls/floors being priced too cheaply, IMO, it all depends on what you're trying to accomplish.  I created brick walls and floors, and priced them at 2 simoleons because I am trying to create lots that are supposed to be old.  Very old.  They aren't fresh walls and floors - they have (supposedly) been walked on and leaned against by generations of Sims.  /soapbox (albeit, a very small soapbox).


Title: Re: Expensive Wall/Floors?
Post by: IgnorantBliss on 2006 August 13, 19:40:21
but I don't want to spoil the surprise

Hmm, so this suggest that at some point I am going to find out what it does? Or not?

Title: Re: Expensive Wall/Floors?
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 August 13, 21:03:10
but I don't want to spoil the surprise

Hmm, so this suggest that at some point I am going to find out what it does? Or not?

Click it and find out. :)  It's not harmful, or anything...

Title: Re: Expensive Wall/Floors?
Post by: MaximilianPS on 2006 August 13, 21:07:46
Simoleons scale nonlinearly, so things that cost a LOT of money in real life cost less in Simoleons, whereas things that cost very little in real life cost slightly more

sure i know it.. also 'cuse you if i try to insert more than 35000§ in simpe you'll get an error
..maybe a teorical cost limit ?
btw i like the "life stile / simulation" so .... i like to see hight taxes and very expensive cars, i think it's a bit too easy to be at the top on this game :P

that' why i've some homeless on my n.hood :D


Title: Re: Expensive Wall/Floors?
Post by: tIIsuggas on 2006 August 13, 21:08:33
Click the thanks button.

There are many that have, and are still alive.  I am one of those people.

Click the damn button already.

Title: Re: Expensive Wall/Floors?
Post by: gjam on 2006 August 14, 03:02:47
Out of curiosity, does clicking the thanks button actually do something, or is just a hoax?

Ummm, it's particularly appropriate when one is informed one has done something woolly-headed.   :P

Title: Re: Expensive Wall/Floors?
Post by: IgnorantBliss on 2006 August 14, 03:45:56
Click the thanks button.

There are many that have, and are still alive.  I am one of those people.

Click the damn button already.

Ok, I get it. I didn't realize we'd see the "results" right away  :P. I wouldn't have asked otherwise.

Title: Re: Expensive Wall/Floors?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 August 14, 03:50:48
It's just like the MTS2 thanks button, only more awesome.

Title: Re: Expensive Wall/Floors?
Post by: JadeEliott on 2006 August 14, 04:43:35
/start off-topic

You know, I have never thought the simple decent act of thanking another person made one a sheep. I know it is supposed to be "joke" (or heck knowing Pescado, probably not), but it fails to hit my funny bone. It just shows me that if being courteous and kind is "sheep-like" then the person who programmed that button is in much, much worse shape emotionally and consciously than anyone who is genuinely interested in giving appreciation, respect and support by pushing it.

/end off-topic

And yeah! Cheap walls and floors suck!

Title: Re: Expensive Wall/Floors?
Post by: Issy on 2006 August 14, 04:44:30
I've never used homecrafter and it just seems like alot of work to do.  I like to play ;)

Anyways, thanks for the tutorial Gali, guess if I can't find any for download I'll have to resort to doing it the hard way.

Title: Re: Expensive Wall/Floors?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 August 14, 04:52:06
You know, I have never thought the simple decent act of thanking another person made one a sheep. I know it is supposed to be "joke" (or heck knowing Pescado, probably not), but it fails to hit my funny bone. It just shows me that if being courteous and kind is "sheep-like" then the person who programmed that button is in much, much worse shape emotionally and consciously than anyone who is genuinely interested in giving appreciation, respect and support by pushing it.
You've obviously never had to wade through 3 pages of completely useless "THANKS THIS IS GREAT" to reach your bug report.

Title: Re: Expensive Wall/Floors?
Post by: tIIsuggas on 2006 August 14, 06:41:40
I suppose, that before you implement new walls/floors.  Go into homecrafter, edit them, delete the old ones, and put your edited version in the game.

Saves deleting them in buildings.

Title: Re: Expensive Wall/Floors?
Post by: Dea on 2006 August 14, 07:26:43
You know, I have never thought the simple decent act of thanking another person made one a sheep. I know it is supposed to be "joke" (or heck knowing Pescado, probably not), but it fails to hit my funny bone. It just shows me that if being courteous and kind is "sheep-like" then the person who programmed that button is in much, much worse shape emotionally and consciously than anyone who is genuinely interested in giving appreciation, respect and support by pushing it.

I thought it was started to make a mockery of all those people at MTS2 and other places that hit the thanks button or posts those annoying thanks posts before actually making sure the downloads really works like its supposed too.

Title: Re: Expensive Wall/Floors?
Post by: JadeEliott on 2006 August 14, 07:35:25
Well, sometimes I observe too much mockery going on around these parts which make the mockers look well, mockerous.

Or something like that.

Anyway, going back to my corner and piping down for five minutes or so.


Title: Re: Expensive Wall/Floors?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 August 14, 07:40:04
See, in the Good Old Days, people would just quietly snarf their downloads, and only return to bitch about it if it didn't work. That made it easy to find the bug reports, since nobody would bother saying anything unless they had something to complain about. Somewhere along the line, a number of insecure, whiny creators showed up, and started to moan, "WHY DOESN'T ANYOEN APPRECIATE ME!!!!1111". A culture quickly formed in which somehow considered it polite to deluge the creator in pointless thanks posts, often without ever having even used the item in question, and drowning out the IMPORTANT stuff, like the actual bug reports.

We here at MATY hate that. It's annoying. It's unhelpful. And we already know we're more awesome than you.

Title: Re: Expensive Wall/Floors?
Post by: IgnorantBliss on 2006 August 14, 08:41:14
I suppose, that before you implement new walls/floors.  Go into homecrafter, edit them, delete the old ones, and put your edited version in the game.

Saves deleting them in buildings.

The edited version replaces the old one automatically (well, it always asks you if you want to overwrite the file or not). If the previous version was in use on a lot, it will disappear off the wall, and you will need to replace it. So, no deleting in game needed to be done. With the new version of Homecrafter, there should only be one version of the wall left after editing, not two.

Regarding the Thanks issue, I think the purpose of the Thanks button in places like MTS2 was to reduce the number of "thank you" posts clogging up the download threads.

Title: Re: Expensive Wall/Floors?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 August 14, 08:49:13
Regarding the Thanks issue, I think the purpose of the Thanks button in places like MTS2 was to reduce the number of "thank you" posts clogging up the download threads.
That's the idea here, too. That's why you're supposed to push the button instead of writing THANKS THIS IS GREAT posts. It also serves the same role as the entire "benes" thing. Except we don't bother to keep score, because that's pretty useless. So it just goes BAAAAAAAAAA! instead, to let you know your response has been noted. Or not noted, as it were.