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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Eleonora on 2006 August 12, 10:27:47

Title: Alien eyes not always showing correctly
Post by: Eleonora on 2006 August 12, 10:27:47
I have two default replacements for my alien sims in my game, Louis' green skin and Enayla's alien eyes. Most alien have the proper eyes/skintone, some however have this weird pale eye colour that I don't recall ever downloading. When checking their DNA in SimPE they have the same eye colour genes as the 'normal' aliens, and I'm at a totall loss what could be causing this, any ideas?

Title: Re: Alien eyes not always showing correctly
Post by: fwiffo on 2006 August 13, 02:55:00
Do the ones with the weird eye color have the same skintone as the ones with the correct eyes?

Maxis alien eyes are kinda a weird case.  They actually don't have a texture - they're transparent.  So you see whatever texture that part of the skintone beneath shows.  A lot of people thought that alien eyes had special inhertence rules because you never see them on non-alien skin.  The reason is because maxis skins have ordinary brown eyes.  I first noticed this when I installed default replacement eyes, and saw that the children of some aliens with human skin still had the old maxis eyes (they actually had alien eyes).  If you had alien eyes on a zombie, they'd be pitch black because the zombie skin has just black for that part of the texture.  And the mannequin skin (which you couldn't easily get into your breeding pool because it crashes the game for want of a baby-skin) has very pale gray eyes.

Title: Re: Alien eyes not always showing correctly
Post by: Eleonora on 2006 August 13, 09:30:39
Mmmm yes, that makes sense. Those pale eyes are the same ones that show up on the thumbnails of any custom facepaint/glasses I have. I suppose they belong to my default replacements. There wouldn't be anyway to trigger the game into displaying the eyes again, would there?

Title: Re: Alien eyes not always showing correctly
Post by: Jysudo on 2006 August 13, 10:46:04
Louis' green skin doesn't come with maxis black eyes. You need to let your aliens wear contacts or use default maxis black eyes (downloaded from somewhere) when creating the sims/changing the skin in SimPE.

So to answer your question, the eyes you see comes with the default replacements.