More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: ThyGuy on 2006 August 11, 19:19:30

Title: Do you current job, not the other jobs you have badges for!
Post by: ThyGuy on 2006 August 11, 19:19:30
This sort of drives me nuts at times, especially when it has to do with the cashier.

I've noticed when sims have more than one type of badge they will zip around doing multiple jobs. I really don't mind a salesperson restocking at the same time (Because that prevent sims bitching that there is a single sold out sign) but I really get driven crazy when the cashier zooms off every idle second at their register to restock, sell to customers, and even tidy up if they have any form of cleaning skill.

So, I was wondering if there is any hack oout there that makes the cashier sit at their fuggin register instead of pissing customers off by doing a job I don't want them to do. It sure beats having to block them into a area so they can't escape, because all they start to do then is cry, and bitch.

Title: Re: Do you current job, not the other jobs you have badges for!
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 August 11, 19:22:15
I've never had a problem just assigning them to 'be cashier' and them staying there.  It sounds like you may have the Business Runs You controller active, maybe, and used its macro instead?

Title: Re: Do you current job, not the other jobs you have badges for!
Post by: ThyGuy on 2006 August 11, 19:30:56
You mean the russian icon you put on the wall? that thing can force them into doing multiple jobs? Well that blows if that is the case.
I also have squinges fair pay thingy also, but I don't know why it would be making the sims do multiple jobs.

Title: Re: Do you current job, not the other jobs you have badges for!
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 August 11, 20:14:26
BRY queues multiple jobs because it's efficient: There's nothing gained by standing there like logs, unless your sim takes 3 hours to move. Therefore, BRY will send them to do secondary tasks if their primary task does not need doing, so that you will get your money's worth out of them! I am not certain why you think what they are doing is wrong, though: Are they leaving the cash registers unattended while customers become angry or something? They shouldn't be doing that, the moment someone lines up, they should dash back to their primary task and do it.

Of course, without BRY, they won't do ANY job at all, so consider this an improvement...and if you don't want them doing multiple jobs, don't higher help with so many qualifications. Otherwise you'd be pissing money down the drain in vast quantities, since they expect to be paid for those qualifications.

So explain...what exactly are they doing that is WRONG? If certain tasks are too time-consuming and pull them away from their posts long enough for people to get irate, let me know.

Title: Re: Do you current job, not the other jobs you have badges for!
Post by: ThyGuy on 2006 August 11, 21:11:34
Everything works great except for when they go to do some restocking. They don't want to restock one item, then rush back to the register; they want to restock EVERYTHING, then go back to pick up the stuff the sim threw down.

The way they do it now is like impossibly better than the way they did it before BRY made the game playable.

Question: Is there anyway to make a BRY bathroom Uses You that alows multiple sims to go into the bathroom to use the commercial toilets? For some reason they refuse to stop what their doing and go to the bathroom until they piss themselves, and when I put the "Bathroom Uses You" into it, the traffic causes it to go beserk sometimes.

Title: Re: Do you current job, not the other jobs you have badges for!
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 August 11, 22:02:25
Question: Is there anyway to make a BRY bathroom Uses You that alows multiple sims to go into the bathroom to use the commercial toilets? For some reason they refuse to stop what their doing and go to the bathroom until they piss themselves, and when I put the "Bathroom Uses You" into it, the traffic causes it to go beserk sometimes.

If by 'commercial toilets' you mean the dorm-style toilet stalls, just put a BUY controller in each stall -- that usually does the trick.

Title: Re: Do you current job, not the other jobs you have badges for!
Post by: Marvin Kosh on 2006 August 12, 02:44:52
Yeah, and if you're only intending to have your employees use the toilets (in a retail store, it's unlikely that many customers should stick around long enough to use them) set the controller to reject visitors.  That will mean less Sims 'needing to be used' ;)

Title: Re: Do you current job, not the other jobs you have badges for!
Post by: ThyGuy on 2006 August 12, 03:38:08
and obviously me being a idiot has made me forget BUY has ways to make what I want to do work. But sometimes it still wants them to have a shower, even though their is no shower on the lot, which causes the querue to go beserk.

Title: Re: Do you current job, not the other jobs you have badges for!
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 August 12, 03:59:01
Everything works great except for when they go to do some restocking. They don't want to restock one item, then rush back to the register; they want to restock EVERYTHING, then go back to pick up the stuff the sim threw down.
I have not noticed this particular issue. With me, they only restock one item, and if somebody is at the register, they will run back. Are you sure you have not assigned their primary task to be restockers instead? A sim's primary task has priority over the secondary tasks he qualifies for, so a sim set to sales will peddle goods over anything else, sims on cashier will man the cash register before all else, etc.

Question: Is there anyway to make a BRY bathroom Uses You that alows multiple sims to go into the bathroom to use the commercial toilets? For some reason they refuse to stop what their doing and go to the bathroom until they piss themselves, and when I put the "Bathroom Uses You" into it, the traffic causes it to go beserk sometimes.
Without BUY, they can't see the bathroom. You need one TP roll per docking port. Each TP roll identifies a docking port. If you only installed one for the entire bathroom, then you can only process one sim at a time. Install more docking ports.

Title: Re: Do you current job, not the other jobs you have badges for!
Post by: ThyGuy on 2006 August 12, 05:05:41
understood. I must have put them on restock by accident, and I wasn't aware you could put more than one BUY in a bathrooom and have it function right.

thanks for teaching the stupid new tricks.

Title: Re: Do you current job, not the other jobs you have badges for!
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 August 13, 11:46:49
and obviously me being a idiot has made me forget BUY has ways to make what I want to do work. But sometimes it still wants them to have a shower, even though their is no shower on the lot, which causes the querue to go beserk.
Your lot cannot function without a shower, since employees will go into hygiene failure and refuse to work, which means BRY will try to make their lazy asses get back to work, but it can't, because there's no shower.

Title: Re: Do you current job, not the other jobs you have badges for!
Post by: ThyGuy on 2006 August 13, 21:49:06
Now I just feel like a complete idiot! Sims can shower on community lots?!

Title: Re: Do you current job, not the other jobs you have badges for!
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 August 14, 01:37:22
Now I just feel like a complete idiot! Sims can shower on community lots?!

Title: Re: Do you current job, not the other jobs you have badges for!
Post by: Gwill on 2006 August 14, 10:43:15
My only problem with BRY and multi tasking employees is when I try to skillinate a sim (especially restocking) and someone else keeps stealing all the work from them.

Title: Re: Do you current job, not the other jobs you have badges for!
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 August 14, 10:48:19
My only problem with BRY and multi tasking employees is when I try to skillinate a sim (especially restocking) and someone else keeps stealing all the work from them.
Most badges skillinate fairly easily anyway. With "Smarter Cashier" in place, the hardest badge is probably restocking, but it is also the least critical one since anyone can restock just fine. They're slower, but not so much slower that you can't simply compensate with more restockers performing it as a secondary task: 3 Bronze restockers can easily keep up with the workload of a gold restocker, but no number of no/bronze cashiers can replace silver/gold. Besides, if they're getting their work stolen, it's because they're not keeping up anyway.

Also, if you hire lazy sims, they will not perform secondary tasks since they are incapable of travelling to the task site in reasonable time and still making it back. When it takes 3 hours to get anywhere, a round trip time of 6 hours is too much!

Title: Re: Do you current job, not the other jobs you have badges for!
Post by: Gwill on 2006 August 14, 11:10:39
All my sims are active.  Lazy sims are useless when running a buisiness.
Anyway, it's just a minor annoyance.  The only reason I try for gold restocking badges is for the pride of having a complete set.  ::)

Title: Re: Do you current job, not the other jobs you have badges for!
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 August 14, 11:12:27
Anyway, it's just a minor annoyance.  The only reason I try for gold restocking badges is for the pride of having a complete set.  ::)
Having the complete set of badges can actually be quite counterproductive. I did that early on, trying to amass every single badge on a sim I could...

I then realized that the sim could only use a small fraction of the badges, AND he was COMPLETELY UNEMPLOYABLE because of gross overqualification.

Title: Re: Do you current job, not the other jobs you have badges for!
Post by: Gwill on 2006 August 14, 11:13:50
These are playable sims.
I only employ sims who have exactly the badge/skill I need them for.

Title: Re: Do you current job, not the other jobs you have badges for!
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 August 14, 11:29:54
Yeah, which is precisely why overqualifying sims makes them nearly unemployable.

Title: Re: Do you current job, not the other jobs you have badges for!
Post by: blubug on 2006 August 14, 11:33:17
I have a question about BRY, sometimes, an employee, say a restocker, is 'like' on a break, always sitting in front of the tv in the staff room, but I have no option to send him back to work. It's like he isn't on a break, but there are many out of stock signs about, so is he just a slacker, should I sack him? Is this something about the BRY, I'm not sure. And my cashier runs off to sell stuff also, but then customers start waiting at the till but the cashier just can't get back in time (it isn't a matter of long distances, 5-6 tiles to the till.) And when he finally gets there, he stands idle, doing nothing until someone gets frustrated and leaves, THEN he starts working. It's like he's stuck. I've had this happen on separate occasions, in different lots.
And my barista or bartender do nothing. I can't sell any coffee or drinks but I'd like to have a barista who can help with the sales once in a while, when things get hectic. Doesn't BRY control baristas?

Title: Re: Do you current job, not the other jobs you have badges for!
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 August 14, 11:39:55
I have a question about BRY, sometimes, an employee, say a restocker, is 'like' on a break, always sitting in front of the tv in the staff room, but I have no option to send him back to work.
If he's sitting in the staffroom, it could be that his comfort has bottomed out and he's trying to restore that, or that it is impossible for him to get back to work because something he needs to satisfy a motive doesn't exist. This shouldn't happen with restockers, I don't believe, since the motive check for restocking occurs AFTER one cycle, so he'll always be able to be whipped into doing a cycle, but other jobs bail before the first attempt is made. Cashiers, for instance, require that their motives be green to function, since they will not perform even a single iteration otherwise.

It's like he isn't on a break, but there are many out of stock signs about, so is he just a slacker, should I sack him? Is this something about the BRY, I'm not sure. And my cashier runs off to sell stuff also, but then customers start waiting at the till but the cashier just can't get back in time (it isn't a matter of long distances, 5-6 tiles to the till.) And when he finally gets there, he stands idle, doing nothing until someone gets frustrated and leaves, THEN he starts working. It's like he's stuck. I've had this happen on separate occasions, in different lots.
Cashiers frequently get stuck, and this appears to be a state-waiting issue in the Maxian code itself. There is not a known solution for this, it just happens randomly.

And my barista or bartender do nothing. I can't sell any coffee or drinks but I'd like to have a barista who can help with the sales once in a while, when things get hectic. Doesn't BRY control baristas?
Barista and bartender logics are unassisted in mid-task by BRY. BRY simply instructs them to work, and then takes over and restores them for more work when they cease working, as a barista or bartender must always be manning his post for customers to even realize that the position exists: No customer will attempt to drink at an unmanned bar or coffeebar, the action is simply not available UNLESS it is manned, unlike with cash registers, where customers will line up at unmanned cash registers and wait for someone to show up, hopefully before they get pissed off.

Title: Re: Do you current job, not the other jobs you have badges for!
Post by: blubug on 2006 August 14, 11:50:28
Okay, thanks for clearing that up for me, it had been bugging me for a while :)