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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: ThyGuy on 2006 August 09, 23:57:31

Title: You can't go to the shop; because you're currently at the shop!
Post by: ThyGuy on 2006 August 09, 23:57:31
Well something odd happened in my game today.

My sim me was at the shop and of course I jumped off to go finish Dustin, and the Pleasant girrls off through college, but my sim came to liliths graduation party and flirted autonomously, and since they were 100/100 they wwere instantly in love. So I decided to get them hitched. My sim moved into the pleasant house and immediately moved out.

When I went to the new house, I noticed the icon above it was shaded like he was still at work, but it let me into the lot to play. when I tried to make him go to work; the game informed me that I was already at work, and needed to jump to that lot. No problem. I go to the lot, and the game goes into buy mode and state the lot cannot be played because the player is currently at home...

Err... okay, so I'll just go home...

When I go back to the home lot, I'm informed that I'm at work, and can go theire, and the same thing happens over and over. I can't access eiither lot, and I'm going to likely have to use inges teleport mirror to get him on another, gain control and sell his business.

Title: Re: You can't go to the shop; because you're currently at the shop!
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 August 10, 01:32:49
I think you screwed the pooch there. It should be obvious that moving a sim to another family entirely while he isn't living in his home is a Very Bad Idea. Selling the business probably won't do it. I'd say you've fallen victim to the BFBVFS.

Also, there currently appear to be bugs with business owners moving to a new family, where the business data is left behind and when you try to check in with your business, it acts as if you've never been there. I am presently working on a command to attempt to copy that business data, either before or after your sim moves to the new family.