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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Kala on 2006 August 09, 20:43:13

Title: Finding and fixing bad files
Post by: Kala on 2006 August 09, 20:43:13
Today, I tried to open bodyshop to delete a couple of files.  A minute after I pressed the comand, the game crashed.(first time bodyshop crashed on me)  I gave up on tring to get bodyshop and I tried to load the game.  The white OFB screen popped up and then my game crashed.  I restarted my computer and repeated the last two sentences. I dicided reinstal my game. When I tried to move/copy my downloads folde, I got a message that said it couldn't move a couple of files because of the directory.  I think these files are the reason I can't lode my games, so I'd would like to know how to fix and/or fix these files? None of the files in question are hacks

Title: Re: Finding and fixing bad files
Post by: GloamingMerle on 2006 August 09, 21:07:42 is a program that can be used to remove tricky-sticky files that won't allow you to delete them normally.. Install MoveOnBoot, then right click on the offensive files and choose "Delete file(s) on the next boot", then restart your computer.

Title: Re: Finding and fixing bad files
Post by: Rose Outlaw on 2006 August 10, 15:59:35
Probably old fashioned and too simple, but did you check if any files in your Downloads folder are marked as write-protected?

In Explorer, right click on the Downloads folder, choose Properties from the menu.
A new window will pop up, named Properties of Downloads (or something like that. Sorry, my OS is German ;) )
See if the write-protected option is checked in the field Attributes. If it is, uncheck it and click ok.
Most likely, a warning will appear, asking if you want to apply the options to all subfolders and files or rather not.
Apply to all subfolders and files and have patience till the process is done.

Then try to run Bodyshop or the game again and see if you can delete those files.

Oh, and deleting groups.cache every now and then and especially if you have problems is your friend :)

Title: Re: Finding and fixing bad files
Post by: Kala on 2006 August 17, 21:46:01
Thanks for your help.  I think my game crashed due to having really really, out of date video drivers.  When I reinstalled the game it worked, but the game would pause for fifteen minutes at a time.(ATI error reports)  Now that I new drivers, my game runs smoother than ever.