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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: Avalikia on 2006 August 09, 08:34:50

Title: Lunch Lady Starving My Sims
Post by: Avalikia on 2006 August 09, 08:34:50
When I started playing today I noticed that the lunchlady in my Sim's dorms isn't doing her job.  She's clearing dirty dishes but isn't making any new food even though the counters are empty.  Everything was working yesterday, but I did download a few things between then and playing today.  The only hack-type thing I downloaded was CB's Eat More Talk Less mod, and I don't recall downloading anything else besides clothes and hair (though it's possible I've forgotten something).  When I instruct my Sims to "Work In Cafeteria" they also only clear plates but don't serve anything.  The problem seems to be related to the Uni stovetop because when I tell my Sims to cook something, the only options are foods that don't require cooking like cereal and chef salads.  I tried deleting the stovetop and replacing it with a new one, but that didn't solve anything.  When I enable the testingcheats I don't get any errors.  And as a matter of note, my hack conflict scanner isn't finding anything, and I have all the expansions but none of the stuff packs.  I have a good number of mods, but the vast majority of them are Awesome.

So what should I try doing?  I think this is the first big problem I've had besides a few spectacular glitches (seriously, I've probably been amazingly lucky so far), so my troubleshooting skills are limited at best.

Title: Re: Lunch Lady Starving My Sims
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 August 09, 08:37:10
The stove is broken. Replace it.

Title: Re: Lunch Lady Starving My Sims
Post by: Avalikia on 2006 August 09, 08:42:52
I tried deleting the stovetop and replacing it with a new one, but that didn't solve anything.
Been there, didn't work.

Title: Re: Lunch Lady Starving My Sims
Post by: Emma on 2006 August 09, 08:56:47
Have you tried it in a different dorm? It might be a dorm-specific problem.

Title: Re: Lunch Lady Starving My Sims
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 August 09, 09:07:30
Is this a diagonal wall problem? Diagonal walls have been known to interfere, for some strange reason, with food availability.

Title: Re: Lunch Lady Starving My Sims
Post by: aussieone on 2006 August 09, 09:52:58
Meh......burninate the bitch!

Title: Re: Lunch Lady Starving My Sims
Post by: Magicmoon on 2006 August 09, 11:40:23
I had a similar problem tonight where sims on a residential lot could no longer cook anything. Replacing the fridge and stove didn't work. Then I left the lot, went some other places, then came back. When I came back they could cook again as usual.

Title: Re: Lunch Lady Starving My Sims
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2006 August 09, 13:45:59
Have you tried taking the "Eat More Talk Less" mod out?  That would be my first thing to try as it concerns food.  It would be unusual for one of CB's mods to be causing a problem, but it could be conflicting with something else and thereby causing a conflict.  I had this problem myself once and deleting the stove didn't work for me, either.  Removing a mod involving food did.

Title: Re: Lunch Lady Starving My Sims
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 August 09, 17:11:09
I had this problem a while ago, and I solved it by killing off the current cook and replacing the stovetop.  The game generated a new cook, and I haven't seen the problem since.

Title: Re: Lunch Lady Starving My Sims
Post by: Avalikia on 2006 August 09, 18:11:54
I seem to have found the problem.  I've been spending the morning trying various things, and the first thing I found was that CB's mod was definately to blame.  If the mod was there, then the lunch lady wouldn't cook, if it wasn't she would.  But after reviewing the thread and otherwise finding no other reason to suspect the mod, I followed a hunch and tried downloading a fresh copy of the mod and it worked!  Why?  I have no idea, but I suspect that it got corrupted or something the first time.  The computer I used to download it the first time is a virus-infected piece of junk (its OS is Windows 95!), and I used the shiny good computer that I actually use to run the game to download it the second time.  Thanks for the help though, because your comments helped me narrow it down.

Title: Re: Lunch Lady Starving My Sims
Post by: dizzy on 2006 August 09, 20:18:32
You probably had an old version of that hack.

Title: Re: Lunch Lady Starving My Sims
Post by: Emma on 2006 August 10, 06:01:23
You probably had an old version of that hack.

Most definitely, because I am currently playing in a dorm with that hack installed and all works as it should :) Glad you fixed it!

Title: Re: Lunch Lady Starving My Sims
Post by: Avalikia on 2006 August 10, 23:14:28
Could be.  I could have sworn I got it from the same place (the post here) both times, but I've been going to all sorts of websites in my quest to find some good clothing and such so there's always the possibility that I stumbled upon an older version somewhere.

Title: Re: Lunch Lady Starving My Sims
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 August 11, 12:48:11
Or you installed a new lot, and the person who made the lot had an older version of the hack included in the package file.