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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: LynnMar on 2006 August 07, 19:48:29

Title: please make them stop
Post by: LynnMar on 2006 August 07, 19:48:29
my sims are cleaning the da_ _  plates again, since I had to unistall Inge "no plate clearing hack"  Do you have anything here that will replace it, that will work with NL and OFB?

I hate OFB,  I just got it about a week ago and I wish I had my 30 dollars and they had a feather you know where , then we would both be tickled.   >:(

sorry about the rant but I had my game perfect before OFB and now everything is messed up.  I am getting weird animations again,  this lady in the hot tub was giving this man a massage only he was turned around not facing her with his arms stuck out behind him.   I wonder if I will ever get this ep working right.   ???

Title: Re: please make them stop
Post by: Sandilou on 2006 August 07, 20:08:34
I don't know about here, but Squinge has one over at the

Title: Re: please make them stop
Post by: LynnMar on 2006 August 07, 20:32:22
yes but it will not work on downtown nightlife lots.   I already tried it.

Title: Re: please make them stop
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2006 August 07, 21:48:52
Didn't work for me either, so I took it out.  I'm currently being driven mad by the same thing.  What gets me is, Sims with little or no Neatness are falling over themselves to clean these pots, when they never do it at home because of the slobs mod.  Quite why they feel the need to do it when they're out is anybody's guess.

Title: Re: please make them stop
Post by: LynnMar on 2006 August 07, 22:41:36
thanks ancient sim,  at least I am not the only one with the problem.   Maybe if more people get it someone will make a fix.   I sure miss Inge, she would have it fixed by now.   ;)

  I tried to explain to Squinge in a post that it was not working on the NL lots and some smart-ass answered my post and said I shouldn't have downloaded it if I didn't have OFB and it was not Squinge's fault.   I replied "I am not a complete idiot, but I have all the ep's and it don' t work.

when I put it in and went downtown,  there were plates everywhere, even the waitress would not clean any plates after the people got finished eating.   So my sim lady had to sit down and order something and then when her order came, the dirty plate disappeared.   This is the funny part,  the man she was dining wiith he disappeared completely off the lot but she still had to order him something so that she could eat.  Then when she got in her car to leave, she would not leave because she was waiting for him, so I had to exit without saving to get her home.    ;D

Title: Re: please make them stop
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 August 07, 22:46:35
I don't have anything for plate-cleaning or otherwise, but I've never observed this problem.

Title: Re: please make them stop
Post by: twojeffs on 2006 August 07, 22:48:16
I've been playing a dorm a lot recently testing and this has been driving me INSANE. But, I haven't had the time (or taken it actually ;)) to fix it. Perhaps I'll do that though.

Title: Re: please make them stop
Post by: veilchen on 2006 August 07, 23:19:48
JM, I'm surprised to hear that you let your sims out into the neighborhood :D

Yeah, that's driving me batty too. Why would you go to a restaurant/grill/etc., and then proceed to clean the plates off.

TJ, if you fix that, I'll be forever grateful, and by the looks of it, I'll not be the only one.

/me still loves TJ's avatar :D

Title: Re: please make them stop
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 August 08, 00:05:28
I haven't seen any of the community lot visitors trying to clean the plates. What exactly are you doing that causes them to spontaneously start?

Title: Re: please make them stop
Post by: Emma on 2006 August 08, 08:36:44
I uninstalled Inges 'no plate clearing on community lots' hack too, quite simply because my sims couldn't clean up dirty plates on the university secret society lot, nor influence others to do it >:(

Title: Re: please make them stop
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 August 08, 08:38:53
I uninstalled Inges 'no plate clearing on community lots' hack too, quite simply because my sims couldn't clean up dirty plates on the university secret society lot, nor influence others to do it >:(
Meh. I suppose I could look at it and do a more selective update.

Title: Re: please make them stop
Post by: JenW on 2006 August 08, 12:48:41
It also prevents Sims from cleaning up on owned community lots.

I don't have Sims clearing their own plates every time I go to a restaurant, but I have seen it more than once :P

Title: Re: please make them stop
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2006 August 08, 13:26:23
I had the SS problem with Inge's mod, too, I'd forgotten about that.  I think the main reason they start cleaning them is because they're bored - I remember a vampire I was controlling was so bored she spent the entire night cleaning everyone's pots, although that was before I installed Monique's mod that lets the vampires fun & social go down. 

Quite often when I'm on community lots I bump the fun & social of my playable(s) down, sometimes that stops them messing about with pots.  I think the main reason they do it is because they're maxed-out on fun & social and there's nothing else immediately to hand.  Trouble is, they get in the way of the staff and get into strops because they can't reach the sink - that's why it's such a pain. 

Title: Re: please make them stop
Post by: Jelenedra on 2006 August 08, 15:02:51
I haven't seen the problem at restaraunts, but on community lots where someone grilled something. First they had to serve EVERYONE. Then they had to trek to the dinky sink in the bathroom for each plate after everyone ate.

Title: Re: please make them stop
Post by: LynnMar on 2006 August 08, 18:49:01
mine clean up plates on the downtown lots especially if they are high in neat points.  Vicund would get out the car and go in and start clearing plates and washing dishes.  A lot of mine if I would cancell there eating because they were taking too long eating, they would clean up their plates even if I had something else queche up for them to do.   You, know when they are on a date, they only have so long and here they are cleaning them plates and the message pops up "time is running out"    ::)

whoever can fix this a big thanks to you JM or TJ.    :-*

in the meantime I have put back in the Inge hack and am not playing the business part of the game until I get a fix.  I was going to uninstall it but then I would have to put all the old NL hacks back in and I am not going thru that again.   :'(

Title: Re: please make them stop
Post by: veilchen on 2006 August 08, 22:40:12
Yeah, mine clean them up everywhere too. I took Inge's mod out, because I play some businesses. So now my poor pixel people can't go to restaurants/grill-places on their dates anymore. I've gotten into the habit of having them have their dates at home. At least I have a little more control over things there.

Title: Re: please make them stop
Post by: Emma on 2006 August 09, 06:00:43
Dates at home are much better IMO ;) I use Downtown for outings, or for scanning for the perfect mate for my sim.

Title: Re: please make them stop
Post by: MissDoh on 2006 August 09, 16:15:43
Lynnmarr Squinge made an alternate version of his mod so sims will clean plates at home but not on community lots.  I am personally using this version and it works fine.  The server do clean the plates on community if they are not too busy serving sims food, I had that problem of servers not cleaning plates before I had that mod in if they were just too many sims to serve because they we're all lining up at the podium, they simply did not had time to clean the plates, this can happen on lost like The Crypt because there are many tables to serve all in different areas on the lot.  Maybe you tried the wrong version.  ???

You could also use JM new restaurant fix mod along with it, it does wonder.

Title: Re: please make them stop
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 August 09, 16:25:51
Ah well, in that case, nevermind, someone did it already.

Title: Re: please make them stop
Post by: Jelenedra on 2006 August 09, 16:28:01
Yeah, but it's all... Squingey.

Title: Re: please make them stop
Post by: MissDoh on 2006 August 09, 16:32:43
I haven't seen the problem at restaraunts, but on community lots where someone grilled something. First they had to serve EVERYONE. Then they had to trek to the dinky sink in the bathroom for each plate after everyone ate.

Crammyboy made a mod so sims won't serve every dish when they make a bbq on community lots.  It works fine with OFB.

EDIT:  I have Crammyboy, Jm and Squinge mod together and my sims are no longer serving BBQ plates on community lots or attempt to clean dirty plates on any community lots, and bonus they do not line-up like crazy thanks to JM mod.  These 3 mods are a nice combination together and do not conflict in any way together.

Title: Re: please make them stop
Post by: LynnMar on 2006 August 09, 16:36:17
okay I will try it again along with JM's and see if that works.   thanks Miss Doh  :)

Title: Re: please make them stop
Post by: MissDoh on 2006 August 09, 16:39:59
okay I will try it again along with JM's and see if that works.   thanks Miss Doh  :)

Make sure to try the one with alt in the name, it is the newest he made.  You could also add Crammyboy mod I just suggested above. :)  Here is the link to Crammyboy mod:,1494.0.html

Title: Re: please make them stop
Post by: LynnMar on 2006 August 10, 18:21:00
I did and it works.   Yeah!!!!  thanks again.   :)

Title: Re: please make them stop
Post by: MissDoh on 2006 August 11, 05:59:36
Really glad to hear it is working fine now :)  Another annoyance gone for you.

Title: Re: please make them stop
Post by: veilchen on 2006 August 11, 13:43:27
Thanks from me too MissDoh. It took me a while to find the Squinge mod, I don't usually use his stuff and I didn't even know that he moved lots of it to the insim site. No offense meant to the Modder or his fans, by the way. It's just that people who churn out mods like a cookie factory scare me a little. I'm sure many/most/all??? of his mods are perfectly safe, as a matter of fact, when I have a little time I might just investigate that.

LynnMar, I admire your restraint. I would never have apologized, that person was completely out of line. First off, I knew exactly what you meant, and even if it confused her/him, that outburst was totally uncalled for. Telling you to read the modder's post more closely was the dumbest thing I've ever seen, because apparently, the silly person can't read posts right her/himself. It might be confusing, but the proper thing to do when you are confused about what a person means, is to ask. I wonder what was not understandable in you sentence "it does work for me in OFB, but not in NL". It told me that you have OFB, and the mod does not work in the NL sections of the game. Duh.

I'm glad the alt version of the mod fixed it for you though :D

Title: Re: please make them stop
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 August 11, 13:46:10
We used to turn out stuff at that rate also, but this was way back. Unfortunately, since he does just about anything anyone asks him to, you can't be assured that any of Squinge's mods are compatible with any of his other ones, so there's no "package deal" coherency like with FFS hacks. Thus you have to really carefully inspect everything, it's not quite as plug-and-pray as installing the Director's Cut is.

Title: Re: please make them stop
Post by: veilchen on 2006 August 11, 15:28:31
JM, I met you when I joined MTS2 in Sept/Octoberish 2004 and I know how fast everyone pushed stuff out. And that is precisely my concern. Everyone, to some extend, made sure that the mods were inter-compatible, and most of the time they were compatible across modders as well. I might not agree with you on a lot of things, but as far as modding is concerned, you have never been haphazard... hard-headed maybe, but not incoherent, especially about your mods.

I don't know if that was intentional, but plug and pray describes it just about perfectly as far as Squinge's mods are concerned.

Title: Re: please make them stop
Post by: Magicmoon on 2006 August 11, 16:27:57
The only one I can find by Squinge requires OFB. I took out Inge's for the same reason other's did, no one could clean up any plates at the Secret Society even if I attempted to instruct them to do so.

My super neat sims are driving me nuts. I take them to the singles club to find out who they might be interested in, and instead of mingling they want to clean up all the dirty dishes.

Title: Re: please make them stop
Post by: MissDoh on 2006 August 11, 20:21:07
Thanks from me too MissDoh. It took me a while to find the Squinge mod, I don't usually use his stuff and I didn't even know that he moved lots of it to the insim site. No offense meant to the Modder or his fans, by the way. It's just that people who churn out mods like a cookie factory scare me a little. I'm sure many/most/all??? of his mods are perfectly safe, as a matter of fact, when I have a little time I might just investigate that.

One thing I can tell you, if it can reassure you, is that now Squinge have official beta testers for his mods (for the last 4 months).  He decided to do that because he was releasing a lot of mods that he did not have the time to completely test and he did not want anybody to have problems with them.  I am one of those testers.  I personally tested the alt version throughflully in all sections of the game to make sure it was working fine but of course I probably don't have the same mods you do so you always need to make sure it does not conflict with something else you have in game.

Squinge is taking a break for the summer and he probably won't take as many request as he did in the past.  He will concentrate on updating the ones already out when a new ep is out and make new ones to solve new annoyances new ep will create.  Like Pescado said, since he is doing request, some wanted to emphasis the use of an action and other wanted to stop it, so for sure those mods cannot be use together.  Normally, there should be a mention in the 1st post if a mod does not work with another one he created.  I strongly suggest though, whenever you add a new mod in your game weither from him or any other modder, that you run Paladin's Hack conflict detect tool that can be found at  I run it everytime I add a new mod or a new version of a mod to make sure everything is still compatible.

If anybody have questions about Squinge's mods, do not hesitate to pm me either here or directly at Insim site (I use the same nick at Insim), I will gladly answer you to the best of my knowledge as long as it does not concern the programming of it itself, I am not a modder.

Title: Re: please make them stop
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 August 12, 11:33:53
See, whereas I'm not so big on requests because it produces multiple conflicting versions of something, only one of which I can use. If someone has a complaint about how it works, I will either adopt some elements to find a workable middle ground, or crush the whiny little peasant into the dirt with my superior logics. And I don't really do requests, I do "Why, that's an excellent idea! I'm glad I thought of it!". If you want me to do your idea, convince me that it's my idea. :P

Title: Re: please make them stop
Post by: Magicmoon on 2006 August 12, 13:42:55
After reading this thread, I put in both Restaurant fixes and Crammyboy's don't serve on Comm lots mods. But then Squinge's mod, don't walk away while cooking, stopped working.

Funny thing is that none of these mods showed a hack conflict.

I'll try rearranging the mods in my folders to find out if I can keep them all or not, but this really confuses me as to why this is true.

Title: Re: please make them stop
Post by: dizzy on 2006 August 12, 17:26:30
It's possible that Squinge's mod wasn't completely working in the first place. I've noticed that there are conditions where it definitely fails.

Title: Re: please make them stop
Post by: Magicmoon on 2006 August 12, 17:36:59
The only times I've had it fail in the past is when "help with birthday" forces itself to the top of the queue.

But something else is going on with one of the 2 mods I added. The moment I went to my favorite comm lot the game crashed.

Title: Re: please make them stop
Post by: MissDoh on 2006 August 12, 18:13:00
Make sure too remove Squinge Less atrractive podium and less attrictve expresso mods if you are using Pescado restaurant fix mod.  It won't show a conflict on the hack tool but Pescado fix is more efficient than the mods Squinge made to fix those annoyances, Pescado one is fixing more issues.

Title: Re: please make them stop
Post by: Magicmoon on 2006 August 13, 02:00:10
I'm not using those mods of Squinge's.