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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: raptureswild on 2006 August 07, 09:42:05

Title: Cars Stuck on Community Lots; Dates disappear
Post by: raptureswild on 2006 August 07, 09:42:05
This is in all probability old news, having been discussed at length and solved by minds far more acute than mine.

If you know the answer to this question, you are welcome to leave insults, provided you direct me to said answer.

I run TS2 with all expansions and "stuff" packs, including Holiday.  I have patched my game with everything Maxis has thrown at me.  I use many mods by JM Pescado and TwoJeffs, but I'm pretty sure that if it's a hacked/modded object or file, I haven't downloaded it off a site that wasn't this one.

My problem is as follows:
Sim takes owned vehicle to community lot.  Sim is only very occasionally able to drive vehicle home.  I'm pretty sure that they're just about never able to drive it home, but I think there may have been one or two occasions when they could.  Sims call taxi and leave, to arrive at home in their car.

More recently, a CAS sim of mine took Malcolm Landgraab IV on a date.  They went out to eat (she paid, that cheap punk rich boy), and when she tried to take him home in her *awesome* blue-flamed black truck, the only option I had was to 'dance' to the car stereo.  So I called a taxi, and when she arrived at home (in her own vehicle), Malcolm was nowhere to be seen and it was as if the dream date never occurred, other than the relationship scores and -$30 she spent on dinner.  No roses, no anything that indicated the date happened, and there was plenty of time leftover.

If I need to explain anything in addition to this, please tell me.  Luckily it is not THAT frustrating of a bug.  Well, it is, because my sims can't take dates out to eat.  Argh.  At least it isn't rendering the game completely unplayable.

Title: Re: Cars Stuck on Community Lots; Dates disappear
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 August 07, 13:27:31
Hmm, that sort-of sounds like the problem that OFB originally had with private cars and community-owned lots. Are you sure the latest patch 'took'?.

Otherwise, I'd say enable the testing cheats next time you go to a community lot and see what errors generate when you try to send the sim home in their car. It could definitely be a hack/mod conflict or problem, and the error log should point the way.

Title: Re: Cars Stuck on Community Lots; Dates disappear
Post by: Witches on 2006 August 07, 17:32:06
I've had other related errors:

Some of my sims can no longer woohoo in their car on their home lot, only at a community lot.

I've had sims invite me on an outing, only to end it the second my sim shows up. Was it my breath?  :D

And, the ever-popular, recurring, "Don't you care what I want? I'm leaving" directly followed by "You're some fantastic date!" after a dream date that involves woohoo. The date is then recorded as dream date, so no harm done. Just pretty annoying, as I make a point of asking my dates several times what they want. Can I help it that "go to college" or "fall in love with SOMEONE ELSE" isn't something my sim can (or would want to!??) make happen?

Title: Re: Cars Stuck on Community Lots; Dates disappear
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 August 07, 17:44:08
Inability to woohoo in cars on home lots is a known bug associated with patch-2. A fix currently exists in the ofb/test directory.

Title: Re: Cars Stuck on Community Lots; Dates disappear
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2006 August 07, 21:52:05
I get the "Don't You Care" followed by "Dream Date" quite often, too.  I hadn't really noticed before but you're right, it does come after woo-hoo.  When I make the other Sim selectable, they always need the toilet, so maybe all that woo-hooing doesn't do much for their bladders.  As you say, you get the score anyway, so no harm done.

Title: Re: Cars Stuck on Community Lots; Dates disappear
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 August 07, 22:30:30
The "don't you care" is the premature termination due to low motives. Of course, there's no way to know what they actually *ARE*, since they hardly tell you about it, nor do they ever bother to take action to resolve the matter, so it's pure guesswork, such as by trying to drag them into the radius of Bathroom Uses You so they'll use the terlet, or other field-influence effects, like parking them by snapdragons before initiating the social-spam. Termination in such a manner simply ends the date, there's no penalty, and you end with whatever score you racked up before this happened.

Title: Re: Cars Stuck on Community Lots; Dates disappear
Post by: Witches on 2006 August 08, 15:06:32
Inability to woohoo in cars on home lots is a known bug associated with patch-2. A fix currently exists in the ofb/test directory.

Is that on the official site, or here?

Thanks for the info.

I don't have bathroom uses you installed in my community lots, just at home, and no one can make snapdragons yet. I think I'll give them both a try. I've got a couple of sims who are close to their gold flower badge ...

Title: Re: Cars Stuck on Community Lots; Dates disappear
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 August 08, 18:59:05
Is that on the official site, or here?

Here; follow the links in the Armory forum, Hacks Directory thread.

I don't have bathroom uses you installed in my community lots, just at home, and no one can make snapdragons yet. I think I'll give them both a try. I've got a couple of sims who are close to their gold flower badge ...

FYI, Monique has  a mod/object that lets you buy craftable items in bulk, and a buyable snapdragons over on MTS2:

Craftable items:

Buyable snapdragons: