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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: nikita on 2006 August 05, 22:32:22

Title: Using Backup Lot files to replace corrupted current ones
Post by: nikita on 2006 August 05, 22:32:22
One of my downtown lots inexplicably disappeared and when I tried to play it, my game crashed.  Unfortunately the most recent "clean" version I have of that lot is from end of March!  I could move the family out and then move them into another house but having to redecorate all over again, not to mention, retake some 20 dummy photos and then replace them with my the family's pictures would be such a hassle.  Besides, I really liked that house and don't remember where I downloaded it.

Is it safe to replace a lot file with same file but from another time while the family is still inside?

Title: Re: Using Backup Lot files to replace corrupted current ones
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2006 August 06, 05:26:07
Yes, you can do that.  Character-wise (age, achievements, etc.) they will be the same as they were at the current point in your game, but when you load the lot they will be doing whatever they were doing at the time that particular copy was last used (hope that makes sense!).  The only time it's awkward is if there has been a new family member since.  With a bit of luck, they'll be standing by the mailbox when you reload, but if not you can bring them back with Insim's 'Restore Family' feature.

Title: Re: Using Backup Lot files to replace corrupted current ones
Post by: nikita on 2006 August 06, 09:10:58
Thanks, Ancient Sim.  Luckily no new family members.  Though I will have to retake some photos but it's a small loss considering the alternatives.  ;D

Title: Re: Using Backup Lot files to replace corrupted current ones
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 August 06, 09:20:35
It can also be awkward if someone has had an age transition since the last time you backed up that lot. These are mostly minor issues that can be resolved by delete/respawning the afflicted sims, though.

Title: Re: Using Backup Lot files to replace corrupted current ones
Post by: cwykes on 2006 August 06, 14:22:44
.... I will have to retake some photos but it's a small loss considering the alternatives.  ;D
You'll still have the pics in storytelling and in the album from the first time round.  You only need to take new photos if you do something very different second time round - unless you are a lot pickier than me.

Title: Re: Using Backup Lot files to replace corrupted current ones
Post by: nikita on 2006 August 07, 01:33:21
Oh yeah, I know.  I meant taking "dummy" photos so I can replace them with my pictures.

Luckily, I play VERY slowly (I synchronize all the lots, put everyone through Uni and only play on the weekends) so there haven't been any age transitions or major changes, just cosmetic.  I'm mostly concerned as to why the lot disappeared so I can avoid this happening again.  I was so freaked when my game crashed.  I really need to back up more often but it takes up so much space... :(

Title: Re: Using Backup Lot files to replace corrupted current ones
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 August 07, 01:39:23
You'll still have the pics in storytelling and in the album from the first time round.  You only need to take new photos if you do something very different second time round - unless you are a lot pickier than me.
You won't actually have a "second time around". Everything you did the first time is largely intact. If your sims got promoted, they're still promoted. If someone died, they're still dead. Anything that happened is still recorded, the only thing that reverts is the current activity and physical state of the lot furniture.

Title: Re: Using Backup Lot files to replace corrupted current ones
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2006 August 07, 03:12:34
That's what I said!  OK, you probably said it better. 

I should also have added that I do this when I move Sims into a previously-occupied house.  I just hate furnishing the things, so I move them in, then replace the file with the copy I made after the previous family moved out.  There's also the added bonus that they get the lot dirt cheap and don't have to pay for the furniture.  Nice one.

Title: Re: Using Backup Lot files to replace corrupted current ones
Post by: nikita on 2006 August 07, 06:49:21

I should also have added that I do this when I move Sims into a previously-occupied house.  I just hate furnishing the things, so I move them in, then replace the file with the copy I made after the previous family moved out. 

Ooh, I never thought of that.  That's genius!  I'll have to remember to do that next time.  I really need to start writing down which families are in which # lots.