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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: AllenABQ on 2006 August 04, 18:40:15

Title: Newborn disappeared! Argh!!
Post by: AllenABQ on 2006 August 04, 18:40:15
I have to admit, I've stumbled across more bugs since I started playing OFB than in the entire time I've played Sims 2.  Most are minor annoyances, but this one is really distressing.

Husband and wife.  She got pregnant.  Normal pregnancy, resulting in newborn baby girl.

Problem: after she was born, only the mother had a relationship with her that was 0/0.  She showed up in the family tree, but no other family members had a relationship score of even having known her.  Furthermore, no baby interactions were available on any objects that normally offered them.  That is, no "Feed Bottle" on the fridge, and the new baby crib and changing station had no interactions available at all.  I decided maybe the best thing to do was save the family and re-enter the lot.  Disaster!  No baby on the family lot picture, and once I was in... NO BABY!!! No spot for her on the control panel.  No relationship listed with any family member. She's completely disappeared from the lot.

Anyone know if there's a fix for this?  Or is little Naomi a goner???   >:(

UPDATE:  I looked at the problem using SimPE and found something interesting.  Baby Naomi was associated with the Blanchard family instead of her own.  She's completely unrelated to the Blanchards.  The only connection I can make is that I was playing the Blanchard family just before Naomi's family.  But I switched from the Blanchard family to the Vargas family just before Naomi's birth using the "List" function in JMP's lot syncher object.

Could this be the reason Naomi got placed there?  Some information from the previous family was being held on to because I didn't use the normal procedure of exiting to the neighborhood before the Vargas family was loaded? ???

Title: Re: Newborn disappeared! Argh!!
Post by: wishy-washy on 2006 August 04, 19:27:38
I believe the lot jump feature of the lot synch timer is not supposed to be used as of OFB. Check the lot synch timer thread in the firing range.

Title: Re: Newborn disappeared! Argh!!
Post by: Ness on 2006 August 04, 22:11:02
sounds like the lot jumping feature is what's caused it.

it was disabled for a while, but it was re-enabled withthe strict warnings that no births, marriages or move ins occur until the lot has been exited and reloaded.

I hope you can re-attach the child to the right family in simpe

Title: Re: Newborn disappeared! Argh!!
Post by: AllenABQ on 2006 August 05, 00:09:53
Pays to read the thread, doesn't it? LOL

Well at least I know not to do it again in the future.

I did manange to get the child re-attached to the right family, and everything appears fine now.  Thanks.

Title: Re: Newborn disappeared! Argh!!
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2006 August 05, 02:16:33
Now this sounds like a great way to arrange a surrogate birth ...

Title: Re: Newborn disappeared! Argh!!
Post by: Gwill on 2006 August 05, 13:56:27
I had the exact same thing happen with Pascal Curious' alien baby, and yes, I supect it was caused by not reading tfm of the lot synchronizer in my case.
The baby is now living happily with the Beakers, and although Pascal remembers having the baby, he's not listed as a parent, and he doesn't seem to miss her.

Shortly after I contracted Maxis ADHD and went to play a custom neigbourhood in stead.