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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: lindaetterlee on 2006 August 03, 05:08:31

Title: College in the Main Hood? Danger Will Robinson???
Post by: lindaetterlee on 2006 August 03, 05:08:31
Umm This isn't a request more but a question. Up until recently sims that were adults would marry YA's and the YA's would move into their house(main hood) and trans to adult. Now the YA's are staying Ya's. No point asking what hacks i have cus the totals over 900 but this just recently started. Not sure if it is a bug or what. Yes i've got kitty killer and puppy pooper or whatever but again this is a resent fubar but it seems to be happening accross the board.  Anyone else having this prob?

Also I've been getting the can't propose because i am still married to my dead husband bug (resent start-up).

Title: Re: College in the Main Hood? Danger Will Robinson???
Post by: Avalikia on 2006 August 03, 05:46:39
900 hacks?  :o  I hate to ask, but what happens if you scan for conflicts?

Title: Re: College in the Main Hood? Danger Will Robinson???
Post by: lindaetterlee on 2006 August 03, 06:00:54
Actually none lol.

Title: Re: College in the Main Hood? Danger Will Robinson???
Post by: Avalikia on 2006 August 03, 06:58:42
You found 900 hacks that don't conflict with eachother?

/me is impressed!

Title: Re: College in the Main Hood? Danger Will Robinson???
Post by: dizzy on 2006 August 03, 07:25:49
It's not that impressive when you realize that there are about 200 to 300 from this site alone.

Title: Re: College in the Main Hood? Danger Will Robinson???
Post by: syberspunk on 2006 August 03, 07:54:21
Hrm... that YA staying as YAs sounds like it might be Squingish. I think I saw a hack where he had YAs in the regular hood or something. You should probably look for that. Dunno if having sims stay as YAs would necessarily be harmful. ATM I can't think of anything specific that would cause things to blow up because of this, other than potential issues of sims staying forever as YAs, which would pretty much be as if you were playing with aging off.

The only problems I know that could arise is the possibility of sims having long lives and the amount of memories that they may accumulate, but since the number of iterations was boosted, this probably isn't as much of a concern anymore. I think Pescado said that it would take a long while anyways for sims to accumlate a bfbvfs inducing number of memories anyway. *shrugs*

The dead spouse thing was brought up again in another recent thread. Apparently, if the death happened before you had the post mortum hack installed, then the bug remains 'stuck' and must be manually fixed using SimPE (or I suppose you could probably use the Puppy Killer to fix it.

/me hands Linda a pooper scooper to clean up her mess. ;D


Title: Re: College in the Main Hood? Danger Will Robinson???
Post by: lindaetterlee on 2006 August 03, 22:16:42
naw i thought of that but i dont have that mod.

Title: Re: College in the Main Hood? Danger Will Robinson???
Post by: baratron on 2006 August 12, 22:49:55
Up until recently sims that were adults would marry YA's and the YA's would move into their house(main hood) and trans to adult. Now the YA's are staying Ya's. No point asking what hacks i have cus the totals over 900 but this just recently started.

As far as I'm aware, to marry a Dormie, you have to first Propose --> Move In, so the Dormie transitions from YA to Adult and graduates. You can only Propose --> Marriage after they've moved into the main hood and grown up. It's not possible to marry a Dormie while they're still living in the College Neighbourhood.

So at what point is it going wrong? The move from College to main Neighbourhood? Or during the marriage ceremony?