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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Kestran on 2006 August 01, 16:38:47

Title: a baby downtown :/
Post by: Kestran on 2006 August 01, 16:38:47
Little baby George Burb is lying on the curb, between the phone and the trashcan at the FM lot. Can someone please help the little fellow get home?

And is my game fubar?

Here is the story. Newly divorced, whatshisname got a call from a friend asking him to go out with a few friends...I think it is the outing thing, and when he arrived at the FM place little George was awaiting for him.

How can I fix this and what can I do to prevent this from happening again?

Oh and btw. The baby is selectable. The guy can hold it and cuddle it and play with it.

Title: Re: a baby downtown :/
Post by: Avalikia on 2006 August 01, 16:45:25
It sounds like the game decided to have the baby be part of the group for some reason.  I think you should be able to just leave without him and everything will be fine.  As for why it happened in the first place, you've got me.

Title: Re: a baby downtown :/
Post by: Kestran on 2006 August 01, 16:46:21
What if someone in the party picks it up and holds it....? That is what I am mainly afraid of.

Title: Re: a baby downtown :/
Post by: ZiggyDoodle on 2006 August 01, 16:46:44
Same thing happened in my game.  The infant went home when my Sims did and it never happened again.

I recall it was at a restaurant downtown.

Title: Re: a baby downtown :/
Post by: Kestran on 2006 August 01, 16:49:59
Well it better go home. It is the ONLY male child of Johnny Burb and HE has to carry on the family name :/

Yes, I am old fashioned :D

Title: Re: a baby downtown :/
Post by: Jelenedra on 2006 August 01, 16:52:18
If nothing else, can't you just quit the game in the middle of the outing? Then play the game from the last save?

Title: Re: a baby downtown :/
Post by: Kestran on 2006 August 01, 16:57:48
If nothing else, can't you just quit the game in the middle of the outing? Then play the game from the last save?

Yeah....but I didn't save before he went into the taxi :P I have to start all over :'(

Title: Re: a baby downtown :/
Post by: Avalikia on 2006 August 01, 17:26:12
The game automatically saves before you go anywhere.  It saved itself.

Title: Re: a baby downtown :/
Post by: Kestran on 2006 August 01, 17:33:29
That is good to know because I had to quit without saving. I tried to play the outing out but they couldn't eat because the baby couldnt participate so I had to have them leave but the baby refused to go into taxi and they sat there in the taxi till morning. Until I gave up and just quitted.

Btw. How can I quit an outing? And shouldn't I get a meter with them? Because no meter appeared when they came to the community lot.

Title: Re: a baby downtown :/
Post by: Avalikia on 2006 August 01, 17:38:14
Outings that you are invited to are never scored.  You should have an option to kick people out of the group when you click on a group member.  The outing will end if you kick everyone out of the group.  I never accept outings if my Sim gets invited to one because it's more trouble than it's worth.  I set up my own outings instead.

Title: Re: a baby downtown :/
Post by: vaughje on 2006 August 01, 17:41:04
You should be able to just click on the sim and choose end outing or something similar.  Saves time of having to click on everyone in the outing.

Title: Re: a baby downtown :/
Post by: syberspunk on 2006 August 01, 19:03:24
Outings that you are invited to are never scored.

Are you sure about that? I've been invited downtown to outings before and I've gotten the meter all the time... I know... because I hardly never choose to go on outings myself, only dates. I've had contacts call me, and when I accept, once I show up on the lot, I get a clown car/taxi full of sims piling out for the outing and the meter shows up.

The baby thing was a bug from earlier non-patched versions of NL afaik. If you have OFB or patched, this shouldn't happen anymore. Well... at least I thought it was patched. Maybe the phonehack fixes it? I dunno, but that has never happened to me in my game. Although I recall reading a lot of threads about babies calling people up for outings and showing up at outings on doorsteps and what not. Of course babies will refuse to get into taxis because it is impossible, unless they are carried ??? or you have some unawesome hack. And I don't think I've ever seen this happen, but I've read about babies being kidnapped. As I understood it though, that only happened when visitors picked up the baby and walked away with it. Anyhew, there are no animations for babies to get into taxis by themselves. And I doubt that the game lets sims hold babies while getting into taxis.


Title: Re: a baby downtown :/
Post by: neriana on 2006 August 01, 19:06:39
Outings that you're invited to are scored. My Sims have been on quite a few, and ended up with quite a few skill points from them once I realized that the ONLY thing that counts is socializing.

Title: Re: a baby downtown :/
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 August 01, 19:08:29
Yea, I've had a nanny or two walk off with the baby at the end of her shift, but the baby usually pops up back by the mailbox soon after. It only happened on lots without the baby controller (or before I discovered it :) ). Those kidnapping nannies have since become cow plant food, and their replacements know better than to try it. :)

Title: Re: a baby downtown :/
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2006 August 01, 20:11:34
I've never had babies or toddlers show-up on outings, although I've had parents take them to work with them a couple of times (caused by them not being able to get the Baby Controller to realise they need to go to work).  I've only got one toddler whose friends with an adult outside the family, which is probably why it's never happened, but in any case it won't now because the second OFB patch fixed the problem.  Shame, would have been fun.

Anyway, can't you just delete the baby with moveobjectson?  He's not likely to be missing from his family anyway and in any case, once you leave the community lot he'll go because nobody is saved with it. 

Title: Re: a baby downtown :/
Post by: Magicmoon on 2006 August 01, 20:57:28
I don't have OFB. Once I did have a toddler invite someone downtown for an outing. Out of curiosity I went. There the toddler sat on the sidewalk, along with the rest of the group in the outing.

Things went well up until time to eat. The toddler could find no way to get into a chair, although he did try several times.

When the outing was over, everything was fine. The toddler was still living at home, etc.

I've been invited on outings quite a bit. Sometimes they have the monitor, other times they don't. I notice that when YOU ask someone on an outing, it can be either just for fun, or scored. I think that the person inviting you also has this choice and so they randomly choose one or the other. That's why sometimes the monitor is there and other times it isn't. Anyway, that's my best guess.

Title: Re: a baby downtown :/
Post by: Process Denied on 2006 August 02, 06:51:49
I had the same thing happen with John Burb.  It was early in the game and John didn't know many sims and he asked his bro in law on an outing and his twin infants were laying in the middle of the road at the bowling alley.  I deleted the babies because it wasn't a scored outing.  Nothing happens to the babies they will be where you left them when you are done.  Your game is fine.

Title: Re: a baby downtown :/
Post by: Kestran on 2006 August 02, 16:00:55
Hey cool, my Burbie has twins as well :D

Although I wasn't very happy when Jenn popped them out. I only needed one of them ;D

Thanks for all the advice guys and I am so relieved to hear others have had this same problems and that my game isn't exploding. I will try to delete the baby/ies if this happens again, but I doubt it. From now on I just make my own outings.

very relieved.

Title: Re: a baby downtown :/
Post by: Process Denied on 2006 August 02, 16:05:46
I think it happens when the outing is originated by a playable character that doesn't know enough sims.  I don't think it would ever happen to a townie outing and won't probably happen when they know enough sims in the future.  I wouldn't avoid outings--it is quite rare.