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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Beefshank on 2006 July 31, 09:24:08

Title: J. M. Pescado's romance mod
Post by: Beefshank on 2006 July 31, 09:24:08
I looked for this mod on and off for a couple months. I first heard about it on another site, and I actually found this site because I was looking for it.  Well, it took a while, but I finally found it in the file. Cool. But there isn't a, and I have no idea what it actually does. I get the feeling I'm the only one who still doesn't know. Every mention I find about it, everybody talks like it's function is common knowledge, but I got into this mod thing kinda recently, and I guess I missed all the fun. Could someone point me to a, or tell me what it does please?



Title: Re: J. M. Pescado's romance mod
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 July 31, 09:33:27
The short list of things affected:
1. Jealousy now depends on asp/personality.
2. Sims no longer throw random hissyfits on watching random people they don't know doing things with other random people.
3. Sims may reject romance actions if they are already attached to someone else, providing protection against NPCs with hostile flirt behaviors.
4. Some buggy Maxian interactions fixed.
5. Zombies not so sexy.

Title: Re: J. M. Pescado's romance mod
Post by: Beefshank on 2006 July 31, 09:55:07
Thanks! And from the maker himself too!  ;D

I've never seen a zombie. I didn't realize they were I'm curious.


Title: Re: J. M. Pescado's romance mod
Post by: starrling on 2006 July 31, 17:25:54
psst... me neither.  Nor have I ever had a playable vamp.  Don't tell anyone.

Title: Re: J. M. Pescado's romance mod
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 July 31, 17:59:51
Pick a townie you don't like, and turn them into a zombie. Goopy Gilscarbo is the resident zombie in my PV. :)

Title: Re: J. M. Pescado's romance mod
Post by: Tyyppi on 2006 July 31, 18:01:10
Had a vamp family once. It was nice for a while but got bored with it. Zombies are also fun for only a while. Zombies need to act more like zombies. Like attacking other sims and eating their brains and making their victims into zombies. That would be great.

Title: Re: J. M. Pescado's romance mod
Post by: rohina on 2006 July 31, 18:41:42
I agree. I had a sim who wanted to be  a zombie, so I let him. Now he just annoys me with his bad personality and slow lurching.

Title: Re: J. M. Pescado's romance mod
Post by: Avalikia on 2006 August 01, 16:04:26
1. Jealousy now depends on asp/personality.

Can someone give me more details about this aspect of the hack?  I'm assuming the obvious stuff like family sims are likely to be jealous easily and romance sims not as easily, but what personalities does the hack look at?  If I could get some examples of what interactions between which Sims would or would not trigger jealously with this mod I would be very happy.

Title: Re: J. M. Pescado's romance mod
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 August 01, 23:45:44
I recall the simple rule was Romance/Unattached Pleasure with Nice+Outgoing+Playful >= 15

Title: Re: J. M. Pescado's romance mod
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 August 02, 01:33:31
Nina Caliente's default personality makes for a very jealous Romance Sim.  However, Don's personality works very well.  Somehow, I would think it would be difficult for a Romance Sim who is as painfully shy as Nina to get any action. 

I didn't know the Romance mod had been updated to include Pleasure sims.  I knew the NOP>=15 rule, which works very well for my Romance couples.  So I'm guessing that as soon as a Pleasure Sim goes steady or gets engaged, they get all jealous?

Title: Re: J. M. Pescado's romance mod
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 August 02, 02:33:03
They get jealous about the person they've thus claimed. Not about the others.

Title: Re: J. M. Pescado's romance mod
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 August 02, 02:40:37
Nina Caliente's default personality makes for a very jealous Romance Sim.  However, Don's personality works very well.  Somehow, I would think it would be difficult for a Romance Sim who is as painfully shy as Nina to get any action. 

Yea, Nina is all wrong -- I usually either change her aspiration or her personality to get a better match.

Title: Re: J. M. Pescado's romance mod
Post by: Avalikia on 2006 August 02, 03:45:17
I changed Nina to Pleasure shortly after I got NL to "test" the new aspiration, and it worked out so well I've kept her that way.

I mostly want this hack because, while I enjoy the random capering of the evil mascots most of the time, it bugs me when my Sim's fiancee with the Family aspiration actually accepts the flirts.