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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: CatGirl on 2006 July 31, 06:30:36

Title: Twins have gender identity issues
Post by: CatGirl on 2006 July 31, 06:30:36
I hadn't played this family for months, long before I downloaded and installed the Uni patch (Uni is the only EP I have). I had twin toddlers, children # 8 and 9 for this family (the oldest 5 are at college). They looked like the normal undifferentiated toddlers, and I had named them Alan and Mel, so I'm assuming they were "baby boys" when they were born. However, when they transitioned to children, they looked like girls. When I took them to the mirror for a makeover, they only had girl options. But their clothing options are male, except for the dresses they transitioned in.

I put them both in pirate outfits, including the hats, so you can't really tell what gender they are.

I looked at them in SimPE, and they have the "male" buttons chosen. I suppose it's possible I originally had girls and tried to change their gender in SimPE, but I have no idea why I would even want to do that. When I've wanted a particular gender baby in the past, the old quit without saving and reload has worked just fine. This neighborhood has my Legacy house in it, so I don't usually fiddle with it much.

I have most of the FFS mods and not much else. This particular family has some custom genes (which I copied from someone I can't remember now) causing the infants to have little t-shirts and booties. All the other children have been "normal."

So can anyone help me resolve this identity crisis? Thanks!

Title: Re: Twins have gender identity issues
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 July 31, 06:44:08
Maybe they're destinated to be gay?

Title: Re: Twins have gender identity issues
Post by: CatGirl on 2006 July 31, 07:01:36
Gay -- no problem. Lots of gay people in this particular neighborhood. It was the female heads and male bodies that I was having trouble dealing with. Actually, the more I think about it, the more I want to at least wait until they're teens before I change anything.

Title: Re: Twins have gender identity issues
Post by: Kokopelli on 2006 July 31, 16:43:35

Title: Re: Twins have gender identity issues
Post by: aussieone on 2006 July 31, 22:39:40
Maybe they're destinated to be gay?

Destinated?  ???

Title: Re: Twins have gender identity issues
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 July 31, 22:44:05
You know, like burninated.

Title: Re: Twins have gender identity issues
Post by: ElfPuddle on 2006 July 31, 23:16:26
or just a typo....or not.

Back on topic (ahem)
It sounds like a SimPE or Squinge experiment gone bad. Anybody else remember the conversation about the "choose gender" hack and its issues?

<Just found a flaming bad typo and had to fix it. That's what I do.>

Title: Re: Twins have gender identity issues
Post by: Hei_Chavorale on 2006 August 01, 00:38:18
First of all if they are having gender identity issues, they would most likely not be considered gay in the real world. They would be considered transgender, pangender, gender queer, or something to that extent. Not all gay men/women are feminine, we are normal like everyone else, we are humans!
Sorry, didn't mean to come off as rude it's just things like that offend me...stereotypes that is.
*Mods If you want to delete this post you can, I was just speaking my mind.*
As for the twins, perhaps there is a glitch? Never came across this but send me the link for the custom skin and whatnot...I'll test it out for you  :D

Title: Re: Twins have gender identity issues
Post by: moonluck on 2006 August 01, 05:41:08
Hei don't worry I don't even think mods even have the ability to deleate posts here. It thends to be more... liberal here you can pretty mutch say anything as long as it dosn't upset the fish god.

When they get to teen/adult you could just say they are girls and dress them up in converted dresses from MtS2 and Simgurls (what ever its called).

Title: Re: Twins have gender identity issues
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 August 01, 05:54:52
Mods can delete posts, but this is rarely exercised except in cases of double-posts and blatant spam.

Title: Re: Twins have gender identity issues
Post by: Hei_Chavorale on 2006 August 01, 12:58:27
I'd really like to try out those custom objects...want to see if it happens to my sims. It'd be cool if it did! :D

Title: Re: Twins have gender identity issues
Post by: Hei_Chavorale on 2006 August 02, 13:48:55
CatGirl, do you think you could put some pictures up of them? pretty please with sugar on top...