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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Eleonora on 2006 July 28, 12:00:05

Title: SimScribbling Ears
Post by: Eleonora on 2006 July 28, 12:00:05
Due to a change of default skins I had to find me a new pair of Louis' elf ears. The problem is, his site seems to have been down for a while now, with no sign of recovery. So, could anybody who is in the possesion of his DarkTan ears be so kind as to email them to ? Many thanks!

Title: Re: SimScribbling Ears
Post by: Gwill on 2006 July 28, 12:08:12

Title: Re: SimScribbling Ears
Post by: Eleonora on 2006 July 28, 12:11:24
Ah, thanks for that, much appreciated

Title: Re: SimScribbling Ears
Post by: reggikko on 2006 July 28, 15:17:22
Louis is a she.  ;)

Title: Re: SimScribbling Ears
Post by: Eleonora on 2006 July 28, 16:34:23
huh, that makes sense, having a male name and all...  ??? Or is it pronounced Lois?

Title: Re: SimScribbling Ears
Post by: nocomment on 2006 July 28, 20:04:43
Well, it could be a different spelling of Louise, which is a female name.  Or she could be a woman named Louis (pronounced Lewis).  Supposedly Anne Rice's birth name is George.

Or it could just be a made up username that makes sense to her.

Title: Re: SimScribbling Ears
Post by: ElfPuddle on 2006 July 28, 22:55:15
It's a "nom de plume". (If/When the site gets back up, read the "About Me")