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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Meek_Monkey on 2005 September 06, 03:37:32

Title: help
Post by: Meek_Monkey on 2005 September 06, 03:37:32
have been playing the sims since it come out and now I cant play it I dont understand why I was playing it yesterday. I saved my game and quit last night and now it loads to the slecet a hood then I slecet a hood and it goes to load and some times I get in to the hood and go to load a house and it quits out of the game other times it I start to see the houses in the hood and it quits and it also quits before I get there I have first took all my hacks out dindt help I then took all of my downloads out didnt help then I uninstalled the game and rreinstalled it didnt help I move my ea games folder as I thought I might have a bad save and loaded the game so it could create a new game files it still quit to desktop I have also read the soultions in various threads here and have done the things the said but no resualt still quits to desk top the only thing I havent been able to do is update my driver as mine is a ati Radeon 9600Pro 256 mb DDR ram as I cant find an update for it have ask for some advice on the ati site. but I dont think it is my driver as it was working fine yesterday before I quit the game and turned the comp off by the way I have a 1.8gig hrtz use windows XP service pack 2 A sound blaster live sound card I got this meesage once I only wrote the error code and the location 0Xc0000fd and location 0X00652e85

Title: Re: help
Post by: gali on 2005 September 06, 04:20:45
You have to update your drivers. The "eternal" loading is connected tight with the recent drivers. I suggest you to call a technician, if you are not aquainted with the update.
The quitting of the game suddenly is connected to damaged houses, or objects. If loading the game without downloads doesn't help - try  to enter a hood, boldoze all empty lots, then move your all families to your own made houses, and buldoze the old ones.
I suspect you got the JMP's "fiery ball".

Title: Re: help
Post by: Meek_Monkey on 2005 September 06, 08:47:57
The quitting of the game suddenly is connected to damaged houses, or objects. If loading the game without downloads doesn't help - try to enter a hood, boldoze all empty lots, then move your all families to your own made houses, and buldoze the old ones.
I suspect you got the JMP's "fiery ball".
I have now got no custon content and I have uninstalled the game right to the origanial game no patches or other content. It still quitting to desktop.
Whats this "fiery bal"l

Title: Re: help
Post by: gali on 2005 September 06, 14:04:03
As I understood (JM, don't ripp my lipps off), if you put families created after June 2004, to a house made before June 2004 - a lot of trouble is caused, and you have to move the families to your-own-made houses. It has to do also with overpopulated neighbourhood, but you say that you restored the original one.

Title: Re: help
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 September 06, 22:53:08
Have you tried creating a new neighbourhood of your own, which will be empty of any content at all, and then creating new sims and houses for them there?  If this works without the game crashing, then it would apparently be something in your existing hoods, as Gali say, such as damaged houses. 

The other thing which could case the problem is if your houses were saved while someone was using a mobile phone.  This will definitely prevent your house from loading, and you sill crash to the des-top.  I know, it happened to one of mine, and now I'm careful.  The only solution to that one is to move that family to the bin, then bulldoze the house.

Title: Re: help
Post by: Meek_Monkey on 2005 September 07, 11:04:23
No I didnt create a new hood as for custom content I had none but I try=ied to load more than one hood with the same problem I even took out my hacks as well

Title: Re: help
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 September 07, 12:24:57
If the problem has been caused by saving houses while a sim was using a mobile phone, it's not the hoods themselves that are corrupt but the houses.  Try evicting a family whose house keeps crashing, and try and load the house.  If it still crashes, bulldoze the house, build a new one and move the family in.  See if it still crashes.  If it doesn't, you've cracked it, if it does, it may well be your sims who are corrupted in some way, I don't know.

Unfortunately, if you have a lot of families, it will take a while to build a load of new houses for them all, so I'd suggest that, if this works, you then build another basic house, package it, exit and install the house (keep it cheap enough for all your families to afford) a lot of times so each family you evict you can move to the basic house.  When you play their lot, you can then improve the house and make it a bit different from the others as you go.

Title: Re: help
Post by: Meek_Monkey on 2005 September 08, 00:56:44
Thank you for your help it is all the houses I even removed my ea games folder and let the game create a new folder to start form scratch and it still crashed with every house and only maxis made hoods. So I would say there is a problem some where but cant find it I would say it not any of my hoods if the game crashes with a whole new ea games folder. My sound drive is up to date and so is my graphics driver. ??? :o :( >:( :-\

Title: Re: help
Post by: Sandilou on 2005 September 08, 02:25:55
Meek, do you have recovery software on your computer?  I have Norton GoBack and it can take you back to when your game was loading properly.  It offers options as to how far back you want to go.   I have only had to use it once and I chose to go back 24 hours.  Any changes I'd made to my game and my pc during that time was erased.  It's just another way of accessing a backup copy of your EA folder. 

Do you have a pre-crash back up copy that you could use? 

Title: Re: help
Post by: Diala on 2005 September 08, 03:34:03
This is beside the point, but Meek_Monkey, I am having a hard time understanding your posts. I suggest you use more periods and not so many run-ons. Just a suggestion.

Title: Re: help
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 September 08, 04:20:46
Trouble is, if meekmonkey has been rotating through her houses for a while, and she's saves all her lots while a sim was on a mobile phone, then it could be days or even weeks ago that the problem started.

Meek monkey, try making a new neighbourhood, then building a house yourself in it, then create some sims to live in the house.

If it still crashes your game, I would think you've downloaded a house with something in it which has got into the program files themselves.  In which case, I think you'd need to uninstall the game completely and then reinstall it.  However, I don't know how you'd go about cleaning up the neighbourhood files and finding the problem house.

Title: Re: help
Post by: Meek_Monkey on 2005 September 08, 09:06:41
Hi all. I dont use mobile phones at all so they arent the problem. I have uninstalled and reinstalled and move my ea games out and let the game create a new one it still quits to the desktop and there is no custom content not even any of jm hack or anyones at all. It is not what I have down loaded at all.

Title: Re: help
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 September 08, 14:01:30
In that case, the only thinkg I can suggest is that a similar thing happened to me when I first had my PC upgrade for Sims2.  At first, the game would crash, eventually the Pc would crash randomly, sometimes before Windows had even loaded.  It turned out to be the Power Unit and/or the CPU not being powerful enough to handle the new video card I'd had installed for the game.

Title: Re: help
Post by: Lady Moiraine on 2005 September 08, 17:37:33
You've totally uninstalled the Sims2 program from the add/remove programs in your control panel?  If so, and you've reinstalled the game without any of your old stuff in it, just the game from the disc?  And it still won't start?  And your video card drivers have been updated?

If the answer is yes to all of this, your video card might have a memory leak.  That's what happened to my other card, it was trashed.  I had to get a new one.

And ZephyrZodiac also said it right, it could also be your power supply.

These are both hardware issues, if you get anymore errors, you need to write down the whole thing, exactly as it is and maybe someone can help you better.   ;)

Title: Re: help
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 September 08, 17:42:38
And if it's the video card and it's new, you need to get it replaced free of charge!

Title: Re: help
Post by: Meek_Monkey on 2005 September 09, 00:50:56
My computer does not crash at random I have other games and it they work fine it is only the sims 2 that has the problem.

yes I have totally uninstalled the game from add and remove. yes my vidoe drivers my sound drivers and my motherboard drivers are up to date so It is not a driver issue. and I use a nVIDIAnForce2 motherboard. I have a radeon 9600 series vidoe card with 256mb of ram and sound is soundblaster live. my computer is 1.8 gig as well so it is well over the required specif

Title: Re: help
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 September 09, 01:57:53
I honestly am at a loss, then.  If, as you say, this happens whether you have your downloads in, or not, and straight after a total uninstall/reinstall in a new neighbourhood, then it would seem that there is something wrong with your CD itself, but then I wouldn't have expected it to be able to reinstall in that case.

Someone in another thread, I can't remember where, mentioned something about their video card being too good, and the game only worked properly after they went back to an older version.

Title: Re: help
Post by: gynarchy on 2005 September 09, 02:05:30
Someone in another thread, I can't remember where, mentioned something about their video card being too good, and the game only worked properly after they went back to an older version.

I was just about the ask the same thing... did you update your video card drivers since the last time you were able to successfully play? If so, you may want to roll back to the previous drivers and see if that fixes your problem.

Title: Re: help
Post by: Meek_Monkey on 2005 September 09, 07:04:17
I up dated my video cards after I had the problem still no luck I thought that may have been the what was causing it. I have got the video card soon after I got the sims I would have thought it would have showed up before now. I dont understand why this is hapening as one day I could play the game the next day I could not even get into a single hood. sometimes it would let me into a hood and when I went to load a house it would quit to desktop. ??? ??? ???  >:( >:( :'( :'(

Title: Re: help
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 September 09, 08:17:42
I heard of someone who had a similar problem, then cleaned their CD and the problem went away.  I hesitate to suggest this, but have you tried this?

Title: Re: help
Post by: Meek_Monkey on 2005 September 09, 08:26:31
yes I have tried cleaning my cd.

Title: Re: help
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 September 09, 08:31:12
Well, I just mentioned it in the hope that it was the one thing you hadn't tried!

Title: Re: help
Post by: Meek_Monkey on 2005 September 09, 09:23:22
Thank you for the thought sometimes It is the last thing u think of

Title: Re: help
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 September 09, 11:43:47
Have you checked it for scratches?  I just wonder if it is a damaged CD causing the problem.  You could try installing just Sims 2 and see if you can run that on its own.  If you can, it would seem likely that the CD for Uni has something wrong with it.

Title: Re: help
Post by: Meek_Monkey on 2005 September 09, 11:48:28
I found this on the bbs but it seems to slow the computer down but the game will work so it isnt cracked or strached al all. I would like to fix my problem another way instead.

try this, we've posted it before and it has helped others. You have an nvidia, just maybe it will help. It worked for us. This was on another site for another of maxis's games that has the same safedisc thing. Also for XP users, such as us.
Windows® 2000 users:
There is a known incompatibility with Macrovision™'s SafeDisc® (the copy protection mechanism Call of Duty™ employs) and motherboards with the nForce™2 chipset under Windows® 2000. To remedy the situation, do the following:
1) Locate the "My Computer" icon on your computer and right-click it.
2) Choose the "Manage" option.
3) Once the Computer Management program launches, select "Device Manager."
4) In the Device Manager, double-click "IDE ATA/ATAPI Controllers."
5) Right-click on "nVidia nForce 2(TM) SPP/IGP ATA Controller" and select "Properties."
6) Click on the "Secondary Channel" tab. If the Select Transfer Mode is set to "BIOS Default," click on the pull-down menu and select "PIO Mode."
7) Close all open windows and restart your machine when prompted

Yes I do have this type of motherboard so I will have to stick to this to play the sims 2 from now on. But if anyone knows of another soultion please inform me.

Title: Re: help
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 September 09, 12:08:42
Well, I'm glad you can play it at least!  Hope someone can help to improve things for you though.

Title: Re: help
Post by: Meek_Monkey on 2005 September 09, 12:22:47
Thank you all for your seggestions and help.