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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Orikes on 2006 July 23, 04:46:15

Title: Relationships Resetting
Post by: Orikes on 2006 July 23, 04:46:15
Back when I created my neighborhood, I created a family with two adults and one teenager. I wanted them all to be siblings, so I went into SimPE and changed their relationships so the teenager showed as a brother to the two adults. Everything showed up fine in the game as far as I knew.

Recently, though, the son of the teenager and the daughter of one of his sisters are attending college together. I noticed at some point that the two who should be cousins are not showing up as related at all. Poking into the family tree, I found out that one of the sisters had 'reset' to being the original teenager's mom, and the other sister isn't related. D'oh.

My question is this: Is it worth going back into SimPE and fixing this back to what I originally wanted? And if I do, do I have to change everyone who was affected to show relationship status? When I originally made the neighborhood, there were no connections outside the individual families, but now everyone's married with children. There are at least six kids who will have this family relationship not showing up right now.

Title: Re: Relationships Resetting
Post by: liegenschonheit on 2006 July 23, 04:54:05
Does that ever really work right? I tried changing an adult and a teen to "sisters" using SIMpe, and the elder sister kept rolling wants like she was the mother, even though the family tree showed them as sisters. When the teen aged to adult, the family tree went back to showing the elder sister as the mother.

Title: Re: Relationships Resetting
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 July 23, 04:55:13
If you want to create funny setups like this, the correct ways to do it is to make everyone an adult, then fiddle their ages later.

Title: Re: Relationships Resetting
Post by: liegenschonheit on 2006 July 23, 07:05:21
Well yeah. I know that now :P

Title: Re: Relationships Resetting
Post by: syberspunk on 2006 July 23, 07:18:13
Alternatively... you could use the puppy killer ( It has a family tree adjuster and what not that lets you set the family relationships and what not. I added a sim to a family, and I set the relationships with SimPE, but the family tree wasn't showing up properly. I was able to fix it easily with InSim. As much as this sounds like a commercial, I was totally not paid for this advertisement, I swear. :D


Title: Re: Relationships Resetting
Post by: lindaetterlee on 2006 July 23, 08:19:47
Off-Topic. Does the puppy killer have a picture like the kitten killer?

Title: Re: Relationships Resetting
Post by: Emma on 2006 July 23, 12:07:00
Off-Topic. Does the puppy killer have a picture like the kitten killer?


I stole it from Venusy's post (,4819.msg134496.html#msg134496) :D

Title: Re: Relationships Resetting
Post by: veilchen on 2006 July 23, 14:47:06
The poor dog is actually a German breed hunting dog. They are a badger's nightmare, because they rout them out, are big enough to fit into their dens and stubborn/cunning enough to engage them in a tussle until the hunter arrives. Poor Dackel (proper German name), sooo misunderstood.

/me laughs herself silly at Emma's picture

Title: Re: Relationships Resetting
Post by: Orikes on 2006 July 23, 16:42:33
Aaah. Okay. I guess I'll just leave it alone, though I'm bothered that the 'sister' is now considered the mother. Next time I'll try it the way you suggest, JM.

Title: Re: Relationships Resetting
Post by: Emma on 2006 July 23, 17:18:47
The poor dog is actually a German breed hunting dog. They are a badger's nightmare, because they rout them out, are big enough to fit into their dens and stubborn/cunning enough to engage them in a tussle until the hunter arrives. Poor Dackel (proper German name), sooo misunderstood.

/me laughs herself silly at Emma's picture

Glad you like it, but it is Venusy who made it, uploaded it etc....I just stole it :D

Title: Re: Relationships Resetting
Post by: verdaeni on 2006 July 26, 09:05:30
weiner dogs, not the miniatures, were bred to hunt badgers.  thats why a lot of them are cranky dogs.  they have to be as mean as a badger.

in simpe you have to watch out on relationships.  you change them on the obvious character pages, but thats just for some things, i cant remember what.  to have them actually show properly in the family tree there is another relatinships database and you have to correct her to everyone.   cousins are funny because they can be added to one list but not the other.  my link in maxisland to do this is  which should link to sublinks since you dont need to do a full ressurrect.  i'll check the line now and make sure the links you need are still alive.    kay you can probably go right to

4. to change familial relations

Title: Re: Relationships Resetting
Post by: jrd on 2006 July 26, 09:21:06
The family tree thing in SimPE only sets direct relationships: parents, childer, siblings, spouses. The in-game family tree is built from this: if SimA and SimB are supposed to be cousins, there must be a sibling link between a parent of either (etc.). This is purely display!

How the game actually interprets these relationships is in SimPE defined on the character page, which allows you to set parent/child, spouses, cousins, aunt or uncle/nephew or niece, and grandparent/grandchild in both directions. You can also set it to undefined, which I use for those few cases when I have a fourth generation Sim still around (which is not seen as family otherwise).

Note that checking the 'family' checkbox is not always sufficient to prevent romantic interactions between direct kin: I am still not sure what exactly it is supposed to do. Veronaville's Montys and Capps are nearly all checked as mutual family for example and still you can freely intermarry them.

Title: Re: Relationships Resetting
Post by: verdaeni on 2006 July 26, 10:32:33
you mean the blue people ticker?  that was what was not resetting when i changed the character page.   when i did familial relationships the family tree line and the blue ticker came up.  i'll check out veronaville and see if the blue ticker comes up strangely there.   thanks for the additional data!  it makes sense that cousin is display only.