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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Ivy on 2006 July 21, 22:17:03

Title: Getting into taxi with more than 6 sims?
Post by: Ivy on 2006 July 21, 22:17:03
I have Uni, NL & OFB installed with all patches.

I am attempting to send 7 Uni students to their owned business lot.

Only 6 of the 7 will ever get in the taxi to go to their business lot that is owned by one of the students.  The last one to get to the taxi is left out.

I believe JM's phone hack is the one that allows me to select multiple sims to go and I always select for all Sims to get into the taxi to go.  Yes, I have the latest version.

I'm assuming that would also mean if I had 8 playable simmies, that only 6 would go as well then.

I've been told already that I can call them over to the lot after I arrive there, but that's one more thing to remember of course. 

Gah.  Is there a hack that enables more than 6 sims to get into a taxi to arrive as playable sims on the business lot?  I want them all to go, all at the same time. 

Any help would be appreciated,
:) :) :)

Title: Re: Getting into taxi with more than 6 sims?
Post by: Gwill on 2006 July 22, 00:43:07
There's a limit on how many people can go into a taxi?
I've had an outing of 8 people on my Harley Davindson, so I can't see any reason they shouldn't fit in a taxi.

Title: Re: Getting into taxi with more than 6 sims?
Post by: ElfPuddle on 2006 July 22, 01:04:31
I've had families of eight head downtown, so I doubt this is a game promblem. Maybe some strange hack conflict or other issue? Is the seventh sim pregnant or trying to skip a final or something that should be obvious and isn't?

Title: Re: Getting into taxi with more than 6 sims?
Post by: Ivy on 2006 July 22, 01:19:05
There's a limit on how many people can go into a taxi?
I've had an outing of 8 people on my Harley Davindson, so I can't see any reason they shouldn't fit in a taxi.

Apparently...though I could swear you could stuff 8 people in a taxi.  But I wasn't the only one in another group I belong to having this issue, which is why I'm posing the question here.  Figured someone must know something about  That must be quite a sight to see on that Harley! This isn't an outing I'm trying to organize though, just a regular call transportation: taxi and everyone on the lot go.  I wonder if that makes the difference?

I've had families of eight head downtown, so I doubt this is a game promblem. Maybe some strange hack conflict or other issue? Is the seventh sim pregnant or trying to skip a final or something that should be obvious and isn't?

The seventh sim isn't pregnant or trying to skip a final or anything else odd, it's always a random sim that gets left behind.  It's the middle of the night when I'm trying to send them, no where near class time.  And they hadn't been off the lot, ever, prior to the first time I attempted this.  Plus sending Uni sims off lot to a business-owned lot stops time anyway, so the Uni clock doesn't keep ticking, which is of course the entire reason for wanting to send them all off to begin

I'm not showing any hack conflicts with the hack conflict detector either.

I'm at a loss...

Title: Re: Getting into taxi with more than 6 sims?
Post by: ElfPuddle on 2006 July 22, 01:23:07
Me too, then. Sorry. Sigh. Good luck, and let us all know if someone gives you an answer outside of here.

Title: Re: Getting into taxi with more than 6 sims?
Post by: Ivy on 2006 July 22, 01:26:40
Thanks ElfPuddle, I appreciate the warm fuzzies :)

:) :) :)

Title: Re: Getting into taxi with more than 6 sims?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 July 22, 02:12:31
Probably a timeout issue. It's possible to clown-car any number of sims into any vehicle, but sometimes it can take so long to do that the actions time out and drop.

Title: Re: Getting into taxi with more than 6 sims?
Post by: Ivy on 2006 July 22, 03:30:57
Thanks JM.  What would you recommend to prevent such time-outs from possibly occuring when dealing with so many sims? I never realized they could time-out of a taxi-call :o

:) :) :)

Title: Re: Getting into taxi with more than 6 sims?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 July 22, 03:33:12
Position your sims in a more equidistantly distributed pattern around the taxi doors so people aren't all trying to load through the same door.

Title: Re: Getting into taxi with more than 6 sims?
Post by: Ivy on 2006 July 22, 03:36:54
I will keep that in mind and try that next time when dealing with them.

Thank you again for your help!

:) :) :)

Title: Re: Getting into taxi with more than 6 sims?
Post by: Darkstormyeve on 2006 July 23, 07:13:12
It has happened with my sims too sometimes and I am pretty sure that it is a time out problem. Sometimes when they ARRIVE at their destination, if the friggin other sims don't get out of the way quick enough, the taxi leaves with a particular sim who arrived with them, still in it. I then have to get a sim to ring that sim who got stuck in taxi and invite them to met them downtown. Frustrating.

Title: Re: Getting into taxi with more than 6 sims?
Post by: Wedgetail on 2006 July 23, 08:37:15
It has happened with my sims too sometimes and I am pretty sure that it is a time out problem. Sometimes when they ARRIVE at their destination, if the friggin other sims don't get out of the way quick enough, the taxi leaves with a particular sim who arrived with them, still in it. I then have to get a sim to ring that sim who got stuck in taxi and invite them to met them downtown. Frustrating.

That sounds frustrating, yet I find it oddly amusing, I can picture it now, Sim returns home, mailman arrives and delivers a ransom note from the taxi driver, "If you want to see your sim alive again pay up" :D

Title: Re: Getting into taxi with more than 6 sims?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 July 23, 08:40:10

That'd be pretty funny, sim-kidnappings.

Title: Re: Getting into taxi with more than 6 sims?
Post by: ElfPuddle on 2006 July 24, 00:06:45
Oh! That's what I want for the next EP....skip the bland or Bellaish mysteries. I want simnappings, murder, mayhem, and other reasons for a CSimI.

Title: Re: Getting into taxi with more than 6 sims?
Post by: verdaeni on 2006 July 26, 07:51:50
in theory that would be nice.  but you KNOW maxis would screw up so many times it would be worse then university.

Title: Re: Getting into taxi with more than 6 sims?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 July 26, 15:06:04
Maybe the entire visitors-kidnapping-babies thing can return, only this time with a ransom note. :P

Title: Re: Getting into taxi with more than 6 sims?
Post by: Wedgetail on 2006 July 27, 00:52:23
Maybe the entire visitors-kidnapping-babies thing can return, only this time with a ransom note. :P

Will it be called "The Lindenburgh Baby Booster Pack"? ::)

Title: Re: Getting into taxi with more than 6 sims?
Post by: ElfPuddle on 2006 July 27, 01:04:47
No, the sheeple would never get the reference.

Title: Re: Getting into taxi with more than 6 sims?
Post by: Ivy on 2006 July 27, 05:51:33
JM, is this:

cargetinfix-ofbp2.package 23-Jul-2006 13:03  2.1K 

a hack in testing for this problem?


Title: Re: Getting into taxi with more than 6 sims?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 July 27, 08:58:47
It's a hack for a different problem, but the two may be related.

Title: Re: Getting into taxi with more than 6 sims?
Post by: Ivy on 2006 July 28, 01:45:54
Well, nosy as I am, I put the hack in anyway.  If they are related, it does seem to help with my issue anyway.  All 7 simmies are now consistantly getting into the taxi.  They are all being "called" to go to the taxi, whereas before, the last one would be "called" but the "call" would drop out immediately afterwards.  Whether that's coincidence or a fix for the issue, I'll leave that to you to determine.  I can only report that it seems to have helped bunches.

Let me know if you need more testing and/or information.

:) :) :)