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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: SaraMK on 2006 July 21, 06:35:36

Title: Anyone familiar with the risky woohoo code in LizzLove's autonomous bed?
Post by: SaraMK on 2006 July 21, 06:35:36
I'm trying to change the % chance for risky woohoo when sims Woohoo on the autonomous bed. My sims never choose to Try For Baby, and they never get pregnant through woohoo, so I think the chance is just too small. I want to raise it to about 30-50%, but I don't see any obvious place where the % chance might be hiding.

Title: Re: Anyone familiar with the risky woohoo code in LizzLove's autonomous bed?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 July 21, 06:38:39
That's not "risky", that's better odds than trying to do it on purpose.

Title: Re: Anyone familiar with the risky woohoo code in LizzLove's autonomous bed?
Post by: SaraMK on 2006 July 21, 06:41:35
That's not "risky", that's better odds than trying to do it on purpose.

That's what I want to use the bed for, really. I want my sims to have babies when they want to, and surprise me. Using normal risky woohoo hacks still means I have to tell them to woohoo in the first place.

Title: Re: Anyone familiar with the risky woohoo code in LizzLove's autonomous bed?
Post by: rohina on 2006 July 21, 07:04:39
You should check out TwoJeffs' casual romance. Much more awesome and shiny than that mouldy old waterbed.

Title: Re: Anyone familiar with the risky woohoo code in LizzLove's autonomous bed?
Post by: Ivy on 2006 July 21, 10:19:17
I hate to ask the obvious, but if they are never trying for baby, are you sure you've set it to allow try for baby on the bed? Isn't try for baby off by default on the bed?

According to the readme, the two sims have to pass 6 tests with a total of 225 or more each before they will try for a baby on their own, provided of course the bed "try for baby" is turned on. 

Gosh, all I have to do is make sure my simmies are in a good mood and leave them on their own for a few  I've even had more than one "oopsie" with her bed installed...


Title: Re: Anyone familiar with the risky woohoo code in LizzLove's autonomous bed?
Post by: lindaetterlee on 2006 July 21, 10:58:29
Tell me about it. I get usually have 3-4 ooopsies per family lol

Title: Re: Anyone familiar with the risky woohoo code in LizzLove's autonomous bed?
Post by: SaraMK on 2006 July 21, 16:43:49
I hate to ask the obvious, but if they are never trying for baby, are you sure you've set it to allow try for baby on the bed? Isn't try for baby off by default on the bed?

It's on.

When I was *testing* the bed to see if it would work for my purpose, I did have sims Try For Baby (though no pregnancy resulted), but since then I've never caught two sims doing it. So I know it's not broken, they're just not choosing it. I'll have to check if my sims pass all the tests. Maybe that is the problem.

I'm thinking I'll try to solve my problem by removing the Woohoo option from the bed, leaving just the Try For Baby.

Title: Re: Anyone familiar with the risky woohoo code in LizzLove's autonomous bed?
Post by: Jelenedra on 2006 July 21, 17:43:37
If you previously had syperspunk's risky woohoo mod installed, did you accidentally leave his "reduced chance pregnancy" hack in?

Title: Re: Anyone familiar with the risky woohoo code in LizzLove's autonomous bed?
Post by: SaraMK on 2006 July 21, 18:23:47
Thanks guys. Problem solved, thanks to Ivy, who PM'd me a way to lower the relationship tests for Try For Baby.

I guess my sims were not meeting the requirements. I do have a ton of Romance townies, and many of my couples are not married.

Title: Re: Anyone familiar with the risky woohoo code in LizzLove's autonomous bed?
Post by: Ivy on 2006 July 21, 22:06:26
Glad I could help Sara and glad you are getting the babies that you want now :)

:) :) :)

Title: Re: Anyone familiar with the risky woohoo code in LizzLove's autonomous bed?
Post by: songsmith on 2006 July 22, 08:01:44
Ack, I accidentally had the bed set for "try for baby" with my 10 kids mom--after the 10 kids had been born. And it worked. *shudders* Do doublecheck that you enabled the function.

I'm testing TwoJeff's beta Casual Romance mod now and am liking it much better than the bed. One thing that I didn't like about the bed was that even with advertising off, my sims were always using it. Even the shy sims got in it naked even though I specified by personality. Basically, it turned all my sims into bunnies.  ;D

I like the risky woohoo for the same reason you do. I like to be surprised. Just not after 10 kids!  :D