More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Avie on 2006 July 20, 19:28:22

Title: Oh for heaven's SAKE
Post by: Avie on 2006 July 20, 19:28:22
What in the name of any God you care to name is the bloody POINT of the angled pool thingy? You can't place ladders, diving boards or lights in them.
Jesus Christ on a fricking BIKE I can code better than that and I only know two UNIX commands.
Goes away and fumes quietly.

Title: Re: Oh for heaven's SAKE
Post by: ZiggyDoodle on 2006 July 20, 19:32:02
Aesthetics, Avie, aesthetics.   ;D

Title: Re: Oh for heaven's SAKE
Post by: starrling on 2006 July 20, 19:42:38
Basically the same reason for diagonal foundations.  Of course, you can put a window there but no furniture... and doors?  Ha!  Don't even get me started on sims and diagonal doors.

Title: Re: Oh for heaven's SAKE
Post by: Emma on 2006 July 20, 20:01:23
They are to look pretty-that's all. You can make some nice looking decorative pools with them.

Title: Re: Oh for heaven's SAKE
Post by: Gwill on 2006 July 20, 20:12:03
You're not supposed to build the WHOLE pool diagonally.

Title: Re: Oh for heaven's SAKE
Post by: Avie on 2006 July 20, 20:31:38
GAHHHHH well why can these geeks not code properly?
Aesthetics be buggered. It is functionality that interests me. Why design something that does not work?

Title: Re: Oh for heaven's SAKE
Post by: Orikes on 2006 July 20, 20:41:39
It does work, though. It works to aesthetically enhance the deisngs people can make with their pools.

What it doesn't do is work how -you- want it to. ;)

Title: Re: Oh for heaven's SAKE
Post by: Avie on 2006 July 20, 20:52:15
And that would be the function of a pool.
As in you can get in and out of it, you can light it.
Sucks like an Electrolux and worse.

Title: Re: Oh for heaven's SAKE
Post by: verdaeni on 2006 July 26, 10:33:47
have you tried putting the diveboard in with snap grid off?  does it still suck?

Title: Re: Oh for heaven's SAKE
Post by: Sam on 2006 July 26, 11:28:55
Snap grid/45 degree rotation is good, except when you try to direct a sim to use it. I tried with an easel since the lot had diagonal walls, but the sim wouldn't touch it, just got the route failed bubble.

Which begs the question, is there any point to the 45 degree cheat if it renders the object unusable? :P

Title: Re: Oh for heaven's SAKE
Post by: Emma on 2006 July 26, 14:38:34
Snap grid/45 degree rotation is good, except when you try to direct a sim to use it. I tried with an easel since the lot had diagonal walls, but the sim wouldn't touch it, just got the route failed bubble.

Which begs the question, is there any point to the 45 degree cheat if it renders the object unusable? :P

It is ok for chairs, sofas, beds etc. I think if it requires the sim to stand directly in front of the object to use it, it doesn't work.

Title: Re: Oh for heaven's SAKE
Post by: SaraMK on 2006 July 26, 18:06:38
The 45-degree thing also works okay with telescopes. I like my telescopes at an angle, so I can point them at a corner of a balcony or patio. It looks better that way.

Title: Re: Oh for heaven's SAKE
Post by: veilchen on 2006 July 26, 21:46:20
The 45 degree also works with book-cases, TV's, and the stereo-equipment. However, it doesn't work with desks (computers), the piano, and the easels. It works on almost all the couches, loveseats, chairs. I have only one couch it doesn't work with, but thats a CC couch anyway.

Now I'm curious. I'm gonna hafta try the fridge, the stove, and the coffemakers/microwaves/toaster-ovens/mixers. I'm also going to try the snapobjects with the diving-board and the ladders, and see if they'll use them. An all diagonal pool? Hmm...

Title: Re: Oh for heaven's SAKE
Post by: Jelenedra on 2006 July 26, 21:47:46
I believe one of the houses I have has a diagonal kitch island... I could get them to use anything on the slant.. so it was there for decorations.

Title: Re: Oh for heaven's SAKE
Post by: Emma on 2006 July 27, 07:45:10
Doesn't the cooker have to be against a wall veilchen? Might not work....

Title: Re: Oh for heaven's SAKE
Post by: Gwill on 2006 July 27, 09:58:00
I've been wondering about diagonal counters...  Is it possible to merge them with non-diagonal ones?  Even if it renders it unusable...
I've seen it in screenshots, but it might be creative use of snapobjectstogrid.

Edit: Forgive my spelling, I haven't cefinated yet.