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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: MaximilianPS on 2006 July 20, 09:29:58

Title: Help ME!!! My brain it's broken (Dyn.Menu)
Post by: MaximilianPS on 2006 July 20, 09:29:58
This place is filled by the most brilliant TS2 developer, so, i hope someone will help me to understand...  ;)

My objective is to target all guest sim on the lot by a menu, just something like in insim. with "quick relation"
when you click on the menu' it will show all sim present on the lot and give to the selected sim some parameters...

I've made a STR# with the label that will be used in the menu "test.../$Object" actually the istance of the STR# is 0x12E just 'cause i've cloned it form another object.
On the TTAs (instance 0x1) i've the menu string "Test", the istance is x1
On the TTAB (instance 0x1) under interaction i've "Test" that will call a bhav that start with an OpCode 0x32, for some reason, here i can read the right menu string ("test.../$Object")

but in the game it won't be display or sometime (depend on what a kind of mess made) it will show a menu coming from other objects  :o

So i hope to find some good guy/girl, so good, to explain to me how those things interact each other, and also how the game will know that my target is a sim  ;D

thnx in advice.

Title: Re: Help ME!!! My brain it's broken (Dyn.Menu)
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 July 20, 09:48:19
The generation of the menu is handled inside the TEST BHAV for that menu option.
Set the stack object to the object ID of the sim in question, then call "Add/Change Action String" (0x32)

Your code will look something like this
Stack Object := 0
Set To Next Person
Testy Stuff (T: next line, F: previous line)
Add Change Action String (T/F: Back to "set to next person")

That's the short explanation.

Title: Re: Help ME!!! My brain it's broken (Dyn.Menu)
Post by: MaximilianPS on 2006 July 20, 10:23:44
but how the TextList will chained with the menu and the bhav ?
i didn't find in ttab too any reference to the text ... and i didn't undrestand why in the bhav i see the right menu ... "test.../$Object"
and in the game i see a totally diffferent voice  :-[

thnx alot J.M. :)