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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: nocomment on 2006 July 19, 16:59:08

Title: Request - hack so townies keep everything they buy?
Post by: nocomment on 2006 July 19, 16:59:08
Probably no one else wants this.  I was planning to let townies buy household items before moving them in.  I thought it would be fun to let them "pick" their own styles.

My game is one of the rare ones where townies only keep the last three items bought.  That put a crimp in my plans.  Would anyone consider making a hack?  Or is this a BAAAAAAD idea?

Title: Re: Request - hack so townies keep everything they buy?
Post by: Jelenedra on 2006 July 19, 17:11:35
Sounds like it would cause a BFBVS... sorta like how letting townies keep their memories is a bad idea....

Title: Re: Request - hack so townies keep everything they buy?
Post by: Orikes on 2006 July 19, 18:48:52
Forgive me for being ignorant, but why is letting townies keep their memories a bad idea?

I was curious about this since I only recently started marrying townies into my families. Corbin, a downtownie, started dating the oldest sister of one family. She was a romance sim at the time, so started pursuing other people. Eventually she became a fortune sim (I rerolled her in college) but had hooked up with someone else at that point. Her little sister, though, ended up having a thing for Corbin, so they hooked up. SHe even proposed to him. Of course, I swear that some remnants of the old aspiration remain and the oldest sister flirted with Corbin in front of both her own fiance and her little sister. So... screw it. She and Corbin eventually married. That finally made him a playable sim... but he didn't have any memories about having been engaged to the younger sister, cheating, etc. I was a bit surprised at that.

Title: Re: Request - hack so townies keep everything they buy?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 July 19, 18:51:29
Townies only keep the most 3 recently bought 3 items. Otherwise, since townies live potentially forever and no one empties their inventories, their inventories would quickly be clogged with hundreds, and even thousands of useless items. Hitting the 32767 hard cap and crashing out would become a very real possibility.

The memory purges are likely aimed at a similar goal, except the reconstructed history is somewhat less complete.

Title: Re: Request - hack so townies keep everything they buy?
Post by: Gwill on 2006 July 19, 19:08:59
Not to mention that it would be an awesome financial loophole to sell a townie a hundred luxury cars with their unlimited funds and then marrying them and selling said cars.

Title: Re: Request - hack so townies keep everything they buy?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 July 19, 19:35:38
Of course, then you get the townie that comes with an inventory full of Eau de Brynne, which, in order to be rid of, must be actually placed and then mopped. :P

Title: Re: Request - hack so townies keep everything they buy?
Post by: Paperbladder on 2006 July 19, 20:24:55
Of course, then you get the townie that comes with an inventory full of Eau de Brynne, which, in order to be rid of, must be actually placed and then mopped. :P
Wait, puddles are sellable?

Speaking of this, do townie funds go down when townies buy something from a business?  Or are they just a bottomless pool of cash?

Title: Re: Request - hack so townies keep everything they buy?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 July 19, 20:27:06
Townies don't have funds. NPCs do have funds and can run out, though.

Title: Re: Request - hack so townies keep everything they buy?
Post by: nocomment on 2006 July 19, 20:53:52
All right, I see the potential problems.  Would it be possible to raise the limit of items they keep?  I imagine the answer is no, but want to be sure.

At least I learned something.  I didn't know the NPCs could run out of money.  Do they keep everything they buy?

Title: Re: Request - hack so townies keep everything they buy?
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2006 July 20, 01:52:55
All my townies keep their memories and always have done, I refuse point blank to have it any other way.  Before there were mods available, I copied them all back in SimPE.  What is the point of marrying someone who doesn't even remember meeting you?  I've checked in all my neighbourhoods and there isn't one single townie (including the ones who have been there since the game started) who has more memories than the majority of my playable Sims, so that argument is out the window.  It stands to reason that playables will have more, if you think about it.  They're around all the time, townies pop in and out.  Some townies, esp. the downtownie teens, have been in the game since the beginning and only have about half-a-dozen memories. 

I didn't realise townies lost their purchases, either.  I can see the logic in it, but it's still a pity, especially as they seem very fond of buying servos and other expensive items.  I know I've had townies move-in with a lot more than 3 items in their inventories, but it may be that they only bought 3 of them, I don't know.  When my Diva moved-in with Twain, she had about a dozen things in hers.

Title: Re: Request - hack so townies keep everything they buy?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 July 20, 04:53:53
Townies actually acquire more memories than are explicitly visible, because as they wander the lots, they collect all those invisible memory tokens you can't see.

THen there's the entire chronology issue.

In fact, townies DO remember the one the marry, albeit in a slightly warped fashion: They'll remember it in the exact sequence a CAS bride will: Met, best friends, first kiss, love, engaged, married. They incidentally won't remember if you were rich or not. :P

What they LOSE is all the crap they may remember like "had sex with your great-grandmother".

Title: Re: Request - hack so townies keep everything they buy?
Post by: syberspunk on 2006 July 20, 05:28:54
Any chance you could create a mod to delete these invisible memories? Maybe as a function of the lot debugger? I like the idea of having my townies keep their memories too, but not the useless ones. It'd be great if we had a function/mod to clean up only the invisible memories. And maybe not just for townies, but for playables as well. They just get them gossips and witnessing events, right? I wouldn't mind a tool that I can use every now and then, or on a somewhat regular basis, to clean up my sims and delete these excess, useless memories.


Title: Re: Request - hack so townies keep everything they buy?
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 July 20, 12:29:59
Any chance you could create a mod to delete these invisible memories? ... I wouldn't mind a tool that I can use every now and then, or on a somewhat regular basis, to clean up my sims and delete these excess, useless memories.

Squinge has a cheap painting that lets you delete useless memories in your playables, and it works if you make townies selectable.  It's over in his section on