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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: mdrturner on 2006 July 19, 06:50:15

Title: Organising Clothes
Post by: mdrturner on 2006 July 19, 06:50:15
Firstly I have tried to search for help on this but to no avail.
What I'm looking for is help with changing the categories that clothes appear in.
Whilst I appreciate the hard work that these people do in creating these skins, what is reallly starting to bug me is that these clothes appear in all categories. I personally don't want people (sims) using underware for everyday. I understand that some people do, but I don't.
So, is there an easy way to do this? I'll admit to not knowing a lot about SimPE (the most I can do is change a family name).

Please feel free to point and laugh or poke with a stick if I've missing something obvious or posted this in the wrong place.

Thanks in advance.

Title: Re: Organising Clothes
Post by: gypsylady on 2006 July 19, 07:02:37
Try this

Title: Re: Organising Clothes
Post by: mdrturner on 2006 July 19, 07:14:19
Thanks this seems to be just what I was looking for.  ;D
Such a fast response too.

Title: Re: Organising Clothes
Post by: mdrturner on 2006 July 19, 11:58:59
Well, that took 4 1/2 hours.
6559 items of Clothing sorted.
I don't know if it's just me but when SimPE tried to open them all at once my PC turned itself off after overheating.  ::)
So I ended up splitting them down into separate files of about 1000(ish) and SimPE had no problems.

All I have to do now is correctly bin my hair files. However, I have seen a tutorial on this so I'll get around to it eventually.

Anyway, thanks again gypsylady.

Title: Re: Organising Clothes
Post by: gypsylady on 2006 July 19, 12:46:06
Your welcome glad I could help :)

Title: Re: Organizing Clothes
Post by: Katze on 2006 July 19, 13:22:08
This was also one of my pet peeves thanks for pointing me in the right direction Gypsyladay. :)

Title: Re: Organising Clothes
Post by: Jelenedra on 2006 July 19, 15:45:05
Ugh, I hate swimsuits that show up as underwear and not under swimsuits. =p

Title: Re: Organising Clothes
Post by: TaWanda on 2006 July 19, 20:54:45
 Aghhh.... Help please. I am a Simpe-phobe, but this looked easy and I thought I'd tackle it because I  get really annoyed by stuff that shows up in all categories!  I went and updated to the latest version of simpe even though I only have UNI & NL.
 I followed all the steps in the tutorial up to this point "Just to get you familiar with the operations tab, click on the Operations tab in the lower half of your Folder Scanner, than scroll down that box until you see the portion designed for the "Clothing Scanner" You will now see set Ages: and set: Categories: and options for that, thats what you will be using at this point."
 Except that I can't scroll in that box. There is a scrollbar, but it won't move and at the top of the box it says Health Scanner: fix unhealthy package. A little further down it says OFB shelves scanner(by numenor)
 I have no idea where to go from here. Any help would be greatly appreciated, but please keep in mind that I have never done anything in simpe before and have not had great sucess with the simpe wizard. ( i usually require lots of pictures in order to follow a tutorial :P)
 Point and laugh as much as you want, I probably deserve it :D

Title: Re: Organising Clothes
Post by: nocomment on 2006 July 19, 21:24:57
I hope this is your problem.  I opened Simpe and had the same problem you described.  Then I clicked on an item and the scroll bar worked.

Could that be your problem?  If it is, don't be embarassed.  You should have seen my face a minute ago, when I thought my Simpe was broken, too!

Title: Re: Organising Clothes
Post by: TaWanda on 2006 July 19, 21:34:38
Oh good golly miss molly! Duh, now you know why I am reluctant to mess with this kind of stuff, it's the  simple things that throw me. Thanky very much NoComment :-*