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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Skarlath on 2006 July 14, 22:05:50

Title: Sim Genetics
Post by: Skarlath on 2006 July 14, 22:05:50
 :) Hi, I've been lurking this site for a while, reading and enjoying most of the threads and I thought maybe you can help me out?

I have this Sim family.

Charles (the husband), has brown eyes and black hair.

Judith (the wife), has green eyes and brown hair.

They have two children. The eldest has brown hair and brown eyes and the middle child has black hair and brown eyes.

I know that brown is a dominant eye color, but I can't help but want Judith's new baby to have green eyes.

So, this is my question.

Is there any way that I can change Charles's genetics to enable him to give green eyes to his future children while keeping his brown eyes?

If so, how?

Thanks so much!

Title: Re: Sim Genetics
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 July 14, 22:11:37
You can do it with SimPE, and change his recessive eye color to green, but that still won't 100% guarantee the kid has green eyes. Rather than repeating all the instructions, check out this thread about fixing the Strangetown characters' DNA:,1423.0.html.  You'll find all the info you need in that thread to use SimPE to change any sim's genetics.

Title: Re: Sim Genetics
Post by: vaughje on 2006 July 14, 22:18:10
Hehe, jsalemi beat me to the punch.  But yes, this is what I've done and although it doesn't guarantee green eyes, there's a better chance than when Charles would have both dominant and recessive brown eyes genes.

edit to fix spelling mistakes.   :P

Title: Re: Sim Genetics
Post by: Skarlath on 2006 July 14, 22:43:47
Wow, that was quick!

Thanks, I appreciate it!   ;D

Title: Re: Sim Genetics
Post by: vilia on 2006 July 14, 22:54:00
Don't forget to save pre birth as well so if the bub shows up with the wrong coloured eyes, you can rinse and repeat until you get what you want.

Title: Re: Sim Genetics
Post by: Skarlath on 2006 July 14, 23:02:37
That's precisely what I had been doing before to see if the eye color would change, but alas it didn't. Hehe.  :D

Title: Re: Sim Genetics
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2006 July 15, 02:24:01
Presuming Judith also has green eyes recessive, that should give a much better chance if you give Charles recessive green eyes as well. 

I am always messing about with DNA in my game.  I make sure that all townies and NPC's have different recessive genes and I always alter all the pre-made Maxis Sims, because their DNA is totally up the creek.  I mess about with eye colours too, being from the UK where almost 100% of the population has blue eyes.

Title: Re: Sim Genetics
Post by: Skarlath on 2006 July 15, 02:38:51
It worked! The bouncin' baby boy has green eyes and brown hair. ;D

Title: Re: Sim Genetics
Post by: kacidama on 2006 July 15, 12:24:36
being from the UK where almost 100% of the population has blue eyes.

I dispute this - being from the UK too - I have green eyes and my daughter has brown eyes.  My sister has brown eyes, most of my neighbours have brown eyes  - it is blue eyes that are  in short supply around here!

Title: Re: Sim Genetics
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 July 15, 12:28:40
Hehe, jsalemi beat me to the punch.  But yes, this is what I've done and although it doesn't guarantee green eyes, there's a better chance than when Charles would have both dominant and recessive brown eyes genes.
If one of your sim parents is homozygous for a dominant gene (brown), the chance of getting green eyes on your spawn is zilch, although it may manifest in grandchildren.

Title: Re: Sim Genetics
Post by: Kokopelli on 2006 July 15, 16:28:41
Hehe, jsalemi beat me to the punch.  But yes, this is what I've done and although it doesn't guarantee green eyes, there's a better chance than when Charles would have both dominant and recessive brown eyes genes.
If one of your sim parents is homozygous for a dominant gene (brown), the chance of getting green eyes on your spawn is zilch, although it may manifest in grandchildren.

Or Great- grandchildren

Title: Re: Sim Genetics
Post by: vaughje on 2006 July 15, 18:04:18
If one of your sim parents is homozygous for a dominant gene (brown), the chance of getting green eyes on your spawn is zilch, although it may manifest in grandchildren.

Yea... "better chance" being that anything is greater than zero.  :P