More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Rascal on 2006 July 14, 06:17:43

Title: Help with default replacement skins (or what have I done wrong?)
Post by: Rascal on 2006 July 14, 06:17:43
I have made my favourite skins into default replacements using the one button SimPE method described by Sleepycat here (,2194.msg82218.html#msg82218) but I'm having a weird problem with the adult male dark skin.

Adult males already in the game have the lovely new default replacement face - attached to the old maxis body (decidedly strange looking).  BUT, a newly created CAS adult male has the correct skin for both face and body.

I've tried changing appearance in the mirror and I've tried aging the sim down to teen then growing up to adult but no luck.  As a teen he is fine but when he turns back to adult the skin is wonky again.

This has happened to all the dark skined adult males already in play but all other ages are fine.  The female skins are all fine too. 

The skins I used are Louis #7 Skintone Lin's Edition from Shiny Sims ( and the problem skin is the darkest tone - although I don't think there is a problem with the skin itself as CAS sims are fine.

Any suggestions from those more awesome (or anyone really) would be most appreciated.

Title: Re: Help with default replacement skins (or what have I done wrong?)
Post by: jrd on 2006 July 14, 07:16:48
You are getting these problems because the simplified method just does not work well. The only way to really fix it is to do the full method.

Title: Re: Help with default replacement skins (or what have I done wrong?)
Post by: Rascal on 2006 July 14, 07:34:21
Oh bugger!

Title: Re: Help with default replacement skins (or what have I done wrong?)
Post by: dewshine on 2006 July 18, 23:51:18
You do realize that the maker of this modified Louis skin has created default replacement skins?  Perhaps you should just try the ones off the site you linked to.  Nice skins, by the way.  I like the improvements they made.

Title: Re: Help with default replacement skins (or what have I done wrong?)
Post by: Rascal on 2006 July 19, 09:23:54
Thanks Dewshine - I know.  He only posted them the other day (after I posted here) and I snapped them up immediately.  He has somehow made a default over-ride file that works indepently of the skins, rather than default skins.  The difference between his method and the one I tried is that his works.  He has also posted the skins at MTS2 and has said he will write a tutorial.