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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: vcline on 2005 September 03, 21:16:41

Title: How Do You Get Rid of Zits?
Post by: vcline on 2005 September 03, 21:16:41
Some of my YA's came to college with zits, but there's no option on the mirrors for acne cream.  Is there some way in SimPE or testingcheats to get rid of them?

Thanks in advance for any help,

Title: Re: How Do You Get Rid of Zits?
Post by: schmoopee on 2005 September 03, 21:42:50
Have you tried doing "change appearance" in the mirror? Sometimes that will get rid of stuck zits leftover from teenhood.

Title: Re: How Do You Get Rid of Zits?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 September 04, 00:41:35
I believe we had a thread on this very issue at SimFreaks forum and the general consensus was that your suggestion works every time.

Title: Re: How Do You Get Rid of Zits?
Post by: Bane~Child on 2005 September 04, 02:48:55
Yep, that is correct.  I had this happen to a teen, who had no zits until she became a YA.  I guess it was the stress of moving to college.

Anyway, you don't have to actually change their appearance unless of course you want to.  Just sending them to the mirror without change will do it.

Title: Re: How Do You Get Rid of Zits?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 September 04, 04:02:39
I always change their appearance if I send them to the mirror, saves having to view a toddler in simPE who's actually a teen!  And a different eyeliner doesn't make much difference if you already like the way they look.

Title: Re: How Do You Get Rid of Zits?
Post by: Bane~Child on 2005 September 04, 04:18:29
I always change their appearance if I send them to the mirror, saves having to view a toddler in simPE who's actually a teen!  And a different eyeliner doesn't make much difference if you already like the way they look.

That's funny, ZZ.  I never thought about the thumbnail in SimPE, it is very annoying.  Right now I have Alexander Goth in the student bin, where he will probably die of old age, but his picture still shows him as the original child.  Although, I have had success with changing their appearance just before they leave home (by taxi) and have it update their photo to at least the teen image.

Hmmm, maybe the toddlers are actually child prodigys.

Title: Re: How Do You Get Rid of Zits?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 September 04, 04:25:15
I don't know why it happens.  Re: Master goth, I made him over without those awful specs, he's an ugly YA but everyone seems to like him.  He lives in The main Greek House and I made him Popularity!  Since none of the female sims seem to get the hots for him, I think his line of Goths will just end with him!  But since I've made Mortimer and his new ladyfriend adults again, I just might let them have a kid, maybe it will look like her?  Cassandra's daughter is really quite attractive, and not a bit like her!  Her aspiration is romance, and I picked that because it seemed to suit her personality.

Title: Re: How Do You Get Rid of Zits?
Post by: Bane~Child on 2005 September 04, 04:45:48
He is an ugly mug as a YA - those monkey features.  He doesn't look like either Mortimer or Bella when they were young and I am certain he was given random genes anyway, as is the case with Maxis' reckless abandonment of physical asthetics and sensible genetics.  Well, at least he never had zits, but then he wasn't around long enough for me to notice.  Too bad there isn't a Monastery for him to join.  You mean there aren't any Caliente girls to latch on to him?

You know, I don't expect a town of Stepford families, but I do expect at least the simulation of our current evolutionary cycle.  Hell-o, I do believe Maxis has unwittingly discovered the infamous missing link!

Title: Re: How Do You Get Rid of Zits?
Post by: cabelle on 2005 September 04, 04:53:26
Alexander's kind of grown on me, with a makeover he reminds me a little of Egon from "Ghostbusters." Paired up with Lucy Burb they do actually make some cute looking kids.

Title: Re: How Do You Get Rid of Zits?
Post by: Lady Moiraine on 2005 September 04, 05:08:54
This discussion is so funny!  I don't know why he is so interesting but I too have played him, this is an early Alexander right when I got University:


And from my last game, a few weeks ago, he hasn't changed much! lol


I'm sorry if this went off topic! lol  But I couldn't resist!  And I consider myself lucky my young adult sims havn't had zits! 

Title: Re: How Do You Get Rid of Zits?
Post by: Bane~Child on 2005 September 04, 05:41:34
Alexander's kind of grown on me, with a makeover he reminds me a little of Egon from "Ghostbusters." Paired up with Lucy Burb they do actually make some cute looking kids.

Now that's a good idea, I had not considered those two together.  I had hopes for Alexander; I thought he was a cute kid.  I still can not understand why his features changed so much when he transitioned, I felt sure he would be a nice looking man.  Did you happen to have both Lucy and Alexander in private school together?  At what age did you have them get together?  I love to hear other players versions of these things.  It is very interesting how many similar stories develop.  I had Buck Grunt and Jill Smith pair autonomously in one game version while at Uni, which I was sure would cause a fireball with their families.  Then I read just the other day where another player had this same match.  I wonder if that was built into the program.

I downloaded AncientSim's Martha at MTS2, who is the daughter, born ingame, to Marisa Bendett and one of her CAS characters.  She is very cute and I like her because she is not a picture-perfect specimen of custom content.  In fact, the only custom content I used was to replace her dark blue Maxis eyes with a pretty set of Echo66's eyes in the nearest shade I could to her original color.  They are a little more intense, not flat like the originals.  All she has is a pretty, but natural peach lip shine and a hint of blush peach blush, but everything is Maxis.  Not sure yet where I want her; Pleasantview would be kind of strange since Marisa is still there and unattached.

Thanks for the suggestion, Cabelle.  

Title: Re: How Do You Get Rid of Zits?
Post by: Bane~Child on 2005 September 04, 05:45:05
This discussion is so funny!  I don't know why he is so interesting but I too have played him, this is an early Alexander right when I got University.

Now see, he does not look at all like my Alexander did at Uni, mine had a big monkey mouth.  In your picture there is clearly more of a resemblence in their profiles.  He is very nice looking in your game. 

Title: Re: How Do You Get Rid of Zits?
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 September 04, 09:54:59
This discussion is so funny!  I don't know why he is so interesting but I too have played him, this is an early Alexander right when I got University:
What is happening in this photo?  Mortimer looks so angry.  It looks like he is about to strangle Alexander!  The other picture I figure must be him making out with someone.

Title: Re: How Do You Get Rid of Zits?
Post by: C.S. on 2005 September 04, 10:50:16
I think he was about to cry at the separation, or he just finished hugging and crying....

Title: Re: How Do You Get Rid of Zits?
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 September 04, 11:39:08
I've never seen this before.  Is this some kind of cutscene? 

Title: Re: How Do You Get Rid of Zits?
Post by: ElviraGoth on 2005 September 04, 11:52:54
Alexander's kind of grown on me, with a makeover he reminds me a little of Egon from "Ghostbusters." Paired up with Lucy Burb they do actually make some cute looking kids.

I paired Alexander with Lucy as well, and they have really nice looking kids, too.  Only one, Bartholemew, looks like him.  And my avatar of Herman Goth is his by alien abduction.  Elvira, btw, is one of their kids.  (My screen name.)  She looks just like Cassandra.  Since Cass was still in the Goth house, she helped raise Alex's kids and Cass and Elvira were very close.  I had Elvira resurrect Cass after death because she missed her so much!

And yes, zits go away by changing appearance.  I had to do that with one of the Goth kids.

Title: Re: How Do You Get Rid of Zits?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 September 04, 12:59:52
Rainbow, if you have the Special Event Camera option ticked, this should happen every time you move a teen into college and put them in an empty dorm or house.  it won't happen if there's already someone living there, though.

In my game, Cassandra married Max Durham, a fortune sim with one son (who didn't move in with him).  They had a child (Desiree Durham, who is rather nice) and Mortimer moved out with Alexander and left them the house. Mortimer now lives with his lady friend in a condo, I've made them both adults so he could satisfy his LTW to become chief of staff, and he's very happy. 

On the other hand, Cassandra made a dead set at Ty Crewe, a romance sim also in the police at the time, and kept bringing him home, or following him home to is house, where she made a pass at him and nearly broke up his relationship with his partner, Cory.  She then did the same thing at her own house, and Max was absolutely livid, beat the daylights out of her and threw her out!  She's now living in the little cabin in the woods and every so often appears around town dressed as Captain Hero, although she's only just made lieutenant!

So the Goth money has gone!  - Max has it now, but I think Desiree will get the house and the money eventually, that's only fair, isn't it!

Title: Re: How Do You Get Rid of Zits?
Post by: bluecatvon on 2005 September 04, 17:16:35
Lady Moiraine, i think your Alexander looks like Dave Navarro of Red Hot Chilli Peppers!

Title: Re: How Do You Get Rid of Zits?
Post by: cabelle on 2005 September 04, 18:22:56
Alexander's kind of grown on me, with a makeover he reminds me a little of Egon from "Ghostbusters." Paired up with Lucy Burb they do actually make some cute looking kids.

Now that's a good idea, I had not considered those two together.  I had hopes for Alexander; I thought he was a cute kid.  I still can not understand why his features changed so much when he transitioned, I felt sure he would be a nice looking man.  Did you happen to have both Lucy and Alexander in private school together?  At what age did you have them get together?  I love to hear other players versions of these things.  It is very interesting how many similar stories develop.  I had Buck Grunt and Jill Smith pair autonomously in one game version while at Uni, which I was sure would cause a fireball with their families.  Then I read just the other day where another player had this same match.  I wonder if that was built into the program.

I downloaded AncientSim's Martha at MTS2, who is the daughter, born ingame, to Marisa Bendett and one of her CAS characters.  She is very cute and I like her because she is not a picture-perfect specimen of custom content.  In fact, the only custom content I used was to replace her dark blue Maxis eyes with a pretty set of Echo66's eyes in the nearest shade I could to her original color.  They are a little more intense, not flat like the originals.  All she has is a pretty, but natural peach lip shine and a hint of blush peach blush, but everything is Maxis.  Not sure yet where I want her; Pleasantview would be kind of strange since Marisa is still there and unattached.

Thanks for the suggestion, Cabelle.  

Jill Smith & Buck Grunt seemed to go together like "peanut butter & jelly" in my game too. I've wondered if certain relationships are programmed in the game. When I moved in the Burbs one of the first things I did was to get Lucy in private school. The next time I played the Goth house Alexander brought Lucy home with him from school and within a couple of sim days they were best friends. I have seen private school kids bring home kids from regular school so I don't think that matters to the game though. Well as soon as they transitioned to teens (Lucy as Family & Alexander as Knowledge) a bit of flirting, hugging and a first kiss later they were head over heels and went steady. I changed Lucy's hair to black and she resembled a young Bella strangely enough. I had them marry as soon as they graduated from college, so far they have a handsome son named Brendan and a cute toddler daughter named Fiona. They'll probably have one more kid so that Lucy can satisfy her "three children graduate from college" LTW.

I've got some plans for extended family drama in Pleasantview. I had Cassandra dump Don when she caught him with Nina and marry Adam Prescott, "heir to the Prescott family fortune." Don & Nina's son Nick just brought Cassandra & Adam's daughter Lily home with him from school. Hmm, wouldn't that be a fascinating wedding? I wonder what kind of score a wedding party would get if the mother of the bride and the mother of the groom get into a catfight. :o

Title: Re: How Do You Get Rid of Zits?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 September 04, 22:27:17
You don't actually need three children to graduate to satisfy that particular LTW!  More bad programming!

 In my game Lucy hardly knows alexander, she's hooked a CAS Romance sim called Kyle Kendal and they're nearly ready to graduate and get married - and I'll tell you now, like it or not, he's going to do the proposing!  Kyle Burb sounds absolutely dreadful and totally unromantic, whereas Lucy Kendal is acceptable!

I think you're right, and there is something in the programming, but you don't have to follow it if you don't want to!  Just as you can alter behaviours - sloppy sims who gain a lot of cleaning skills may still pee in the shower and spread water all over the bathroom floor, but unless they have a desperate need for fun or food or something, they'll clean it up without being told!

Title: Re: How Do You Get Rid of Zits?
Post by: C.S. on 2005 September 04, 22:31:06
I changed Lucy's hair to black and she resembled a young Bella strangely enough.

I thought adult Lucy looked a lot like Heather Huffington from Sim State too. Always paired her with Alexander through my numerous replays. Brought back all the dead (figured why not, since those files have character data adding to the characters count, plus, spread the Goths and Crumplebottoms aound the 'hood and I'll have ghots to scare future generations without having to kill any townie, which btw, no longer exists in my game  :P), gave all the adult pre-mades a relationship make-over so nobody's cheating on nobody, brought back Michael, Skip and Darleen for a reunion and retained all teenage loves for the teens. I find that easier to control the population 'cos I tend to match make in my head. Felt sorry for Kaylynn Langerak the maid, so have been pairing her off with Beau Broke in my numerous replays too. Also shortened 'Langerak' to 'Lang' so that she doesn't share the same last name with any npcs generated, and she gets to leave a legacy too.

Title: Re: How Do You Get Rid of Zits?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 September 04, 22:38:32
Well, personally, I find that the best way to get rid of zits is by vigorous sanding with a rotary sander. That acne cream shit has to be the worst product placement in the game, because it never works. Somebody should make a rotary sander mesh for me so that sims can use it.

Title: Re: How Do You Get Rid of Zits?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 September 04, 22:48:34
Curious, how did you sort out the duplicate Skip, Michael and Darleen files?  did you resurrect both ghosts?

Title: Re: How Do You Get Rid of Zits?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 September 04, 22:52:21
I don't know why it happens.  Re: Master goth, I made him over without those awful specs, he's an ugly YA but everyone seems to like him.
But Alexander Goth's glasses are the defining Alexander Goth feature! You can't even get them anymore, they're specially made just for Alexander Goth. In my game, he keeps them because they're his signature item. It defines his character. Everyone seems to want to remake every single sim to make them look pretty, but I keep them the way they are! It's their character: It would be wrong to change this.

Title: Re: How Do You Get Rid of Zits?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 September 04, 23:09:33
Well, he was over the moon when I removed his specs!  And I've never noticed he's any more short-sighted than any other sim!  And neither of his parents have eyesight problems, so why he and Cassandra did is a mystery.

Title: Re: How Do You Get Rid of Zits?
Post by: C.S. on 2005 September 04, 23:12:53
Everyone seems to want to remake every single sim to make them look pretty, but I keep them the way they are!

Not "everyone want to remake every single sim to make them look pretty", I didn't touch Ty Blubber (or anyone else except Komei's nose) from Sim State even though he sports a stereo-typical Asain look. Sheesh, can he even see out of those slits Maxis put in for his eyes? And there are sims with smaller slits than his.

Curious, how did you sort out the duplicate Skip, Michael and Darleen files? did you resurrect both ghosts?

I renamed the ones without character data and saved a backup copy of the entire Sims 2 game folder for when I have to replay for whatever reason, before all the SimPE updates which I've lost count of. The latest 0.46 version can pull up all the sim names again, so you can try your hand at it  ;). I posted a reply in Momthing's 'Resurrecting Skip Broke (A SimPE Question)' thread, that's the method I've been using to resurrect the dead. You can use Posie's tutorial too, she has screenshots you can follow (I couldn't figure out how to upload all of mine as there's a limit to how many you can upload here :P, yes, I'm an idiot at stuffs like that, and Posie posted before I did, and she did a great job too), way better than written description.

The names of those 3 with character data are grouped together and among the ncps, so skip the first 'Skip', 'Michael' and 'Darleen' you see. Here's a screenshot before I deleted all other unwanted characters:

[attachment deleted by admin]

Title: Re: How Do You Get Rid of Zits?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 September 04, 23:17:59
Looks like I'll have to read it sometime.  I just wondered, really, if it caused a problem in your game, but if you removed the duplicate, I suppose it wouldn't - just imagine, though, if Skip had been haunted by his own ghost!

Title: Re: How Do You Get Rid of Zits?
Post by: C.S. on 2005 September 04, 23:35:13
Oh, no, no, I only deleted all the townies and npcs I didn't want, I didn't remove any duplicates nor those ancestry lines in sims' family trees - why force myself to play them or have my sims remembering everyone they met under the sun but will never be friends with  :-\, and why spare the nannies, repairmen and all, the game will generate them when they are needed anyway. I like having as controlled a neighbourhood as possible, plus, fewer sims = faster future editing in SimPE  :P.

Title: Re: How Do You Get Rid of Zits?
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 September 04, 23:52:20
Rainbow, if you have the Special Event Camera option ticked, this should happen every time you move a teen into college and put them in an empty dorm or house.  it won't happen if there's already someone living there, though.
The option isn't available to me, as I said in another thread, my video card apparently can't handle them.  I'm broke and can't afford one right now or maybe for some time, so I guess I should be happy I can even play the game, but it's disappointing when I hear about stuff like this I am missing out on.  :'(

Title: Re: How Do You Get Rid of Zits?
Post by: Lady Moiraine on 2005 September 05, 02:16:43
Lady Moiraine, i think your Alexander looks like Dave Navarro of Red Hot Chilli Peppers!

Alright!  I never thought of that!  I love RHCP!   ;D  I think all my sims are based on some goth/rock/punk type look lol

Title: Re: How Do You Get Rid of Zits?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 September 05, 09:47:15
The option isn't available to me, as I said in another thread, my video card apparently can't handle them.  I'm broke and can't afford one right now or maybe for some time, so I guess I should be happy I can even play the game, but it's disappointing when I hear about stuff like this I am missing out on. 

Never mind, it's something to look forward to!  I'm sure you won't always be broke!

Title: Re: How Do You Get Rid of Zits?
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 September 06, 02:15:43
Gee, I hope not. :(

Title: Re: How Do You Get Rid of Zits?
Post by: Melancholic Madam on 2005 September 06, 02:45:46
my Alexander Goth doesn't resemble the picture posted either.  his nose looks nothing like Mortimers.  it's much larger and more rounded. it's just really BIG! I know hair styles, glasses and facial hair make a big difference, but I just don't see how this could be the same Alexander I have in my game.  I had Alexander marry a sim from a family I created (3rd generation).  they all have great noses, and hers is cute and perky.  they had a son who has a nose the size of the Rock of Gibralter.  he is not allowed to father any more males. 

I left his specs too.  they are what defines him to me.

Title: Re: How Do You Get Rid of Zits?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 September 06, 02:49:00
Well, he's a pretty ugly YA in my game, and specless, but he's been living in the Frat house for so long now, I think he'll eventually die there!

Title: Re: How Do You Get Rid of Zits?
Post by: vcline on 2005 September 06, 22:56:27
Thanks to everyone on the suggestion to use "change appearance."  I didn't actually try it out yet because I've been working in the regular neighborhood.  I did notice that even though poor Hal Capp had to spend all of his college years with a great big zit on his forehead, he was blemish-free when he graduated, so I'm not going to worry about the others.


Title: Re: How Do You Get Rid of Zits?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 September 06, 23:01:40
And for those of you that like zits (Pescado?) Damage has some facepaints including zits on MTS2.  The file is called MTS2_8235_DamageInc356_dmg_maxisfacegoodies

and also includes freckles.  (So you could even give your YA an extra zit or two!)

Title: Re: How Do You Get Rid of Zits?
Post by: bluecatvon on 2005 September 07, 15:29:03
Lady Moiraine, i think your Alexander looks like Dave Navarro of Red Hot Chilli Peppers!

Alright! I never thought of that! I love RHCP! ;D I think all my sims are based on some goth/rock/punk type look lol

even your avatar has that look :) keep it going! yay!