More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: jennydeenyc on 2006 July 12, 23:30:18

Title: question about stuck carpool
Post by: jennydeenyc on 2006 July 12, 23:30:18
Hi All,

An annoying issue has cropped up with the one house that I play in my game. I had Dustin Broke marry into the family, and he took up a life of crime. Now he's a Criminal Mastermind, but every night when his big stretch limo comes to drop him off, it just stays outside the house indefinitely. Carpool vehicles and schoolbuses for other sims in the household still arrive and then magically disappear (rather than driving off) once their alloted hour has passed, but Dustin's limo stays put. I have Crammyboy's latest portal fix/monitor files installed, and received no error messages, but I'm sure there's something amiss here. Unfortunately, I discovered the problem right after I had saved my game, noticing that the limo was sitting out front with headlights ablaze at some point during the day. I'm hoping that I won't have to scrap the lot, as it is really the only house I play and the family has been in residence for about 6-7 generations now. I have Uni & Nightlife but not OFB or Family Fun Stuff. Any advice is appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

Title: Re: question about stuck carpool
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 July 12, 23:34:31
Check to make sure the mailbox or garbage can isn't blocking the back door on the limo. If one of them is, you'll have to open the command window and turn on the moveobjects cheat so you can move the offending item away from the door.

Title: Re: question about stuck carpool
Post by: jennydeenyc on 2006 July 12, 23:45:25
Ok, update on the situation...

I turned moveobjects on and moved (instead of deleting) the limo 2 squares foward on the street. It was then able to drive away. However, the next carpool vehicle to come onto the lot for a dropoff (crap hatchback for Slacker career) got stuck in exactly the same manner. These cars are all stopping in exactly the same place as they have been since I started playing the lot months ago, but the not driving away issue is totally new. Also, the sims are able to enter/exit the cars fine, the vehicles just refuse to drive away when either full or empty. The positions of the mailbox and garbage can remain unchanged from when I started playing the lot. I will try moving them to a different location on the lot, but I still don't understand why this problem would crop up all of a sudden like this.

Title: Re: question about stuck carpool
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 July 12, 23:47:51
I would see if you have anything invisibly stuck in the way on the street.  Pescado's Stuck Object Remover can nuke whatever is on those tiles.

Title: Re: question about stuck carpool
Post by: jennydeenyc on 2006 July 12, 23:51:59
I tried using the stuck object remover on the street, but I got "location out of bounds" messages and was unable to place the remover anywhere in the street. I suspect there is something invisible in the street as well, since moving the mailbox and garbage can didn't allow the car to leave, but moving it forward one tile did.

Title: Re: question about stuck carpool
Post by: jennydeenyc on 2006 July 13, 00:01:54
Ok, I think I found the issue, but have no idea how to fix it. I turned moveobjects on again and was able to place the stuck object remover in the street. I put it on a few of the tiles directly in front of the stuck car and discovered that there's an invisible spaceship lingering on one of the tiles. Unfortunately, it's lingering on the same tile that also contains the car portal! I can't burninate the invisible spaceship without also deleting the car portal, at which point Crammyboy's portal monitor tells me to quit the lot without saving. So now what?

Title: Re: question about stuck carpool
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 July 13, 00:43:50
Invisible spaceship, eh? I'll stick a remover for that in the lot debugger, I guess.

Upped. Go get it (

Also, BlueSoup has a fat head (;u=1487).

Title: Re: question about stuck carpool
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 July 13, 01:10:00
How am I doing on that Google list, Olde Bastard?  ::)

Title: Re: question about stuck carpool
Post by: jennydeenyc on 2006 July 13, 01:46:13
Thanks JM! Going to see if this solves the issue right now!

Title: Re: question about stuck carpool
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 July 13, 01:47:34
How am I doing on that Google list, Olde Bastard?  ::)
Fat Headedly.

Title: Re: question about stuck carpool
Post by: jennydeenyc on 2006 July 13, 01:57:57
Um, ok...I guess the debugger isn't detecting the spaceship, because I don't have any new option for it popping up. Limo stuck in front of house as usual. Any thoughts?

Title: Re: question about stuck carpool
Post by: jennydeenyc on 2006 July 13, 02:11:51
Strange, the archive I downloaded had today's date, but the ffsdebugger file inside was dated 5/25/06. Maybe that's why I'm not seeing the spaceship option?

Title: Re: question about stuck carpool
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 July 13, 02:29:23
Reuploaded. Try again?

Title: Re: question about stuck carpool
Post by: jennydeenyc on 2006 July 13, 04:22:10
The updated version did the trick! You are truly More Awesome Than Me, JM! (though admittedly that's not saying much  :P)

Thanks tons!

Title: Re: question about stuck carpool
Post by: syberspunk on 2006 July 13, 04:55:53
Hrm... I guess you don't have my spaceship carpool bugfix? At least I hope you don't... because if you do, that means it isn't working. :P

You can get the fix here (,4231.0.html). However, it is a preventative fix in the sense that it should prevent the problem from ever happening again. Hopefully you won't get stuck invisible UFOs on your lot anymore. But at least now, if you do, the FFS Lot Debugger can delete it.
