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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: cwykes on 2006 July 12, 11:08:35

Title: shoplifting sims turn invisible as they return to pay
Post by: cwykes on 2006 July 12, 11:08:35
A Sim was walking off the lot without paying.  Stopped dead at the boundary, turned invisible and walked back to pay at the till.  I have some pics and video of the shopping bag floating purposefully towards the till.  Anyone else come across this problem?   I didn't notice it pre-patch and I have updated those hacks I'm using.  First time it happened I wrote it off as a glitch - second time, I figured I'd better start looking for whatever was buggy.  I guess I'll have to take downloads and hacks out and see if I can pin it down, but that's such a pain.

The only other post I found about invisible sims in shops was this one.  The author figured it was the clothes buying that caused the problem.  My sims were shopping for plants and I think it was two different plant shops.  Could be Chanco's problem was shoplifters too.

I had some Invisible townies after changing their clothes.
This happen on community clothing shop lot; Everything went fine as far as the changing of their clothes and the sales, but some of these townies became invisible after changing clothes, I change their clothes with the (recommend an outfit option.). It seem to be a random thing, I had change 4 of townies clothes this way, but 2 became invisible.

I figured this out when I noticed shopping bags floating around the shop, but the sims were invisible, I use the mind control mirror to see who they were, I found it was the same townies that I sold the new outfits to a few hours before on the lot.

Title: Re: shoplifting sims turn invisible as they return to pay
Post by: jrd on 2006 July 12, 11:46:51
I've had this happen once, pre-OFB p1.