More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: virgali on 2006 July 10, 20:01:45

Title: FORZA ITALIA!!!! and some Make up advice ;)
Post by: virgali on 2006 July 10, 20:01:45
Hi all,

Would like simme to have a fullface make up of the italian flag like my avatar and different styles of the italian football shirt. Any tifosi here that may know where I could find those?

Also has anybody seen a mesh for the world Cup?

And for those who like to be entertained:

*sings whle wandering away* "Campioni del mondo, ale, ale"

Title: Re: FORZA ITALIA!!!! and some Make up advice ;)
Post by: Emma on 2006 July 10, 20:02:50
You could try requesting on MTS2.

Title: Re: FORZA ITALIA!!!! and some Make up advice ;)
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 July 10, 20:10:06
Virgali, why do you not go back to being Virgali anyway, instead of trying to change your name and pretending we don't notice? And aren't you Dutch?

Title: Re: FORZA ITALIA!!!! and some Make up advice ;)
Post by: virgali on 2006 July 10, 20:29:30
tsk! I'm not using virgali anymore, even changed my email and such. Doesn't have anything to do with who notices or what, it was a global change.

Yes, I'm Dutch, or rather I have the Dutch nationality since the island where I was born belongs to the Dutch Kingdom. My heart is Italian tho... ;D
I really don't support the Dutchies when it comes to football, 'cause they are arrogant and think they know better then everybody else, they talk about football as if it was some kind of invention of theirs and needs to be protected from the rest of the world... *roles eyes*

And to go even more off topic, where is Hookies? Tell him I mis him... ;)

Title: Re: FORZA ITALIA!!!! and some Make up advice ;)
Post by: Li'l Brudder on 2006 July 10, 20:59:55
Did you have a heart transplant from an Italian person?

Then no, you haven't an Italian Heart.

Title: Re: FORZA ITALIA!!!! and some Make up advice ;)
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 July 10, 21:02:02
Virgali, why do you not go back to being Virgali anyway, instead of trying to change your name and pretending we don't notice? And aren't you Dutch?

Why do you even allow name-changing?  The stupid names could be forced to change or face deletion of their account if they don't adhere to the registration agreement.

Title: Re: FORZA ITALIA!!!! and some Make up advice ;)
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 July 10, 21:23:30
tsk! I'm not using virgali anymore, even changed my email and such. Doesn't have anything to do with who notices or what, it was a global change.
It doesn't work that way. You're still Virgali. Now go back to being Virgali. You think you can just arbitrarily change your name and get away with it? NUH-UH. Ask Dumb Cwieberdink-type people.

Yes, I'm Dutch, or rather I have the Dutch nationality since the island where I was born belongs to the Dutch Kingdom. My heart is Italian tho... ;D
I really don't support the Dutchies when it comes to football, 'cause they are arrogant and think they know better then everybody else, they talk about football as if it was some kind of invention of theirs and needs to be protected from the rest of the world... *roles eyes*
I'm sure your claims are probably irritating and offensive to all the actual Italians. Because you're a DUMB VIRGALI-TYPE-PERSON.

Why do you even allow name-changing?  The stupid names could be forced to change or face deletion of their account if they don't adhere to the registration agreement.
Mostly because it's inherently in line with my political ideology to allow something rather than outlaw it. Also because it lets you have a short login-name, and more complete display-name, so you could login as "BlueSoup" but have it display as "BlueSoup Fat Head". Not for dumb Virgali-type people to try to not be Virgali. Or for dumb Cwieberdink-type people to try to avoid being Cwieberdink.

Title: Re: FORZA ITALIA!!!! and some Make up advice ;)
Post by: breyerii on 2006 July 10, 21:26:46
*breyerii welcomes Kyra/Virgali into the big family of Italy supporters*  :)

Title: Re: FORZA ITALIA!!!! and some Make up advice ;)
Post by: nocomment on 2006 July 10, 21:49:48
This site has sport shirts.  On page 8 and 16 are shirts for Italy.  I don't know if they're what you're looking for, since I don't know anything about sports / sports uniforms.

I didn't look through all the pages, so they may have more.  If you can't find the makeup anywhere, I can make that.  I'm not good enough to make clothes, but a simple face paint like that would be easy.

Edited to add - FIFA wold cup here:

Again, not sure if this is what you're looking for, totally ignorant about sports.

Ok, one more link:

Title: Re: FORZA ITALIA!!!! and some Make up advice ;)
Post by: virgali on 2006 July 10, 22:47:50
Thank you very much nocomment, these are awesome indeed!
Well I'd love you to make me that make up....

Now that I think of it I better check if the shirts can be used for both genders lol

To "Il Pesce" so far I haven't met an Italian that doesn't like me, so there  ;D My surrogate mom happens to be Italian and she loves me very much  ;D And I didn't change my name to be shorter. I changed to Kyra everywhere I could and MATY won't be an exception. I can always cancel this account and my payments and re-register with Kyra if that makes you feel more comfortable.... :P

Concider virgali dead and burried (the way your preffered her to be anyways  ;)) Kyra is here to stay!

Title: Re: FORZA ITALIA!!!! and some Make up advice ;)
Post by: Eleonora on 2006 July 10, 22:55:28
Did you have a heart transplant from an Italian person?

Then no, you haven't an Italian Heart.

... it's a figure of speech... DUH

Title: Re: FORZA ITALIA!!!! and some Make up advice ;)
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 July 10, 22:59:24
I changed to Kyra everywhere I could and MATY won't be an exception. I can always cancel this account and my payments and re-register with Kyra if that makes you feel more comfortable.... :P
What, you think it's that easy? Nuh-uh. Dumb Cwieberdink-type people tried to avoid being Cwieberdink. It didn't work. No, you're stuck with being Virgali. You can't evade your dumb Virgali-type-ness.

Title: Re: FORZA ITALIA!!!! and some Make up advice ;)
Post by: nocomment on 2006 July 11, 01:32:22
Ok, here is the facepaint:

Let me know if it's all right.

Title: Re: FORZA ITALIA!!!! and some Make up advice ;)
Post by: virgali on 2006 July 11, 11:21:32
Yay! Thank you so much nocomment, this looks awesome!

I has a problem downloading the file tho  :( Rather my pc doesn't sem to recognise the file, any idea why this could be? ???

MILLE GRAZIE!!! ;D either ways

Title: Re: FORZA ITALIA!!!! and some Make up advice ;)
Post by: nocomment on 2006 July 12, 00:26:54
Tell me exactly what is happening.  Are you able to download the file at all?  It should be a file named d3fd7e87_italy.package

Are you getting the file and it's not working in the game?

Title: Re: FORZA ITALIA!!!! and some Make up advice ;)
Post by: virgali on 2006 July 12, 00:44:31
Oh, nevermind, I just added the file directly to the downloads folder and everything is working fine...

Thank you sooooo much, and here's a screenshot of the results

Title: Re: FORZA ITALIA!!!! and some Make up advice ;)
Post by: nocomment on 2006 July 12, 00:46:30
If I accomplish nothing else in my life, I have helped one Sims express her fanatical love of the Italian team.

+2000 aspirations points for me.

(I'm glad the file worked, by the way.  I was worried I'd done something stupid.)

Title: Re: FORZA ITALIA!!!! and some Make up advice ;)
Post by: virgali on 2006 July 12, 01:35:24
+10 daily & +5 lifetime rl points for making me laugh ;)

Also a fan of a good sens eof humor  ;D :D

Title: Re: FORZA ITALIA!!!! and some Make up advice ;)
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 July 12, 01:43:14
The World Cup is lame, anyway. Chariot racing is where it's at. Soccer/football has simply never produced a riot NEARLY as awesome as chariot racing has. I mean, chariot racing has the Nika riot. What does soccer have? A few random acts of hooliganism? PSSH.

Title: Re: FORZA ITALIA!!!! and some Make up advice ;)
Post by: virgali on 2006 July 12, 01:56:41

Well, the thing is I watch the sport for the pleasure of the sport itself, not because of the riots it is able to unleash... :D

Besides, "random acts of hooligans" can be pretty dangerous, well according to your standerds prolly not dangerous enough, but still.

Title: Re: FORZA ITALIA!!!! and some Make up advice ;)
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 July 12, 10:32:40
You call that dangerous? The best soccer riots can barely cause about 300 fatalities. Compare that to the best chariot racing riots, which have caused 30000 fatalities! Soccer is for wimps.

Title: Re: FORZA ITALIA!!!! and some Make up advice ;)
Post by: virgali on 2006 July 14, 12:28:42

All right, all right... I won't win this discussion from you anyways, tho I'd like to see you handle yourself in a footballmatch  :P
Maybe I oughta download Pescado sim againa and dress him up in some football outfit  :P

Anybody up to the challange to make a MATY football outfit and make a team? Would be Awesome. I would put Pescado as goalkeeper, like who would ever DARE to score? ;D