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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: MutantBunny on 2006 July 10, 19:11:19

Title: wandering lot??
Post by: MutantBunny on 2006 July 10, 19:11:19
First time since installing P2, ewent to my DT and there was a lot in the middle of the road!! I tried to move it into the bin but it craashed the game. Anyone have anything like this happen?

Title: Re: wandering lot??
Post by: ElfPuddle on 2006 July 10, 19:36:54
First time since installing P2, ewent to my DT and there was a lot in the middle of the road!! I tried to move it into the bin but it craashed the game. Anyone have anything like this happen?

I would love to help, but I don't know wat P2, DT and ewent mean. May I assume craashed is crashed?

Title: Re: wandering lot??
Post by: Venusy on 2006 July 10, 19:42:16
First time since installing P2, ewent to my DT and there was a lot in the middle of the road!! I tried to move it into the bin but it craashed the game. Anyone have anything like this happen?

I would love to help, but I don't know wat P2, DT and ewent mean. May I assume craashed is crashed?
Patch 2, Downtown, and "I went" respectively. And thank you for your translation in the other thread.

Title: Re: wandering lot??
Post by: ElfPuddle on 2006 July 10, 19:52:52
You're welcome (even though it appears I was incorrect. :) ) I guessed DT was downtown, but there are so many options!

MutantBunny installed OFBp2, started the game, went Downtown, and found a lot sitting in the middle of the road. Her/his attempt to move the lot into the bin crashed the game, and s/he's looking for help. Anyone?

Title: Re: wandering lot??
Post by: MutantBunny on 2006 July 10, 21:06:06
hm. So I typed too fast, and had to go. Sorry.

But, now really, it wasn't that big a leap from ewent to went and from DT to Down Town and P2 to patch 2.

No solutions, but ready criticism..... >:(

Title: Re: wandering lot??
Post by: ElfPuddle on 2006 July 10, 22:05:03
Not criticism. Help. I can't help with techie problems, because I'm a recovering techie-tard. But I figure, if I have to think twice before "getting" typos (and yes, I know you didn't mean to...), then maybe someone else needs help before they can help you. Besides, love, it's my job. *nods at title*

Take a look at my first post....."wat"? No one's perfect, least of all me. ;) :D ;D

Title: Re: wandering lot??
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 July 10, 22:14:56
I actually think the stupid-to-English translation posts have gone too far.  There's always been people who type fast and make mistakes/typo's (even El Presidente), but it doesn't mean it's stupid.  I'd much rather see it for the truly stupid posts.

Edit:  And ElfPuddle, it's not just you, there are a lot of people jumping on this bandwagon lately.