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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: striker on 2005 September 02, 13:14:39

Title: No romantic interactions?
Post by: striker on 2005 September 02, 13:14:39
I just started on my legacy house.  I'm trying to get my sim to marry an NPC without much luck.  I currently have 2 ladies available(amy the papergirl and Nicole a cashier from the community lot) but neither one is working.  I can interact with them just fine, talk, play, etc..  My daily relationships with them are both in the 95-100 range.  All I get is the friendly hug.  No romantic hug, no flirting, no kissing, no woohoo.  I tried using the macro:socialize:romantic, the red heart will appear in the que and then disappear without any interaction.

Any idea's?

Title: Re: No romantic interactions?
Post by: C.S. on 2005 September 02, 13:37:51
The papergirl and cashier are both teenagers, were you trying to get an adult to romance them? If you are, then the option isn't available because adults can't have romantic relations with teenagers.

Title: Re: No romantic interactions?
Post by: Oddysey on 2005 September 02, 15:08:10
I think this is normal. Prima Guide (not a definitive authority by any means, but useful for confirmation) says that the cashier won't have romantic interactions available while on duty, unlike other NPCs. Try interacting with them while they are off duty. (for the papergirl, invite her over, as if she enters the lot to deliver the paper she's on duty for the duration of the visit and will leave if you stop interacting with her, rather than doing "random visitor crap") If they're still being weird, (and it's a teenager doing the romancing, as CS said) that's a bad thing.

If you can't resolve this issue, try ordering delivery pizza, chinese food, or groceries. If all of your standard delivery persons are male, either inviting the ones you know over to your house before ordering, which forces the game to pick/generate a new one, or just order it several times. Alternatively, you can invite the maid over before he or she would normally arive, which also forces the game to give you a different one for that day.

Title: Re: No romantic interactions?
Post by: striker on 2005 September 02, 15:38:43
Teens huh, I'll need to check it with SIMPE.

If so, they will be taking a little trip to UNI to be available for down the line.  Hate doing that work for nothing.

Title: Re: No romantic interactions?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 September 02, 20:08:12
Get Moveinall, then invite them to move in.  Grow them up and then you can woohoo all you want!

Title: Re: No romantic interactions?
Post by: striker on 2005 September 02, 20:39:05
ZZ, thats not the point of a legacy challenge.  I will probably use them at some point as part of the bloodline, but i want to stay as close as i can to the intent of the challenge..

Title: Re: No romantic interactions?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 September 02, 20:45:38
Sorry, but I can't see the difference between using hacks and messing with files in SimPE!

Title: Re: No romantic interactions?
Post by: Hook on 2005 September 02, 20:58:14
*Checking* in SimPE isn't cheating, as long as nothing is modified.  But you don't need to check... all the cashiers and newspaper delivery people are teens.

Have a look at if you haven't already. :)


Title: Re: No romantic interactions?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 September 02, 21:09:17
Even without SimPE, I knew that.  And you can get simteens to fall in love with George, but he's not really a very nice sim, you know!

I don't do challenges, but I was just pointing out that the only way you can grow a teen Townie up is with moveinall or altering their files.  You therefore need to stick to the NPCs mentioned by Odyssey, plus the maid and repairpersons etc., and the townies who appear after work!

Title: Re: No romantic interactions?
Post by: Ness on 2005 September 02, 22:12:01
teen townies can be sent to uni without any cheats at all - they become playable sims and can then be married off to anyone...  I've done this quite often, myself...


Title: Re: No romantic interactions?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 September 02, 22:15:55
I forgot about that, since I never do it!  Ooops!

I might send George, though, as despite him not being very nice, I quite like him and with a different aspiration..........

Title: Re: No romantic interactions?
Post by: C.S. on 2005 September 03, 04:20:06
teen townies can be sent to uni without any cheats at all - they become playable sims and can then be married off to anyone... I've done this quite often, myself...

It always cracks me up to see them getting out of the taxi, still wearing their green aprons, like they didn't have time to change and went straight from work to college :D.

Title: Re: No romantic interactions?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 September 03, 11:36:52
Well, if you invite George over, as I've done on many occasions, he always arrives in his green apron!  I don't think he has any other clothes apart from his swimming trunks!

Title: Re: No romantic interactions?
Post by: C.S. on 2005 September 03, 11:53:39
More like he has clothes but can't change them since he's a non-playable character. I used to grab townies walking by with the mind control mirror and using testingcheats, go through what pieces of clothings are available without buying any and changed their clothes and looks. Now with JMP's clothing tool, it's much easier  ;). It's just too bad for these characters to share a big wardrobe with other npcs/townies but have no way to access it without player intervention  :-\.

Title: Re: No romantic interactions?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 September 03, 12:00:19
Well, George isn't bad-looking for a Maxis creation, so whatever he wears he doesn't look too bad, but I defy anyone to improve the appearance of Komei without plastic surgery!

Title: Re: No romantic interactions?
Post by: C.S. on 2005 September 03, 12:07:58
Heeheehee, that's true. It's his nose (Komei), otherwise he looks fine. At least he's not of the ugly and boring variety like Sandy Bruty, Melissa Fancey and Brandon Lillard just to mention a few. It's amazing the kind of wonders a nose job does. I finally caved and gave him one, swapped it instead of tweaking it.

Title: Re: No romantic interactions?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 September 03, 12:11:09
It just annoys me, when you look at the noses, mouths and chins in CAS, there are so few normal sized ones to choose from, and all those enormous ugly ones!  I've tried and tried to make a really cute snub nose, but it never really works, and unfortunately if you give parents a normal size nose, their offspring look like aliens with almost no nose at all!

Title: Re: No romantic interactions?
Post by: C.S. on 2005 September 03, 12:29:04
I don't mind slightly less than average looking sims (hey, I kept Ty Blubber), so long as they don't have the 'Gordon King' or 'Brandon Lilliard' genes. Brandon looks worse than Goopy, to me at least. Try giving him an extreme make-over and you realise you can't keep any original parts because it's beyond salvaging! So far, Komei is the only sim to undergo surgical enhancement, and even then, I gave him a nose close to his old one. He just had a set of twins (courtesy of twins-only hack by Merola) with Nina Caliente, the kids came out not looking as nice as the previous set in a previous version of gameplay; the previous set inherited Nina's looks, I thought they looked monkey-ish, the latest set looked like Sandy Bruty's somehow pollinated their genes pool (even though she's been deleted with SimPE) but without the circus-freak mouth. I hope they grow out of it, the way seemingly ugly kids in the game do, as i don't intend to change born-in-game sims' looks surgically.

... and unfortunately if you give parents a normal size nose, their offspring look like aliens with almost no nose at all!

Um, so did the offspring grow their nose out when they got older?

Title: Re: No romantic interactions?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 September 03, 12:36:08
Well, usually they look better as teens and adults, but not sure about the latest toddler to grow up!  Both parents are quite good-looking, both half-brothers are ok, but then since I created them in CAS their genes aren't related, but this little girl is definitely UGLY!

Title: Re: No romantic interactions?
Post by: C.S. on 2005 September 03, 12:41:12
"Little girl" - well, there is hope yet she'll grow out of her ugly duckling phase  :). The previous set of Caliente twins in a previous version of gameplay I mentioned grew up to look like their monkey-ish looking mother....

Title: Re: No romantic interactions?
Post by: striker on 2005 September 03, 13:21:50
I've verified it, they are teens.  darn the bad luck.  Anyway, I've used SIMpe for information purposes only.  I've not changed any datafile.

Thanks Hook for the link.

I'm not doing the challenge by the book.  I do have quite a few of JMP's hacks.  I just want to keep to the general idea of it.

Title: Re: No romantic interactions?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 September 03, 16:26:09
Well, if you're not going by the book, you could remove on hack and put in Moveinall, then as soon as you've moved in the teens you want, you can swop back - and the townie or NPC teens get a chance to apply for scholarships before they go to Uni!

Title: Re: No romantic interactions?
Post by: Renatus on 2005 September 03, 18:11:44
Komei looks fine without surgery - give him the short, slicked back hair in black and the thick-framed glasses and you have an instant Clark Kent. This is especially amusing when he turns out to be Captain Hero. X)

Title: Re: No romantic interactions?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 September 03, 18:32:24
Well, I guess it depends who's playing Clark Kent!

Title: Re: No romantic interactions?
Post by: Renatus on 2005 September 03, 20:37:48
True. He's certainly no Christopher Reeve, more a generic comicbook superhero. He's definitely a lot better that way then he is with the chin-length red hair, though!

Title: Re: No romantic interactions?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 September 03, 22:33:47
The only time I put him in my game, I moved him in with a nasty Scorpio romance sim called Lucrezie de la Mort, in the hopes I could entice her to start killing off all the townies!  But she fell for him, so I changed his appearance a bit - gave him a beard and the dark red suit without a shirt and he wasn't too bad.  He even stopped kicking over dustbins because he was crazy about Lucrezie and they had enough cash to keep buying stuff.  In the end I had to move them into a bigger house with Joe Carr who was lodging with them, bought them a telescope and both of the idiots got abducted on the same night!  Joe had twins!!!!!  It was hilarious!

Title: Re: No romantic interactions?
Post by: Bane~Child on 2005 September 04, 06:55:33
It's funny, but I tried one of the shop at home kits and when I set it up, George was the cashier that came.  The problem was when I closed up shop, he didn't leave.  He hung around for about 3 days with the family, showered, ate and mostly spent his time jamming on the instruments - in his apron of course. I had TwoJeff's energy sculpture, just so I would not have to let him sleep anywhere.  I had to get Merola's mirror so I could control him.  Just as I was about to banish him, he up and announced he was going to run away - Huh?  I caught him and had him call and get scholarships, then leave for college.  For a time, he remained invisibly stuck on the lot, it was like being haunted by George. 

He is rather one of the nicer looking teens, though.  You can't tell until you catch one and hold them under a street light.  They look normal from the front view, but then you get a glance at their profile and they're flattened like a brick wall met them head on.  The blond teen in Strangetown, that has the same coloring and hair as George, Edward Fuchs, is the homeliest duck under the hair and his profile is actually concave - but he's quite the romancer with the teen girls.