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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: songsmith on 2006 July 09, 02:21:03

Title: Eyes don't enlarge when they should
Post by: songsmith on 2006 July 09, 02:21:03
Please bear with me since I lack the language to describe things. I have DL-ed some eyes that I absolutely love. The problem comes when the sims pillow fight or primp or *gasp* smustle or perform any other action that makes them open their eyes wide.

On Maxis' default eyes, the eye appears to enlarge for these actions. The eyes I like to use don't seem to do so.  The attached photo explains it better than I could. The model on all save one is male. You can see where make-up makes it even worse (eye on lower RH corner).

Someone told me that this occurs because of the shading the modder did on the eye. I know it would remove a good part of the shading, but could an eye like this be recolored to fix just the weird 'eyelid" parts? Or would it be better just to do another eye? I've never recolored an eye, but I really like the color of a few of the eyes that this person did and hate to lose them.

I take lots of pictures, and this situation has finally started to bug me a lot. Now I dont trust any "realistic" looking eye because I don't want to be stuck with this problem.


Title: Re: Eyes don't enlarge when they should
Post by: nectere on 2006 July 09, 03:33:35
I would either clone it in bodyshope and take a look at it, or if you arent simpe impaired open up the package in simpe and take a look at the texture. It almost appears that they put an eyelid on it.

Title: Re: Eyes don't enlarge when they should
Post by: songsmith on 2006 July 10, 12:28:47
Thanks, you two! I have only ever tried to recolor clothing, so I'm nervous about anything else.

I started using Lyran's eyes now, too. There is just one particular eye that I really like.  It's very close to my own eye color, so it's on my simself, and I also used it on Will Shakespeare in my legacy.

I will try to clean that one up. If I can't, then Will might have to have simsurgery. I can't take those eyelids in the middle of an open eye any longer! *shudders*

I lurk, too. I'm not knowledgeable enough to do anything else!

Title: Re: Eyes don't enlarge when they should
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 July 11, 05:57:39
Maybe that eyelid you're seeing is the second eyelid that closes to protect the eyes from bright lights.

Title: Re: Eyes don't enlarge when they should
Post by: songsmith on 2006 July 11, 07:09:40
Cool! Nictating membranes--the added advantage for vampires!  :D

I looked at the file and, sure enough, the eyelid is drawn around the eye. I'll play with it in PSP when I get a chance and see if I can fix it and still keep it looking decent.

Title: Re: Eyes don't enlarge when they should
Post by: jrd on 2006 July 11, 07:39:25
Maybe that eyelid you're seeing is the second eyelid that closes to protect the eyes from bright lights.

Should only work for copper-based blood using lifeforms though.

Title: Re: Eyes don't enlarge when they should
Post by: Avalikia on 2006 July 11, 08:18:02
Lol, Jordi.  Actually lots of animals have extra eyelids.  In fact humans actually have them - all though they're so tiny they don't work at all.  Take a good look at the inner corners of your eyes sometime and you can just barely see them - they're the wet pink things.  Lol, I'm a biology major and I know more than anyone ought to about that sort of thing.

Frankly, I think that those custom eyes you are a little freaky-looking.  Remindes me of that alien that had a mouth in its mouth.

Title: Re: Eyes don't enlarge when they should
Post by: Brynne on 2006 July 11, 09:12:56
I had some eyes like that on my sims.

Before, it looked like this:


And I hated it. So I photoshopped it to look like this:


Neither is particularly realistic, but the second scared me less than the first.

I did add some shading after that to make the white less blinding, but don't have pics. That's not the point, anyway. The point was, the eyes can be photoshopped to get that freaky wide-eyed sim look.  ;)

Title: Re: Eyes don't enlarge when they should
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 July 11, 09:21:14
Sims bug their eyes out more than is "natural", which is why it doesn't look natural. The non-naturalness is more an artifact of grossly exaggerated sim facial animations.

Title: Re: Eyes don't enlarge when they should
Post by: Li'l Brudder on 2006 July 11, 14:56:56
Brynne, that first picture looks like his eyes are being pulled into the man's head.

Title: Re: Eyes don't enlarge when they should
Post by: Brynne on 2006 July 11, 16:15:10
Brynne, that first picture looks like his eyes are being pulled into the man's head.

Which is exactly why I changed them.  :D

Title: Re: Eyes don't enlarge when they should
Post by: Li'l Brudder on 2006 July 11, 18:51:06
How could I have not discovered Lyran's eyes?  Wow.  I mean wow.  They look awesome.

Title: Re: Eyes don't enlarge when they should
Post by: Emma on 2006 July 11, 19:14:06
I use Syera's default eyes ( They look so nice in game :)

Title: Re: Eyes don't enlarge when they should
Post by: Li'l Brudder on 2006 July 11, 19:23:21
Yeah, I was thinking about using those a while back.

Title: Re: Eyes don't enlarge when they should
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 July 11, 22:15:32
I use Syera's default eyes ( They look so nice in game :)

Yea, those are nice -- I'm going to try them out.  Thanks for the link!

I just started using a new default set that's been posted in the last day or so at SexySims2 (don't know why they're not on MTS2, and I don't want to link to SS2 since not everyone here would have access) that are pretty nice.

Edit: the eyes were moved to MTS2.  Here's the link:

Title: Re: Eyes don't enlarge when they should
Post by: jrd on 2006 July 12, 07:41:50
Anyone have experience with Gunmod's defaults?

Title: Re: Eyes don't enlarge when they should
Post by: Emma on 2006 July 12, 09:04:59
I haven't even seen them Jordi. These default eyes look quite nice, I'm going to try them out later ( :)

Title: Re: Eyes don't enlarge when they should
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 July 12, 12:09:21
Anyone have experience with Gunmod's defaults?

Yea, I've used them.  They're ok, but many better defaults have come out since those were released.

Title: Re: Eyes don't enlarge when they should
Post by: songsmith on 2006 July 16, 19:18:53
Wow, I thought this was a silly topic for such a great modding forum! I'm glad I'm not the only one with this problem.

I gave up trying to fix Echo66's eyes. I lack talent/patience. Artesia, I looked at those ShinySims eyes and think I'll use those. My kid complained to me the other day because I had switched to the less realisticLyran eyes. I lthink Lyran's are quite nice, but we were spoiled by the eyes I had been using. I bet she likes these ShinySims ones.

Title: Re: Eyes don't enlarge when they should
Post by: nectere on 2006 July 16, 19:28:25
If you send me the boinked up eyes in question I may be tempted to fiddle with them.

Title: Re: Eyes don't enlarge when they should
Post by: SaraMK on 2006 July 16, 19:46:12
The best non-lidded, non-realistic but still very nice eyes are soulsliver's 101 eyes. I have them made default and the rest made genetic. I love those eyes.

MTS2 no longer has a picture of them in the thread, so you can take a look here: