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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: Final Warrior on 2006 July 08, 02:02:16

Title: Cheat box not opening
Post by: Final Warrior on 2006 July 08, 02:02:16
So I was starting up OFB. Hit Ctrl + Shift + C.

Nothing. Thought it was maybe a conflicting hack problem. Ran the Conflict Detector. Nothing. Closed some programs. Ran OFB again, tried to open the console cheat boc thing.

Still nothing.

Anyone know why this might be happening?

-- Griffinhart

Title: Re: Cheat box not opening
Post by: SaraMK on 2006 July 08, 02:13:23
Do you have CometCursor installed? That program takes over the Ctrl-C hotkey.

Look for any other programs that you have running in the background, and close them.

Title: Re: Cheat box not opening
Post by: dusty on 2006 July 08, 02:15:02

could be that?  ???

Title: Re: Cheat box not opening
Post by: Final Warrior on 2006 July 08, 02:22:41
Yes! That's the problem. I just downloaded CursorXp toda. Thanks for the help. *Glee!*

-- Griffinhart