More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => Peasantry => Topic started by: Database on 2006 July 07, 18:01:02

Title: My Stuff
Post by: Database on 2006 July 07, 18:01:02
All my stuff will be moved here:

Rip to shreds at your will. Just do it nicely ;)

Title: Re: My Stuff
Post by: syberspunk on 2006 July 07, 18:43:23
/me rips teh Database to shreds and makes some parrot stew. ARrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

Siblings: 4 brothers/0 sisters

This makes me laugh because of this (

Edward ( Pervert, eh? Sex. On the brain. Wet the bed, I'll bet - as a boy? No sisters.

Are you local? ;)

Quote: Love is the hardest drug; innocence, the greatest threat; difference, the only crime; and life, the worst punishment.

Awww... pauvre, pauvre, teeny tiny database... you're far too young to be this jaded. I told Lythdan in chat the other day... don't ever grow old. It's depressing. Nec disagrees. :P

I, like everyone else, strongly dislike some people and things.

Hehe. That's like 99% like the people here no? ;) Save for present company, everyone else is sheep!

I am a geek.

Huzzah! Geeks of the world, unite! 8-B

I play the recorder and the ocarina, except neither very well.

Ocarina... wait, I thought that was a mythical instrument from Zelda. Don't tell me you dress up like an elf and cosplay Link!? Hehehe, Just Kidding. ;D

Neat movies btw. I'm watchin some of them now. :D


Title: Re: My Stuff
Post by: Database on 2006 July 07, 19:07:05
/me rips teh Database to shreds and makes some parrot stew. ARrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
ARRR!!! Get ye mits off me feathers.

Awww... pauvre, pauvre, teeny tiny database... you're far too young to be this jaded. I told Lythdan in chat the other day... don't ever grow old. It's depressing. Nec disagrees. :P
I'm already slightly depressed, so nyeh. Except I'm currently in an excited and hyper state bewcause of my new release of the Auto Updater.
I, like everyone else, strongly dislike some people and things.
Hehe. That's like 99% like the people here no? ;) Save for present company, everyone else is sheep!
Baaaah. Oops, too late ;)

I play the recorder and the ocarina, except neither very well.
Ocarina... wait, I thought that was a mythical instrument from Zelda. Don't tell me you dress up like an elf and cosplay Link!? Hehehe, Just Kidding. ;D
You wish. :P I actually play a completely different style to Link - just wiki it :P

Neat movies btw. I'm watchin some of them now. :D