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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Paperbladder on 2006 July 05, 21:11:39

Title: Proposal Mood Requirements?
Post by: Paperbladder on 2006 July 05, 21:11:39
Something about TS2's been bugging me for a while, I've noticed that it's too easy to get someone to accept a proposal.  In TS1 you had to feed the sim, get them to go the bathroom and even then it sometimes wasn't accepted because they weren't in the mood.  Now in TS2 it's not even a challenge because you know they'll accept it 99.9% of the time.  Sure, I know that Sims age now but it seems that it's not even an accomplishment now.

I haven't exactly looked at the propose interaction with SimPE, but it keeps crashing before I could get to it.  Is there a minimum mood requirement for accepting a proposal or is it all based on STR and LTR?

Title: Re: Proposal Mood Requirements?
Post by: Jelenedra on 2006 July 05, 21:24:47
I think it has a mood requirement. But I think guests come over in a much better mood than they did in the Sims. In the original game, they beelined for any food you had out, and if you didn't feed them they left in 15 minutes.

Title: Re: Proposal Mood Requirements?
Post by: syberspunk on 2006 July 05, 22:51:57
Hrmmm... hehe, interesting. So how 'bout it Pescado? An 'harderproposal' or harderengagementandmarriage hack? :P

Because life's a bitch, and so's your fiancee, who dumps you at the altar and then you get raped by wild boars? ;D


Title: Re: Proposal Mood Requirements?
Post by: Jelenedra on 2006 July 05, 22:57:17
Heck, the weddings need crashers, hecklers, and that stalker that keeps shouting; "I object!"

Title: Re: Proposal Mood Requirements?
Post by: rohina on 2006 July 05, 23:17:10
Well, there is the opportunity for that last one if you invite an old boy/girlfriend to the wedding - they will slap people after the ceremony, which is quite amusing.

Title: Re: Proposal Mood Requirements?
Post by: ElfPuddle on 2006 July 06, 00:11:09
Just so long as the party crashers AREN'T the party crashers from TS1...the punks or the mime.

Title: Re: Proposal Mood Requirements?
Post by: kacidama on 2006 July 06, 00:12:27
I had a strange thing happened to my sims not long after the original game came out.  All the guests were waiting for the happy couple to take their wedding vows when a commotion at the other side of the lot caught my eye as the guests flocked to see what was happening.  One of the guests - a townie who had a crush on the groom - had collapsed and died (presumably with a broken heart) and grimmie was standing over her wearing a lei with the hula zombies by his side.
I remember it so clearly because it looked like grimmie was dressed for the occasion!

Title: Re: Proposal Mood Requirements?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 July 06, 01:50:50
Only time you'd get hula zombies is if someone dropped dead of old age, so your game was REALLY buggy. As for the proposal thing, well, maybe if you didn't always hold out for 100/100 before trying anything, it would be harder. 100/100 is as good as it gets! What more do you want? Plus there's the "platinum effect", which tends to eliminate all mood-based effects.

Besides, that was one stupidity they got RID of in TS1. What kind of idiot goes to somebody else's house to do all those things, anyway? I'd never go to somebody else's house and then eat their food. That's a good way to wind up dead.

Title: Re: Proposal Mood Requirements?
Post by: BeckerCheez on 2006 July 06, 02:26:19
I've had an engagement rejection between two people living with each other.  I think it had to do with the fact that the man was not in deep love with the woman, yet the woman was with the man.  I have footage of it in one of my Sim movies because I did not have it happen before.   ;D

Title: Re: Proposal Mood Requirements?
Post by: Paperbladder on 2006 July 06, 02:40:30
It doesn't take much longer to get 100/100 after you get the engagement option, and even at less than 100 LTR they still accept often.  It doesn't make any sense that a sim that doesn't want to get married will accept a Proposal no matter what.

Title: Re: Proposal Mood Requirements?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 July 06, 02:49:13
THAT is because the want/fear system is fundamentally disconnected from the game: There is no BHAV command that exists to test for the presence of a want/fear and modify a sim's reactions based on those.

Title: Re: Proposal Mood Requirements?
Post by: Emma on 2006 July 06, 08:26:31
I noticed in the basic Sims 2 game, no expansions, that it was easier to get dumped at the altar-especially by romance sims. Now it seems even they want to tie the knot! I think something has changed in the coding for unions since then.

Title: Re: Proposal Mood Requirements?
Post by: dusty on 2006 July 06, 08:37:07
I never thought it made any sense for sims to turn down a proposal from someone they were in love with and wanted to marry, just because they were a little hungry.

I noticed in the basic Sims 2 game, no expansions, that it was easier to get dumped at the altar-especially by romance sims. Now it seems even they want to tie the knot! I think something has changed in the coding for unions since then.

Maybe it's the dates thing - my romance sims roll up engagement etc wants on dates but not often otherwise.

Title: Re: Proposal Mood Requirements?
Post by: skandelouslala on 2006 July 06, 14:12:54
THAT is because the want/fear system is fundamentally disconnected from the game: There is no BHAV command that exists to test for the presence of a want/fear and modify a sim's reactions based on those.

And I'm still mad that the two are disconnected.  It was one of my biggest hopes before TS2 came out that the two would work hand in hand to an extent.  Then again I suppose their could be evils associated with that as well.

Title: Re: Proposal Mood Requirements?
Post by: Orikes on 2006 July 06, 15:33:56
I could see it causing as many problems as it fixes. I know very often I'll have sims roll up conflicting wants and fears. I had a family sim approaching elder-hood roll up a want to 'Have Baby' AND a fear 'Have Baby'. I've also had Fortune Sims roll up both the 'Quit Job' and 'Get Promotion' wants.

I personally love my little Pleasure Sim. His wants are always so simple. Play on couch. Go swimming. Play pool. Woohoo. Buy a toy.

Title: Re: Proposal Mood Requirements?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 July 06, 15:48:51
The mentality kinda reminds me of a retarded child, yes.

Title: Re: Proposal Mood Requirements?
Post by: skandelouslala on 2006 July 06, 19:38:29
I could see it causing as many problems as it fixes. I know very often I'll have sims roll up conflicting wants and fears. I had a family sim approaching elder-hood roll up a want to 'Have Baby' AND a fear 'Have Baby'. I've also had Fortune Sims roll up both the 'Quit Job' and 'Get Promotion' wants.

I personally love my little Pleasure Sim. His wants are always so simple. Play on couch. Go swimming. Play pool. Woohoo. Buy a toy.

Yeah but to an extent it's realistic to have those conflicting wants and fears...b/c sometimes people are like that in real life (and those people tend to be really annoying and you just want to slap the crap out of them b/c they never know what they want *cough*)  That aside though, I've never worked it out in my head how I envisioned the two being connected and working I just know that I wanted it to be.  :P

Fortune sims are retarded, have them sell one novel or painting and they immediatly get two clogged want to sell a novel/painting again and the other to quit their job.   

Title: Re: Proposal Mood Requirements?
Post by: sintrinity on 2006 July 08, 05:38:45
I don't know how much the mood requirements are but I had a rejection just today.  She was at 100/100 with her boyfriend (both in love) and while he accepted the engagement proposal he left her at the altar.  Orlando Centowski ( a family townie Sim no less).  I am pretty sure he was 100/100 with her too and the marriage proposal followed immediately after the engagement so I guess his mood must have dropped to some critical point during the engagement cinema.

Maybe it is just the cursed twin syndrome.  She is the non-heir twin of a legacy family and her luck has just been bad her whole life.  Her parents NEVER rolled wants about her while she was in college even though they did her "good" twin brother every day.  I know the relationship was good thanks to that phone hack "call friends". 

First day home from college, she starts a fire, gets demoted from a chance card and then gets dumped.

I think I see a satellite in her near future  ::)

Title: Re: Proposal Mood Requirements?
Post by: Paperbladder on 2006 July 08, 06:12:02
I believe they set Pleasure sims to live for the moment.  Essentially, it's the Slacker Aspiration that about 5 people requested.  Oh yeah, and the fact that it sort of promoted Nightlife could have something to do with its introduction.

It would be interesting if the percentages for acceptance could be altered for the aspiration, for example Family Sims will accept 100% of the time, Romance Sims will accept 25% at the time, Knowledge Sims are 50% plus skill points (Probably about 1% each point or something), Fortune Sims will not accept a proposal from poor sims, Pleasure Sims accept 75% plus 1% for each dream date with said sim, Popularity accepts 75% plus 3% for every friend the proposee has.  I doubt it's even possible, and people would just complain that they can't get a proposition to work.

Title: Re: Proposal Mood Requirements?
Post by: C.S. on 2006 July 08, 07:00:56
Talking about proposals, I had a weird glitch with the 'Surprise Engagement' interaction one time. The 2 sims in question had a 100/100 relationship and were in love with each other. Both rolled up a want to be engaged and married to each other while on a date downtown. I locked the wants, took them to Londonste and had the female propose 'surprise engagement' after placing their orders. Don't know if it's a bug with proposing at the table, but although he rejected the proposal, their wants (and the female's fear of getting rejected) were fulfilled. I made the male temporarily selectable and checked both their memories; he didn't remember being engaged, but his stats showed him as being engaged to the female anyway! The female on the other hand, instead of remembering the rejection, had the memory of getting engaged yet her relationships panel didn't reflect the engagement! Weird!

Title: Re: Proposal Mood Requirements?
Post by: IgnorantBliss on 2006 July 08, 07:45:47
According to the Prima guide for the original TS2 game:

Accepted if Sim B's:
1. Lifetime >75, Daily >75 and Mood >0, or,
2. Lifetime <75, Nice/Grouchy >9, and Mood >0, or,
3. Lifetime >75, Daily <75, Nice/Grouchy >7, and Mood >10

Accepted if Sim B's:
1. Lifetime >80, Daily >80, and Mood >5, or,
2. Lifetime 76-80, Nice/Grouchy >9, and Mood >15, or,
3. Lifetime >80, Daily <80, Nice/Grouchy >7, and Mood >15

Title: Re: Proposal Mood Requirements?
Post by: Kokopelli on 2006 July 09, 17:33:24
I did everything right and my poor sim still got shot down for an engagement to Heather Huffington! On the other hand she IS a major tart in my custom hood :P
 Maybe Ricky Cormier can get her to settle down hehe.l I did change him to popularity and he is bonkers about her!