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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: linolino on 2005 September 01, 17:26:04

Title: Money Orders included in Mailbox
Post by: linolino on 2005 September 01, 17:26:04
Hello! That's just an idea, and i think it would be cool.
J.M. made the Money orders as a Letter Object that you buy from misc.

What about modding the mailbox itself to contain the options of Money Orders? it would be very interesting...

Title: Re: Money Orders included in Mailbox
Post by: Oddysey on 2005 September 01, 17:41:04
Eegh. Over rides aren't a good thing. If you can avoid replacing an object, you avoid cheesing people off. Personally, I like the money order thing basically the way it is. Also, I am paranoid about mailboxes. NO TOUCHY THE MAILBOX! Mailbox bad . . .