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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: nikita on 2006 July 02, 17:41:00

Title: Weird camera issues
Post by: nikita on 2006 July 02, 17:41:00
Maybe I'm the first to have this.  I've looked everywhere and can't find a similar problem. 

As of late I'm having a problem taking photos with the University reward camera in that I agonize for minutes putting everyone in the perfect place, looking in the same direction, making sure the scenery and camera angle is perfect and then when I take the picture and look at the finished product, it is way too far to the left and cuts off half of my perfect picture!

This has been happening with both photo formats (portrait and landscape) and in all categories (normal, letter box, etc... though I don't even know the different between them).  I don't know why this is happening all of a sudden but it's making me very mad/sad because I am a photo-taking junkie and this is effing with my artistic ability!  >:(

If I remove my Camera folder from the My Documents/EA GAmes directory, will it regenerate and hopefully fix this problem?  Anyone else have any clue why this is happening?  ???

Title: Re: Weird camera issues
Post by: DrBeast on 2006 July 02, 17:51:23
I don't think the game regenerates the camera files, but you might be able to extract them from the game CD. If you browse around you may find them. Otherwise, GunMod had posted the original Maxis camera settings along with his custom ones, in case you wanted to revert to default. You'll find his camera mod over at MTS2.

Edit: link is here

Title: Re: Weird camera issues
Post by: Simsbaby on 2006 July 02, 18:07:11
Are you using a mac? This is a known problem and Aspyr is working on a patch.

Title: Re: Weird camera issues
Post by: nikita on 2006 July 02, 18:19:15
No, I'm too stupid to work a Mac.  I use a PC and my pictures have been fine before, it's just recently.  I've been searching my hacks folder to see if there is anything I could have downloaded to cause this but unless the inTeenimator has a new "mess up your screenshots" feature, I'm stumped.

Thanks for the link, DrBeast, I'll download it and see if it helps.

Title: Re: Weird camera issues
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 July 02, 18:49:09
I've been searching my hacks folder to see if there is anything I could have downloaded to cause this but unless the inTeenimator has a new "mess up your screenshots" feature, I'm stumped.

Title: Re: Weird camera issues
Post by: starrling on 2006 July 02, 19:58:03
JM, I have the kitten killer and I don't have any problems with the camera object.

Title: Re: Weird camera issues
Post by: ElfPuddle on 2006 July 02, 21:44:08
nikita, I don't know if it makes you feel better, but I hardly ever got the camera to work. I also had the same problem with painting portraits. My solution? 1) Don't use the camera  and 2) Don't zoom in on portraits.

And it isn't the kitten killer! I had the problem long before I had any kinds of hacks. So there.  :P

Title: Re: Weird camera issues
Post by: nikita on 2006 July 02, 23:16:26
nikita, I don't know if it makes you feel better, but I hardly ever got the camera to work. I also had the same problem with painting portraits. My solution? 1) Don't use the camera  and 2) Don't zoom in on portraits.

Yeah, that's not an option for me.  Taking photos and placing them on every bare wall and flat surface available is like crack for me.  If I couldn't do it, I'd be clawing at my skin trying to get the imaginary spiders off.  :(

And I'm sure it's not the inTeen because it's only one of many hacks I have (though most are from here) but also, it has absolutely nothing to do with the cameras in the game (so far as I know) and I refuse to believe this "kitten killing" claim unless I get some hard statistics on any correlation between the rise in kitten deaths and release of the inTeen.

I haven't tried painting a portrait in a while so I have no clue if that's been affected too.  I'm just going to replace my Cameras folder with GunMod's default and hope it works.  Whenever I get around to doing that...

Title: Re: Weird camera issues
Post by: jase on 2006 July 08, 15:33:40
Only small kittens are harmed, not cameras.