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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: MistyBlue on 2006 June 29, 13:47:57

Title: Critique My Story
Post by: MistyBlue on 2006 June 29, 13:47:57
I'm starting a story based on the book, The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver. It's my favorite book and I have been wanting to do this project for a long time. The first chapter isn't really done, but I wanted some opinions on what I could do better. I do know that I'm aweful at getting them to pose the way I want...until I found free will off, that is. lol

This first chapter is pretty confusing, it hints at many things and you never quite get it. OK, I'm's the link (

Title: Re: Critique My Story
Post by: gali on 2006 June 29, 14:35:05
Personally, I think it's very original idea - "illustrating" a novel, by using a game, which gives it a sense of mystery and tense.

And using the game, makes you arrange the poticular scenery, to show us the story plot. Another original idea.

I didn't read the novel, but I hope to enjoy reading it through your Sims illustrations...:).

Do continue, it has to be very interesting...:).

Title: Re: Critique My Story
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2006 June 29, 15:16:15
Interesting concept, but I can't help wondering about the legalities of it, with it being a recent novel - copyright, in other words.  Gave me an idea though, a competition to illustrate classic novels.  Now that would be a challenge ...

Title: Re: Critique My Story
Post by: MistyBlue on 2006 June 29, 15:51:29
Interesting concept, but I can't help wondering about the legalities of it, with it being a recent novel - copyright, in other words.

I thought about that, too. Which is why I hesitated so long. I've been trying to come up with ways to change the story around so that it has the same concepts and ideals, but my own version of it. The only thing that absolutely had to stay generally the same was the first and last chapter. I paraphrased, rewrote, and left out tons of stuff in the first chapter. And the last chapter is the first chapter through different eyes.

I like the setting and the history of the book, that's what has to stay the same...I hope I don't get into trouble...but with all the Harry Potter stories out there, I don't know.

Title: Re: Critique My Story
Post by: ari_ on 2006 June 29, 16:24:38
Interesting concept, but I can't help wondering about the legalities of it, with it being a recent novel - copyright, in other words. 

I wouldn't worry too much - consider the insane amounts of fanfiction that you can find online...

As long as there aren't extensive amounts quoted from the book, and the quotes that are there are properly attributed...

Title: Re: Critique My Story
Post by: ElfPuddle on 2006 June 29, 20:13:49
As long as you say over and over again that the work isn't yours...
As long as you say over and over again who owns the original...
As long as you immediately apologize and remove if ANYONE complains...

you're golden.

And I do mean ANYONE....don't wait for the author to sue.
Seriously, though, do you think all the people making Harry Potter ( (c) JK Rowling) sims and stories, objects and lots are paying royalties? I doubt it. No worries, MistyBlue, you're fine.

Title: Re: Critique My Story
Post by: gali on 2006 June 29, 21:38:26
May I suggest you, to "backup" yourself, before you get into some copyright trouble?

E-mail the author, on her site. Explain to her what you want to do, and emphasize that your site is a free site (you don't charge). You can add, that it may be good publicity to her novel.

Give her the link to your first chapter, as an example, and ask for permission to continue your project.

If she doesn't agree - you can delete the first chapter, and save yourself further frustration.

If she agrees - you are "backupped", and can continue the project.

Title: Re: Critique My Story
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 June 29, 22:04:13
As long as you say over and over again that the work isn't yours...
As long as you say over and over again who owns the original...
As long as you immediately apologize and remove if ANYONE complains...
I personally prefer the approach of mocking and lampooning the aforementioned work, which saves all the pleading and obsequiousness, since in that case, there's nothing they can do about it because parodies are legally protected.

Title: Re: Critique My Story
Post by: cwieberdink on 2006 June 29, 22:04:28
MistyBlue, I loved that book so much.  I have since gone back and read all of her books.  Each one of them is a gem to be savored.  I read them slowly, languidly.  Her prose can almost be described as delicious, it tastes so good.


Title: Re: Critique My Story
Post by: MistyBlue on 2006 June 29, 22:47:17
Cwieberdink- I first read that book when I was on a volunteer mission in the Phillipines. If I didn't have the exeriences of those girls to share in my misery and understanding, I probably would have quit! I read it once a year to remind myself of the fortune I have now...though very

I tried writing to her ages ago, but really, that woman is elusive! She leaves no trace of herself anywhere. Ah well, I'll have a go at it and abandon it if I should see anyone lurking around with shifty eyes.

Title: Re: Critique My Story
Post by: reggikko on 2006 June 30, 04:37:05
The Poisonwood Bible is in my top 10 of all-time favorite books, easily. Good work on the first installment, Misty.

Title: Re: Critique My Story
Post by: Ellatrue on 2006 July 02, 17:41:46
hmm... clicked on the link, went to the site, but for some reason, I couldn't see the first chapter... there were just a couple of links for recent posts and archives that I couldn't click on.

Title: Re: Critique My Story
Post by: MistyBlue on 2006 July 02, 19:47:00
Oh, sorry. I took it down because it wasn't finished, I just wanted some feedback. Besides that, I absolutely hate that blogger site. I'm making a page for it on my site.