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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: jafhsdf on 2006 June 29, 09:47:55

Title: blinking red/black walls
Post by: jafhsdf on 2006 June 29, 09:47:55
well i bought ffs a few days ago (why?! agh) and thought everything was going to be all great because i could have a jellyfish lamp. well it wasnt. why? because all my walls were blinking red and black (it looked really cool actually but when i uninstalled i lost the video of it :-\) and most of my objects were pitch black. since ive uninstalled it, now my lots from n. view are blue with a blinking red outline (once in the lot its fine). anyone know what could have caused this mass blinking problem, is there a way i can have my dreams of jellyfish lamps again?

Title: Re: blinking red/black walls
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 June 29, 10:47:38
I couldn't understand that at all. ElfPuddle, translate!

Title: Re: blinking red/black walls
Post by: Jorenne on 2006 June 29, 12:28:50
Lemme help out here.


I bought and installed Family Fun Stuff without reading the system requirements all because I wanted Jellyfish lamps.

My Video Card sucks and I have the known issue with FFS of flashing walls

I made a video of the flashing walls with the ingame camera, but when I uninstalled FFS, it deleted the video.

Can this be fixed so I can have Jellyfish Lamps.

Title: Re: blinking red/black walls
Post by: kacidama on 2006 June 29, 12:30:07
well i bought ffs a few days ago (why?! agh) and thought everything was going to be all great because i could have a jellyfish lamp. well it wasnt. why? because all my walls were blinking red and black (it looked really cool actually but when i uninstalled i lost the video of it :-\) and most of my objects were pitch black. since ive uninstalled it, now my lots from n. view are blue with a blinking red outline (once in the lot its fine). anyone know what could have caused this mass blinking problem, is there a way i can have my dreams of jellyfish lamps again?


I bought a copy of the Family Fun Pack because the jellyfish lamp looked like an object I would like in my game.
After installation the walls flashed red and black so I uninstalled it and the lots in the neighbourhood view are now blue with a red outline.
Does anyone know what could have caused this potential BFBVFS and is there any way I can reinstall the FFP without losing my game?

Did you completely uninstall the Sims2 because if you just uninstall FFP (which behaves like an expansion pack) it removes some items from the game.
Did you make a back up of your game before installing FFP? If not then you will lose everything and have to install it from scratch.

ETA - Jorenne's translation is probably more accurate lol

Title: Re: blinking red/black walls
Post by: jafhsdf on 2006 June 29, 17:49:20
i backed everything up before i installed ffs.

i uninstalled and then reinstalled everything again (except ffs) so everythings kinda back to normal

how much would a better video card cost?

Title: Re: blinking red/black walls
Post by: Simsample on 2006 June 29, 19:32:46
How long is a piece of string? It would depend on your mainboard, your finances and where you buy the card from. Do you know what mainboard you have?

Title: Re: blinking red/black walls
Post by: ElfPuddle on 2006 June 29, 20:03:30
Technical translation:
I bought Family Fun Stuff a few days ago. (Why, I don't know. It frustrates me....but I wanted the jellyfish lamp). I ended up with blinking red and black walls, (which were cool, and I made a video of it...but lost the video when I uninstalled the game.) and most of my objects were pitch black. I've since uninstalled the game and now my lots in the neighborhood view only are blue with a blinking red outline. Does anyone know what caused the blinking problems? Can I retain my dreams of jellyfish lamps?

Non-awesome translation:
Despite all the warnings, I bought FFS. I had the infamous blinking issues, and so I got rid of it. Now my lots are screwy (see ElfPuddle's thread) and I need a new video card.

Sorry, JM, I was at class and didn't know I was needed. Thanks to my subs for filling in for me.

Title: Re: blinking red/black walls
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2006 June 30, 03:54:58
Dunno if it's good or bad, but I had no problem at all understanding the original post.  THe part of it I didn't understand was why anyone would pay for FFS, that will forever remain a mystery.

Title: Re: blinking red/black walls
Post by: kacidama on 2006 July 01, 09:16:45
You can d/l it from the official site now - horror of horrors

Title: Re: blinking red/black walls
Post by: Jysudo on 2006 July 06, 07:14:22
I have a really good laugh reading this thread. It amuses me how everyone adds in their own interpretations of why the guy bought FFP. And amidst the translations, added in the questions and answers for him...

I am so enjoying these translations. We really ought to have a thread for ElfPuddle to compile them. I am sure I would have fun reading them  ;D

Title: Re: blinking red/black walls
Post by: jafhsdf on 2006 July 06, 10:05:37
I have a really good laugh reading this thread. It amuses me how everyone adds in their own interpretations of why the guy bought FFP. And amidst the translations, added in the questions and answers for him...

I am so enjoying these translations. We really ought to have a thread for ElfPuddle to compile them. I am sure I would have fun reading them  ;D

sadly im a girl...

Title: Re: blinking red/black walls
Post by: kacidama on 2006 July 06, 11:53:37
so have you solved the probs you had in the game?

Title: Re: blinking red/black walls
Post by: ElfPuddle on 2006 July 06, 17:30:32
I am so enjoying these translations. We really ought to have a thread for ElfPuddle to compile them. I am sure I would have fun reading them  ;D

*blushes* Thanks, Jysudo!

sadly im a girl...

Why is being a girl a sad thing? ;)

Title: Re: blinking red/black walls
Post by: Jysudo on 2006 July 07, 02:56:09
Ahhhh...I thought you are a guy lol  ;D Sooorrry.

Oooo...Elfpuddle certainly deserves her own thread. How about starting one? *egging you on*
Doubt JM will kill you for it. He needs a translator. And we needs a space for your achievements. They are seriously good.

Title: Re: blinking red/black walls
Post by: jafhsdf on 2006 July 07, 03:08:43
kacidama: yeah, i figured i can live without jellyfish lamps so it will never be installed again

ElfPuddle: because i hate being a girl once a month

Jysudo: dont worry about it lol

Title: Re: blinking red/black walls
Post by: Jysudo on 2006 July 07, 03:48:46
A word of advice: better change your graphics card if you are going to buy future EPs. This is because those EPs will follow the system specs of FFP.

Title: Re: blinking red/black walls
Post by: jafhsdf on 2006 July 07, 04:03:06
A word of advice: better change your graphics card if you are going to buy future EPs. This is because those EPs will follow the system specs of FFP.
true... never thought of that. ill have to look into how much they are and then go from there