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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: McNyree on 2006 June 26, 15:40:39

Title: Helloo......another question everyones PROBABLY tired of answering...please help
Post by: McNyree on 2006 June 26, 15:40:39
Helloo all!!!!!!!!

I am new...

There's a problem that has been bothering me for quite some time. I have a family of sims...a lineage of about 14 sims that i have meet, or created, and married off. One sim, my first sim creation, when the game first came out is still alive( i have kept this sim for about 2 years). This sim is the root of the family line. I intended this family line to become an entire town, with the exception of NPC sims, (though it would be cool if my sim town had like family children delivering the newspaper all under the same last name.) However, i moved this root sim to strangetown and didn't like it there and moved the sim back to pleasantview and she lost all family relationships. Now she's attracted to her children and grandchildren!, not knowing they are her relations but connected in the family tree.

it is very hard keeping this sims under control away from dating interactions with family members. Also some children moved with this sim to strangetown and their family ties were severed as well.

how do i restore these sims as family members with the "family" symbol in the relationship panel without using simspe, because i don't know how to use it, and have never downloaded it.

Title: Re: Helloo......another question everyones PROBABLY tired of answering...please help
Post by: starrling on 2006 June 26, 16:10:56
If you use Insimenator I think there's a module that lets you re-link family ties. 

Edit:  here's the link to the documentation for "family tree" which is what you might want -

Title: Re: Helloo......another question everyones PROBABLY tired of answering...please help
Post by: Jelenedra on 2006 June 26, 16:46:04
That's why you don't move sims from neighborhood to neighborhood.  ;)

You should be able to relink them in SimPe as well.

Title: Re: Helloo......another question everyones PROBABLY tired of answering...please
Post by: Ambular on 2006 June 26, 18:31:57
Oh dear.  I'm afraid you have a bigger problem.  Strangetown and Pleasantview's neighborhood files are now going to be cluttered with dummy memory and relationship entries for every Sim your root Sim has ever met in either place.  And if you've moved other Sims around the same way, it will be exponentially worse.  I hope you've got NL and all the Critical Fixes installed, which will help stave off a Fireball Visible From Outer Space, but don't be too surprised if you start getting mysterious errors and those neighborhoods eventually become unplayable...

Title: Re: Helloo......another question everyones PROBABLY tired of answering...please help
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2006 June 26, 21:13:01
As Amber said, you shouldn't have done this!  If you want to try a Sim out in another neighbourhood, the best way is to package their lot and leave the original Sim where they are.  Even then, you still need to remove all the excess files with Clean Installer before adding the lot to the game, plus remove all memories pertaining to Sims from the original neighbourhood.

You can remove all these excess files, but you will need to use either SimPE or TS2 Enhancer to do it.  Unfortunately, there's no easy way around it.  When I first started playing I moved the Goths to Strangetown and back to Pleasantview (together with 'Strangetown Bella', who ended-up marrying Alexander, but that's another story ...) and I had to remove all the excess character files, plus all the memories pertaining to Unknown.  It's not complicated when you know how, but for a beginner it might seem very daunting. 

Title: Re: Helloo......another question everyones PROBABLY tired of answering...please help
Post by: ElfPuddle on 2006 June 26, 23:13:20
OOOHHHH!!! Welcome to the land of the fubar'd game. Sorry.

Title: Re: Helloo......another question everyones PROBABLY tired of answering...please help
Post by: wishy-washy on 2006 June 27, 14:37:10
Yep, you've most definitely created a BFBDVFS.