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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: bloodstainedkisses on 2006 June 26, 02:53:44

Title: Ahhhh! I can't interact in the game! ><
Post by: bloodstainedkisses on 2006 June 26, 02:53:44
Okay, so I was going to decorate a baby's nursery... and I clicked on collections in build mode, and it froze up. So I tried clicking into live mode, and it was still frozen. I've got the game in a smaller window, but now with my sim she can't interact with her wife, or I can't even switch over to another sim! I don't want to quit without saving, so... any fixes? ><

The only way to unpause, is to hit the p button. -Pokes her game- I may quit, but... I don't know if this is going to fix it. ><

Title: Re: Ahhhh! I can't interact in the game! ><
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 June 26, 03:04:21
There's nothing really else you can do for the moment except exit without saving and try the lot again.

Title: Re: Ahhhh! I can't interact in the game! ><
Post by: bloodstainedkisses on 2006 June 26, 03:12:33
-Sigh of relief- It fixed it. <33